
List of Gods : "c" - 617 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Greek A son of Aetolus and Pronoe, married to Aeolia, by whom he became the father of Epicaste and Protogeneia. He was regarded as the founder of the Aetolian town of Calydon. Greek
Hero name
Greek A surname of Dionysus, whose image was carried from Calydon to Patrae and of Meleager, the hero in the Calydonian hunt.
Nymph name
Greek Under this name we find in Hesiod (Theogony 359) a daughter of Oceåñuś and Tethys, and in Apollodorus (Apollodorus i.) a daughter of Nereus, while the Homeric Calypso is described as a daughter of Atlas. This last Calypso was a nymph inhabiting the island of Ogygia, on the coast of which Odysseus was thrown when he was shipwrecked. Greek
God name
Indian The God of love and marriage. Indian
God name
Aztec A god of war & fire as well as of one of of the 4 gods that created the world
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico God. See also MIXCOATL-CAMAXTLI....
God name
"Camaxtli aka Mixcoatl-Camaxtli"
Aztec A god of hunting, war, fate and fire and one of the four creator gods, who made the earth. He leads human sacrifices and warriors who have been slain in battle to the eastern sky, where they become stars. Aztec
Monster name
Mayan The cult of Camazotz worshipped an anthropomorphic monster with the body of a human, head of a bat. The bat was åśśociated with night, death, and sacrifice. Mayan

"Cambalo's Ring"
Greek Given him by his sister Canace. It had the virtue of healing wounds.

Hebrew The offspring of incubus and succubus. Hebrew
Nymph name
Roman Aka Casmenae, Carmenae Carmentis, prophetic nymphs. Two of the Camenae were Antevorta and Postvorta. The third was Carmenta or Carmentis, a prophetic and healing divinity. Roman
Goddess name
Roman Goddesses of springs, wells and fountains, or water nymphs of Venus . They were wise, and sometimes gave prophecies of the future. There were four Camenae: Carmenta, Egeria, Antevorta, and Postvorta. Roman
King name
Roman Of the Volsci was the daughter of king Metabus and Casmilla. Driven from his throne, Metabus was chased into the wilderness by armed Volsci, his infant daughter in his hands. The river Amasenus blocked his path, and, fearing for the child's welfare, Metabus bound her to a spear. He promised Diana that Camilla would be her servant, a warrior virgin. He then safely threw her to the other side, and swam across to retrieve her. Roman
God name
Maya The bat god
Cyclop name
Greek A monster which was appointed in Tartarus to guard the Cyclops. It was killed by Zeus when he wanted the åśśistance of the Cyclops against the Titans. Diodorus mentions a monster of the same name, which was slain by Dionysus, and which Nonnus identifies with the former. Greek
Goddess name
Gaul / Roman The name of a lost goddess of fields
Goddess name
"Campestres aka Matres Campestris"
Britain Campestres aka Matres Campestris, the Three Mothers, triple goddess of fertility and abundance usually depicted as holding bread and fruits and personifying the ancestor mothers of a family. Britain

Mayan A bird that ate the heads of the first men. Mayan
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