Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Muso Koroni (the pure woman with the primeval soul)" | Bambara / Mali, West Africa | Chthonic fertility goddess. The mother of all living things, she introduced mankind to the principles of farming. She has a terrifying appearance, depicted either in human form, sometimes with many breasts (cf. ARTEMIS at Ephesus), or as a panther. In the latter guise she uses her claws to bring on menstruation in women and to cirçúɱcise both sexes. Prior to cirçúɱ cision a youth is said to possess wanzo, an untamed wildness. Muso Koroni is pursued by the Sun god, PEMBA, who impregnates her in the form of a tree (Acacia albida). Also Mousso Coronie.... |
"Naastrand" | Norse | Naastrand [The spéñïś of corpses]. A place of punishment for the wicked after Ragnarok. Norse |
God name "Nabu" | Mesopotamia | God of wisdom and writing, worshipped by Babylonians as the son of Marduk and his consort, Sarpanitum, and as the grandson of Ea. Nabu's consort was Tashmetum. Mesopotamia |
God name "Nachunde" | Elamite / Iran | Sun god. Nagakumara... |
God name "Nairyosangha" | Iran | God of fire Iran |
Angel name "Nakeer and Munkar" | Arabic | Two black angels of appalling aspect, the inquisitors of the dead. The Koran says that during the inquisition the soul is united to the body. If the scrutiny is satisfactory, the soul is gently drawn forth from the lips of the deceased, and the body is left to repose in peace; if not, the body is beaten about the head with iron clubs, and the soul is wrenched forth by racking torments. |
Nymph name "Nana" | Greek | A nymph of Sangarius, a river located in present-day Turkey. She became pregnant when an almond from an almond tree fell on her lap. The almond tree had sprung where Agdistis, a mythical being connected with the Phrygian worship of Attes, was slain. Agdistis was a son of Cybele, the Mother of all things. Nana abandoned the baby, who was adopted by his grandmother, Cybele. The baby, Attis, grew up to become Cybele's servant and lover. Greek |
God name "Nandi(n) (rejoicing)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Bull god. Generally åśśociated with S IVA as a bull-vehicle and an embodiment of fertility. Color: white. The image usually stands in an anteroom of the temple guarding the place where the statue of S iva is located. A S iva devotee touches the image's testicles on entry to a shrine. In anthropomorphic form he may be known as Nandisa.... |
God name "Napir" | Elamite / Iran | moon god. Known from inscriptions.... |
God name "Napir Elamite" | Iran | The moon god |
God name "Nara" | Hindu / Puranic / Epic | Minor incarnation of the god of Visnu |
God name "Nara (man)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Minor incarnation(s) of the god VISNU. Some authorities place these as separate avataras, but they are usually linked.... |
God name "Naraaana" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Creator god. More or less synonymous with VIS'NU, but specifically describing the embodiment of the abode of man. He is said to have sucked his toe while sailing the primeval ocean on a banana leaf, until his own inspiration created the world. Often depicted supported by the bird god GARUDA.See also NARA.... |
Deity name "Narada (giver of advice)" | Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic | Minor but popular deity. Narada is depicted as a sage who is also a messenger and teacher. Born from the head, or throat, of BRAHMA, and alternatively a minor incarnation of V IS'NU. In various roles he is a guardian deity of women, a musician and a wanderer. Narada, often bearded, is generally depicted standing with the musical instrument which is his invention, the vina (lute). By contrast to his benign nature he is also described as a maker of strife and as vile. Also Kali-karaka; Pisuna.... |
Goddess name "Narasinha (man-lion)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Incarnation of the god Vis'nu. The fourth avatara of the god is depicted as a man-lion hybrid. According to legend, the demonic king Hiranyakasipu had taken on a dangerous invulnerability. To thwart this, VIS'NU took the form of Narasinha and hid inside a pillar of the king's palace whence he sprang, capturing Hiranyakasipu and tearing out his entrails. IconographicalIy, the scene is portrayed with the victim thrown across Narasinha's lap and the god's claws plunged into his body. Narasinha may also appear seated in a yoga position with the goddess LAKSMI on his knee.... |
Goddess name "Narasinhi" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Mother goddess. A SAKTI of NARASINHA who is one of a group of ASTAMATARA mothers. In another grouping, one of nine NAVASAKTIS who, in southern India, rank higher than the SAPTAMATARAS. Also CANDIKA.... |
Goddess name "Narasinhi/ Chandika" | Hindu / Puranic / Epic | A mother goddess |
God name "Narayana" | Hindu / Puranic / Epic | A creator god thought to be synonymous with business |