Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Mangala (auspicious)" | Hindu | (1) Astral god. Personification of the planet MARS. Depicted by a chariot drawn by eight red fire-horses. According to some authors Mangala is a form of the god S IWA in his cruel aspect. Attributes: club and lotus. Three-eyed.(2) Goddess. A form of PARWATI. She rides upon a lion and may bear up to ten arms, carrying arrow, mirror, moon disc, rosary, shield and sword. Three-eyed.... |
Planet name "Mangalla" | India | Stellar deity who rules the planet Mars India |
God name "Mangalubulan" | Batak | God of thieves. Batak |
God name "Mangar-kunjer-kunja" | Australia | A lizard god who created humans. He found the first beings, Rella manerinja, on one side of a hill; they were fused together and he separated them with a knife and cut holes for their mouths, ears, and noses, then gave them the knife, spear, shield, fire, boomerang, and the tjurunga, and lastly gave them a system of marriage. Australia |
"Mani" | Norse | moon or Maane. Brother of Sol (the Sun, feminine), and both were children of the giant Mundilfare. Norse |
God name "Mani" | Germanic / Nordic / Icelandic | moon god. He guides the chariot of the moon through the night sky and is involved in the downfall of the world at Ragnarok.... |
"Mania" | Etruscan | An ancient and formidable Italian, probably Etruscan, divinity of the lower world, is called the mother of the Manes or Lares |
Spirit name "Mania" | Etruscan | An ancient and formidable Italian, probably Etruscan, divinity of the lower world, is called the mother of the Manes or Lares. As regards her being the mother of the Manes or Lares, the idea seems to have been, that the souls of the departed on their arrival in the lower world became her children, and either there dwelt with her or ascended into the upper world as beneficent spirits. |
God name "Manibozho" | Algonquin | The Great Hare, a trickster god, and founder of their magical worship. He is also regarded as the inventor of fishing, hieroglyphs, and as the creator of the earth. Algonquin |
Deity name "Manidhara" | Buddhist | Minor deity and Lokeshvara's attendant. Tibetan Buddhist |
God name "Manidhara (holding a gem)" | Buddhist / Mahayana | Minor god. An attendant of SADAKSARI. Attributes: jewel and lotus.... |
Goddess name "Manisha" | Indian | Goddess of mind; intelligence, desires and wishes. Indian |
Deities name "Manito" | Ojibwa / Canada | Creator being. One of a number of very powerful beings all identified by the same title. These deities include the four winds, the thunderbirds, the underwater manitos and the heroic god NANABOZHO. They are the ultimate source of existence and are essential to the continuance of life. It is necessary for mankind to maintain close communication with them.... |
Spirit name "Manito/ Manitou/ Manitu" | Lapiti / Algonquin / Lakota / Ojibiwa & other tribes | The Great spirit |
Spirit name "Manitou" | Algonquin | Manito, Manitu, in traditional Algonquian First Nations culture, is the Great spirit, the Creator of all things and the Giver of Life. "Manitou" is an Algonquin word for "spirit", and "Gitche Manitou" means "Great spirit". |
Spirit name "Manitu" | Algonquin Indian / USA | Creator god. A vaguely defined being who controls all things and imparts knowledge to the tribe. He may be identified as the great spirit in the sky. Probably similar to MANITO.... |
"Manjughosa" | Buddhist | Speaks from the depths of Enlightened awareness and transforms wrong views into Wisdom. A Buddhist Bodhisattva |
God name "Manjughosa (sweet sounding)" | Buddhist | God. Form of the god MANJUSRI and an emanation of AKSOBHYA. Attended by a lion. Color: white or gold. Attributes: arrow, bell, blue lotus, Book, bow, image of Aksobhya, staff and sword.... |