
List of Gods : "Name" - 988 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Hero name
Greek The name of a Scythian divinity whom Herodotus identifies with the Greek Apollo. (Herodotus, iv.) Greek
Hero name
Greek A son of Amphianax, and grandson of Antimachus of Argos. The Laconian town of Oetylus was believed to have received its name from him, and he there enjoyed heroic honours. Greek

Greek A personification of dream, and in the plural of dreams. According to Homer Dreams dwell on the dark spéñïśs of the western Oceåñuś, and the deceitful dreams come through an ivory gate, while the true ones issue from a gate made of horn. Hesiod (Theogony. 212) calls dreams the children of night, and Ovid, who calls them children of Sleep, mentions three of them by name, viz. Morpheus, Icelus or Phobetor, and Phantasus. Euripides called them sons of Gaea, and conceived them as genii with black wings. Greek

Greek The Carian name of Zeus at Mysala, in whose temple a sea-wave was seen from time to time.
Spirit name
Japanese Is a divinity in Japanese Shinto. His name literally translates to "Great Land Master", and he was originally the ruler of Izumo Province, until he was replaced by Ninigi. In compensation, he was made ruler of the unseen world of spirits and magic. He is believed a god of nation-building, farming, business and Medicine.

Greek That is, the flesh-eater, a surname of Dionysus, to whom human sacrifices were offered in Chios and Tenedos. Greek

Greek I. e. the Rain-giver, a surname of Zeus, under which he had an altar on Mount Hymettus in Attica. Greek
Angel name
Aramaic An angel whose name can be found written on Aramaic love charms.

Roman A female Roman divinity of plenty and fertility, as is indicated by her name, which is connected with opimus opulentus, inops, and copia. She was regarded as the wife of Saturnus, and, accordingly, as the protectress of every thing connected with Agriculture. Her abode was in the earth, and hence those who invoked her, or made vows to her, used to touch the ground, and as she was believed to give to human beings both their place of abode and their food, newly-born children were recommended to her care.
King name
Christian Seven appeared in chaos, androgynous. They have their masculine names and their feminine names. The feminine name is Pronoia (Forethought) Sambathas, which is 'week'. And his son is called Yao: his feminine name is Lordship. Sabaoth: his feminine name is deity. Adonaios: his feminine name is kingship. Elaios: his feminine name is Jealousy. Oraios: his feminine name is Wealth. And Astaphaios: his feminine name is Sophia (Wisdom). These are the seven forces of the seven heavens of chaos. And they were born androgynous, consistent with the immortal pattern that existed before them, according to the wish of Pistis: so that the likeness of what had existed since the beginning might reign to the end. Christian / Gnostic. The Nag Hammadi
Nymph name
Greek nymphs of the mountains, with names appropriate to the district they inhabit. Greek

Norse One of the Dwarves named in Norse Mythology.

Greek A son of Erechtheus, father of Peteus, and grandfather of Menestheus; from him the town of Orneae was believed to have derived its name. Greek

"Oro Ibah Aozpi"
Enochian A holy name ruling fire. Enochian

German The old High German name for the Easter festival.
King name
"Oto Hime"
Japan Hereupon the heavenly Sovereign, to åśśure himself of what he had heard of the beauty of the two maidens Ye-hime and Oto-hime, daughters of king Kamu-ohone, ancestor of the Rulers of the Land of Minu, sent his august child, His Augustness Oho-usu, to summon them up to the Capital. So His Augustness Oho-usu who had been sent, instead of summoning them up, forthwith wedded both the maidens himself, and then sought other women, to whom he falsely gave the maidens' names, and sent them up. Hereupon the heavenly Sovereign, knowing them to be other women, frequently subjected them to his long glances; but, never wedding them, caused them to sorrow. So the child that His Augustness Oho-usu begot on wedding Ye-hime, was king Oshi-kuro-no-ye-hiko (he was the ancestor of the Lords of Unesu in Minu.) Again, the child that he begot on wedding Oto-hime, was king Oshi-kuro-no-oto-hiko, the ancestor of the Dukes of Mugetsu. The Kojiki, Japan
Deities name
"Oxiahun Ti Ku"
Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico sky gods. The collective name for a group of thirteen celestial deities who are probably still invoked by Mesoamerican Indians today....
God name
Pre - Christian Lappish God of thunder. The name is derived from “the one who dwells in the heaven.”...
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