Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Huracan" | Quiche | Creator god who fashioned the first humans Quiche |
God name "Huracan/ Hurucan/ Hurakan/ Hurukan" | Quiche | A creator god that fashioned the first humans |
God name "Hurakan" | Nicaragua | God of storms, thunder and hurricanes. Nicaragua |
Goddess name "Huruing Wuhti" | Hopi | In the Hopi Indian creation story, they were a pair of women who survived the Great Flood. The Huruing Wuhti were later venerated as mother goddesses, because they gave birth to the Hopi people. |
God name "Hushtahli" | Choctaw | The Sun god who doubles as a war god. Choctaw |
King name "Hutsipamamau'u Ocean Woman" | Chemehuevis | The Great Mother, the creator of all things who created the earth from her flaking skin. Chemehuevis |
Supreme god name "Huvi" | Bushmen / Africa | The supreme god |
God name "Huvi" | Ovimbundu / central Angola, West Africa | God of hunting. All meat is kept in front of his shrines, which are decorated with poles capped by skulls. He is propitiated by dance and offerings, presided over by a priesthood.... |
Supreme god name "Huvi Bushmen" | Africa | Supreme god Africa |
God name "Huvi Ovimbundu" | Africa | God of hunting Africa(west) |
"Huwe" | Botswana | Yet another supreme being and creator of all things, this time from Botswana. |
God name "Huzayui" | Egypt | serpent headed, winged god of the west wind Egypt |
God name "Hvar" | Iran | God of the Sun Iran |
"Hvergelmer" | Norse | A boiling cauldron in Niflheim, whence issues twelve poisonous springs, which generate ice, snow, wind, and Rain.. The Northern Tartaros. Norse |
Angel name "Hxgzd" | Enochian | A minor angel. Enochian |
King name "Hyacinthus" | Greek | The youngest son of the Spartan king Amyclas and Diomede (Apollodorus iii), but according to others a son of Pierus and Clio, or of Oebalus or Eurotas. He was a youth of extraordinary beauty, and beloved by Thamyris and Apollo, who unintentionally killed him during a game of discus. Greek |
Nymph name "Hyades" | Greek | That is, the Rainy, the name of a clåśś of nymphs whose number, names, and descent, are described in various ways by the ancients. Their parents were Atlas and Aethra, Atlas and Pleione, or Hyas and Boeotia; and others call their father Oceåñuś, Melisseus, Cadmilus, or Erechtheus. Greek |
God name "Hyagnis" | Phrygian | A Sun and fire god, also a god of lightning. Father of Marsyas, a satyr who challenged Apollo to a contest of music and lost his hide and life. Phrygian |