Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Rhea" | Greek | Primordial goddess. The daughter of OURANOS and GAIA, she is the consort of KRONOS and mother of ZEUS and other gods of Olympus, known only from the Theogony (Hesiod) and Iliad (Homer). She is also recognized in Roman literature under the same name. Also Rheie.... |
Goddess name "Rosmerta (great provider)" | Roman / Celtic / British / Gallic | Fertility goddess. Consort to the god Mercury. Probably locally worshiped and often depicted carrying a basket of fruit, purse or cornucopia. She and Mercury frequently appear together. In addition to her purse, she may bear a twin-headed ax or, alternatively, she may carry Mercury's caduceus (snake-entwined wand).See also MERCURIUS.... |
God name "Salus (salvation)" | Roman | Minor god of health. A sanctuary dated to 302 BC on the Quirinal, one of the seven hills of Rome, is dedicated to the deity. He was also worshiped within the colonies of the empire. There is an altar at Corbridge in Northumberland, England with a votive inscription to Salus. Attributes include a bowl and a snake.... |
God name "Sarapis" | Late Egypt | God. Known only from the Greco-Roman period of the early Ptolemies (fourth century BC) but persisting in Europe until second or third century AD. In Egyptian religion Sarapis is a hybridization of certain aspects of OSIRIS, the underworld god, and APIS, the bull god, who symbolizes the earthly presence of PTAH. Sarapis is perceived to epitomize both the fertility of the land and the life of the sacred bull after death. In Greek mythology he takes on aspects of ZEUS, HELIOS, ASKLEPIOS and DIONYSOS. He was worshiped extensively in the Roman Empire period. A sanctuary at York in England was dedicated by a soldier of the sixth legion, and magnificent statues were discovered in the Walbrook Mithraeum in London, and at Merida in Spain. Also Seraphis (Greek).... |
Planet name "Saturnus" | Roman | Astral god. Identified with the planet Saturn, but thought to have originated as an agricultural deity concerned with sowing of seed. A sanctuary existed on the Roman forum from as early as 450 BC, also functioning as the imperial treasury. Saturnus was celebrated in the Saturnalia festival (December 17-19) during which masters and slaves exchanged roles and candles were given as gifts to symbolize the Winter darkness.... |
Goddess name "Semele (earth)" | Greco - Roman but probably of Thracian or Phrygian origin | Mother goddess. According to legend she was the mortal daughter of Cadmos and became the mother of the god DIONYSOS (BACCHUS) after a brief liaison with ZEUS (JUPITER), also in mortal guise. Semele was burned to death on Olympus, unable to withstand the presence of Zeus in godly form, but was subsequently deified by him.... |
Goddess name "Sequana" | Roman / Celtic / Gallic | River goddess. The tutelary goddess of the Sequanae tribe. A pre-Roman sanctuary northwest of Dijon near the source of the Seine has yielded more than 200 wooden votive statuettes and models of limbs, heads and body organs, attesting to Sequana's importance as a goddess of healing. During the Roman occupation the site of Fontes Sequanae was sacred to her and was again considered to have healing and remedial properties. A bronze statuette of a goddess was found wearing a diadem, with arms spread and standing in a boat. The prow is in the shape of a duck, her sacred animal, with a cake in its mouth. Also found were models of dogs, an animal specifically åśśociated with healing through its affinity with the Greco-Roman physician deity AESCULAPIUS.... |
God name "Silvåñuś" | Roman | A Latin divinity of the fields and Forests, to whom in the very earliest times the Tyrrhenian Pelasgians are said to have dedicated a grove and a festival. He is described as a god watching over the fields and husbandmen, and is also called the protector of the boundaries of fields. |
Goddess name "Sirona" | Roman / Celtic / Gallic | Local goddess of healing. Known from limited inscriptions in which she is usually åśśociated with the god GRANNUS or with the Celtic APOLLO. A sculpture from Hochscheid in the Moselle basin in Germany describes her with a snake round her wrist reaching toward a bowl of three eggs in her left hand. She may also have a small lapdog. Some authors suggest she has sky åśśociations.See also DIVONA and ONUAVA.... |
Supreme god name "Sol (1)" | Roman | Sun god. Known by the full title of Sol Indiges, meaning the indigenous Sol, which may suggest a purely Roman cult on the Quirinal Hill, but there are also inferences that this deity is of more ancient origin. Coins from southern Italy depicting the god with a radiate image date back to circa 200 BC but he rose to particular prominence during the republican period. His festival was celebrated annually on August 9. Nero had a huge statue of himself, as Sol, erected in Rome and the emperor Aurelian elevated Sol to supreme god in the Roman pantheon when Jupiter Conservator gave way to Sol Invictus (the unconquered Sun). Sol may sometimes be linked with AURORA, the goddess of dawn.... |
Goddess name "Sulis" | Roman / Celtic | She was called Brigantia by the Britons; and later Saint Brighid (after Christianity). She is also a deity concerned with knowledge and prophecy. The tutelary Goddess of the thermal waters at Bath, England, she is closely linked with the Roman Goddess Minerva. Roman / Celtic |
Goddess name "Sulis" | Roman / Celtic | Chthonic underworld goddess. Also a deity concerned with knowledge and prophecy. The tutelary goddess of the thermal waters at Bath, England, she is closely linked with the Roman goddess MINERVA.... |
Goddess name "Tabiti" | Scythian | Goddess of fire. Also the guardian deity of all animals. The Romans syncretized her with the hearth goddess VESTA.... |
Supreme god name "Tanik" | Phoenician / Pontic / Carthaginian | moon goddess. Known largely from inscriptions at various sites along the North African coast and linked with the goddess ASTARTE. Her symbol is a triangular device with horizontal bars supporting a moon disc. Both deities are described as ladies of the sanctuary. Tanit was the supreme goddess at Carthage, known as the face of BAAL, until usurped by the Roman goddess JUNO; she survived under the name CAELESTIS. The goddess CERES was also worshiped in the TANIT temple at Carthage. Also Tenit.... |
God name "Taranis" | Roman / Celtic / Gallic | Thunder god. Known only from limited inscriptions, but may emulate the Germanic god DONAR and is possibly the same as Taranucos. The Romans equated him with JUPITER and a Jupiter Tanarus inscription at Chester in England may refer to Taranis. His symbol is a spoked wheel and he is presumed to be the object of savage rites. The modern Breton word for thunder is taran. Also Taranos.... |
Goddess name "Tellus" | Roman | Chthonic primordial earth mother. A corn deity, generally regarded as benevolent, but also a goddess of the dead. Enemy armies were offered to her and cursed in her name. Both she and the corn goddess CERES were propitiated with human sacrifice. Also TERRA MATER.... |
"Terra Mater" | Roman | Chthonic primordial earth mother. Derived from Greek model.See also TELLUS.... |
God name "Teutates" | Roman / Celtic / Gallic | Local tribal deity. Known only from limited inscriptions. Teutates may be less the name of a deity than an epithet meaning great. According to the Roman writer Lucan, he is one of three Celtic gods encountered by Caesar's army in Gaul and the object of savage rites in which victims were drowned in sacrificial lakes. He may equate with a British god, Totatis. He becomes åśśimilated variously to Mercury or MARS. Also Teutatis.... |