
12629 records

Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Albania Goddess of love. Albania
Goddess name
Albanian Goddess of love and consort of the thunder god Perende. Albanian
Goddess name
Pre - Christian Albanian Goddess of love. The consort of the thunder god Perendi who became absorbed into Christianity as a saint....
King name
Greek The famous king of Troy, at the time of the Trojan war. He was a son of Laomedon and Strymo or Placia. His original name is said to have been Podarces, i. e. "the swift-footed," which was changed into Priamus, "the ransomed" because he was the only surviving son of Laomedon and was ransomed by his sister Hesione, after he had fallen into the hands of Heracles. Greek
God name
Greek A fertility god that also guarded mariners
God name
Greco - Roman / Phrygian Fertility god. The son of DIONYSOS and APHRODITE, he was also a guardian of mariners. Priapos was not regarded as a significant deity in Greece until very late times—during the Macedonian period, circa fourth to second century BC—and was only locally popular during the Roman Empire period. He is particularly known from Phrygia and is depicted as a satyr-like creature with pronounced genitals....
God name
Greek Priapos, a son of Dionysus and Aphrodite. Aphrodite, it is said, had yielded to the embraces of Dionysus, but during his expedition to India, she became faithless to him, and lived with Adonis. On Dionysus return from India, she indeed went to meet him, but soon left him again, and went to Lampsacus on the Hellespont, to give birth to the child of the god. Greek
God name
Roman God of the shade. A rural deity whose worship appears to have been restricted to the spéñïśs of the Hellespont and clearly derives from the god PRIAPOS....
God name
Slavic God who weans and cares for pigs and piglets. Slavic
Goddess name
Hindu A goddess of the earth
Hero name
Indian The favourite hero of the Indian Puranas. Vena having been slain for his wickedness, and leaving no offspring, the saints rubbed his right arm, and the friction brought forth Prithu. Being told that the earth had suspended for a time its fertility, Prithu went forth to punish it, and the earth, under the form of a cow, fled at his approach; but being unable to escape, promised that in future "seed-time and harvest should never fail."
Goddess name
Hindu Goddess of the earth. Hindu
Goddess name
Hindu Goddess of love and longing. Hindu
Goddess name
"Priti (pleasure)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Goddess. A daughter of DAKSA and consort of the god of love KAMADEVA. One of twelve SAKTIS åśśociated with the god VIS'NU in his various incarnations....
Goddess name
Hindu moon goddess. Priyadarsana declared, "Matter itself is void. Voidness does not result from the destruction of matter, but the nature of matter is itself voidness. Therefore, to speak of voidness on the one hand, and of matter, or of sensation, or of intellect, or of motivation, or of consciousness on the other - is entirely dualistic. Consciousness itself is voidness. Voidness does not result from the destruction of consciousness, but the nature of consciousness is itself voidness. Such understanding of the five compulsive aggregates and the knowledge of them as such by means of gnosis is the entrance into nonduality." The Dharma-Door of Nonduality
Goddess name
"Priyadarsana (pleasant to the eye)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Minor goddess. An attendant of BUDDHAKAPALA....

India The Bhagavata-Purana states: "Priya-vrata being dissatisfied that only half the earth was illuminated at one time by the solar rays, followed the Sun seven times round the earth in his own flaming car of equal velocity, like another celestial orb, resolved to turn night into day." India

Greek Procne or Prokne was a daughter of Pandion and Zeuxippe. She married Tereus and had one son: Itys. Tereus loved his wife's sister, Philomela. He raped her, cut her tongue out and held her captive so she could never tell anyone. Philomela wove a tapestry that told her story and gave it to Procne. In revenge, Procne killed her son by Tereus, Itys, and fed him to Tereus unknowingly. Greek