Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Damara" | British | Goddess of fertility åśśociated with Beltane. British |
Spirit name "Derzelas" | Dacian | God of health and human spirit's vitality, also known under the names of Great God Gebeleizis, Derzis or the Thracian Knight. |
Goddess name "Devaki (divine)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Mother goddess. Daughter of Devaka and consort of the mythical king VASUDEVA, Devaki bore eight sons, including KRSNA and BALARAMA. Her brother Kamsa believed that the eighth child would kill him and he slaughtered the first six sons. In order to save the remaining two, VISNU implanted the seed of his avataras in Devaki's womb (in the form of hairs from his head), before transferring Balarama to the womb of the goddess ROHINI and Krsna to Yasoda, the wife of a cowherd, Nanda.... |
God name "Dharmadhatuvagisvara" | Buddhist | God of the law. A variety of MANJUSRI and therefore an emanation of AMITABHA. Color: reddish-white. Attributes: arrow, bell, Book, bow, hook, image of Amitabha on crown, staff, sword and water jar. Depicted with four heads and setting the law wheel in motion.... |
God name "Dongo" | Songhai / Niger valley, West Africa | storm god. The creator of thunderbolts, which are perceived as stone ax-heads. As the celestial smith he forges lightning and strikes a huge bell with his ax to generate thunder.... |
God name "Dusara (the one' of s'ara)" | Western Semitic / Nabataean | Local tutelary god. Associated with vegetation and fertility in the Hauran region from about 312 BC until circa AD 500. Regarded as a supreme deity, comparable to BAAL S AMIN, who never achieved Dus ara's popularity among the nomadic Nabataeans, for whom farming was precarious. He was represented by a black obelisk at Petra. Sacred animals are the eagle and panther. Attributes include a vine stem. In Hellenic times he was the subject of inscriptions at Delos and Miletus and he was equated with DIONYSOS. Also Dus ares; Dus-S ara.... |
Goddess name "Echtghe" | Ireland | Believed to be another form of Dana, the first Great Mother Goddess of Ireland. |
Deities name "Ehecatl" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Creator god. The Sun deity representing the second of the five world ages, each of which lasted for 2028 heavenly years, each heavenly year being fifty-two terrestrial years. Assigned to the air or wind and presided over by QUETZALCOATL, to whose complex of deities he belongs. According to tradition, the age ended in a cataclysmic destruction caused by hurricanes. All humanity turned into monkeys. Illustrated by the Stone of the Four Suns [Yale Peabody Museum]. Also (4) Ehecatl; Ehecatonatiuh.... |
Goddess name "Ekajata (she who has but one chignon)" | Buddhist / Varjayana | Goddess of good fortune. She offers happiness and removes personal obstacles. Occasionally found attending the goddess Khadirayani-Tara. She is an emanation of AKSOBHYA and a form of TARA. She may have one or twelve heads. Color: blue. Attributes: arrow, ax, bell, blue lotus, Book, bow, conch, cup, hook, image of AMITABHA on the crown, knife, noose, skull, staff, sword and tiger skin. Three-eyed.... |
God name "Elagabal (lord of the mountain)" | Syrian | Local tutelary god. Probably originating as a mountain deity with strong solar links. His sacred animal is the eagle. His cult was based on the town of Emesa [Homs], where he was worshiped in the form of a dome-shaped, black stone obelisk. His name became Hellenized as Heliogabalos.... |
God name "Enipeus" | Greek | A river-god in Thessaly, who was beloved by Tyro, the daughter of Salmoneus. Poseidon, who was in love with her, åśśumed the appearance of Enipeus, and thus visited her, and she became by him the mother of twins, Pelias and Neleus. Greek |
Spirit name "Epimetheus" | Greek / Roman | Minor creator god. One of the four sons of IAPETOS and Klymene (Titan), and the brother of PROMETHEUS. Jointly responsible for the creation of mankind. Epimetheus' strongest claim to fame lies in his liaison with the first mortal woman, Pandora, whom the gods had cautioned him to avoid. Her curiosity caused her to open the box belonging to JUPITER in which he had placed all the vices, diseases and sufferings of humanity, but which also included the benevolent spirit of hope.... |
God name "Eros" | Greek | In Latin, Amor or Cupido, the god of love. In the sense in which he is usually conceived, Eros is the creature of the later Greek poets; and in order to understand the ancients properly we must distinguish three Erotes: viz. the Eros of the ancient cosmogonies, the Eros of the philosophers and mysteries, who bears great resemblance to the first, and the Eros whom we meet with in the epigrammatic and erotic poets, whose witty and playful descriptions of the god, however, can scarcely be considered as a part of the ancient religious belief of the Greeks. Greek |
Goddess name "Errata" | Discworld | The Goddess of Misunderstandings. This little known goddess was the cause of the Tsortean wars; not, as most people believe, Elenor. Understandably not the most liked goddess, Errata wasn't invited to many weddings. Discworld |
Goddess name "Eurynome" | Greek | Sea goddess. The daughter of Nisos and mother of the Graces. Also the mother of Bellepheron, fathered by POSEIDON, though she is accounted as the consort of GLAUKOS. Little else is known, but her cult center was apparently at Phigaleia (Arcadia).... |
Goddess name "Faun" | Roman | Place-spirits (genii) of untamed woodland. Romans connected their fauns with the Greek satyrs, wild and orgiastic drunken followers of Dionysus. However, fauns and satyrs were originally quite different creatures. Both have horns and both resemble goats below the waist, humans above; but originally satyrs had human feet, fauns goatlike hooves. The Romans also had a god named Faunus and a goddess Fauna, who, like the fauns, were goat-people. Roman |
God name "Fornjot" | Norse | The most ancient giant. He was father of ?ger, or Hler, the god of the ocean; of Loge, flame or fire, and of Kaare, wind. His wife was Ran. These divinities are generally regarded as belonging to an earlier mythology, probably to that of the Fins or Celts. Norse |
Goddess name "Freya, Freyja" | Norse | Freya or Freyja [Feminine of Freyr]. The daughter of Njord and sister of Frey. She dwells in Folkvang. Half the fallen in battle belong to her, the other half to Odin. She lends her feather disguise to Loke. She is the goddess of love. Her husband is Oder. Her necklace is Brisingamen. She has a boar with golden bristles. Norse |