Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "MIN" | Egypt | Fertility god. Min is the most significant deity in the Egyptian pantheon in respect of sexual virility. In some genealogies he is the son of ISIS, in others he represents Isis's consort with HORUS as their child. Min is depicted in anthropomorphic form wearing a modius bearing two plumes and a hanging ribbon. He is generally drawn in profile, legs together and with his left arm raised into the angle made by his royal flail. The most obvious feature of the iconography is a strongly erect śéméñ. Min is represented in older art by two serrated cones projecting horizontally from a disc. His sacred animal is probably a white bull and he is also åśśociated with the tall lettuce species (Lac tuca sativa), the shape of which may be reminiscent of an erect phallus.... |
God name "MOT (death)" | Canaanite / Phoenician / northern Israel, Lebanon / Syrian coastal regions | God of natural adversity. ot is the Canaanite representation of adversity in the natural world. He lives in a pit within the earth and is responsible for its annual death from drought and heat: he has scorched the olive, the produce of the earth and the fruit of the trees. He engages in the clåśśic confrontation with the Canaanite hero and national god, BAAL. Though the duel results in Baal's demise, his death is avenged by his twin sister ANAT, who slays Mot, then cleaves, winnows, burns and grinds him with a millstone, in what appears to be a ritual allied to the sowing of seed and harvesting (see OSIRIS). Baal is later restored. The conflict probably formed the basis of an annual ritual drama at the Canaanite New Year which was held in the autumn. In the texts Mot is the son of Il and his mother is AS'ERAH (ATHIRAT).... |
Goddess name "Maat" | Egypt | Minor goddess of cosmic order. Epitomizing the harmonious laws of the cosmic order. She is recognized from the middle of the third millennium, and probably earlier, closely åśśociated with the creator deities and particularly the Sun god. In later times she was described as the daughter of Re. Her only known sanctuary is in the complex of Karnak at Thebes. Maat is depicted either in human form wearing an ostrich plume on her head or by an ostrich feather alone. The rulers of Egypt believed that they governed under her aegis and frequently had themselves described as beloved of Maat. Maat was also integral to the success of a soul påśśing through the Hall of the Two Truths, where the heart was weighed, to reach Paradise.... |
God name "Maheo (all-spirit)" | Cheyenne / USA | Creator god. He first lived in the void and then created the great primordial water of life. He made the earth from a ball of mud and engendered mankind from one of his ribs which he implanted in earth woman (Christian influence has probably been exerted here).... |
God name "Mal" | Early Dravidian / Tamil | Creator god. Probably equating with a syncretization of VIS'NU and KRSNA. The name implies a deity of great stature. In Sangam texts, his face is like the moon, his eyes are lotuses and his CAKRA is the beams of the Sun. Also TIRUMAL.... |
Goddess name "Mama Qoca (mother sea)" | Inca / pre - Columbian South America / Peru, etc | Goddess of the ocean. Originally a pre-Inca goddess of coastal regions who retained her influence under Inca rule. Invoked by all Indians who gain their livelihood from the sea. Today probably syncretized largely with the Christian Virgin Mary. Also Mama Cocha.... |
Goddess name "Mami" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Mother goddess. Identified in the Atrahasis texts and other creation legends and probably synonymous with NINHURSAG A. She was involved in the creation of mankind from clay and blood. The name almost certainly came into use because it is the first word that a child formulates. Also Mama; Mammitum.... |
Spirit name "Manitu" | Algonquin Indian / USA | Creator god. A vaguely defined being who controls all things and imparts knowledge to the tribe. He may be identified as the great spirit in the sky. Probably similar to MANITO.... |
God name "Maponos" | Celtic / Continental / European / British | Tribal deity. A youthful god worshiped by the Brigantes tribe in Britain and probably åśśimilated with APOLLO in the Romano-Celtic period.... |
Goddess name "Marcia Proba" | Britain | A warrior queen goddess |
Goddess name "Marcia Proba" | British | warrior queen goddess British |
Goddess name "Marcia Proba" | Celtic | Goddess of justice Celtic |
God name "Marnas" | Pre - Islamic northern Arabian | Local tutelary god. Probably regarded as a fertility deity, his cult was centered at Gaza at the Marneion sanctuary and probably succeeded that of Dagon. He may have been the subject of a colossal statue attributed to ZEUS found near Gaza.See also DAGAN.... |
God name "Martu" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Tutelary god. The patron god of the city of Ninab mentioned in the texts but never re-discovered. Probably not a true Sumerian deity but adopted from an unknown western Semitic culture. He is sometimes identified as a storm god.... |
God name "Men" | Phrygian / Turkey | moon god. Ruler of both upper and lower worlds. Probably also a god of healing, he was subsequently adopted by the Greeks and Romans. The cult was popular during the imperial period, but its inscriptions were written in Greek.... |
God name "Mes Ai Du" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / BabylonianAkkadian | God. Probably an alternative title for the Sun god (see S AMAS ).... |
Goddess name "Meter" | The essence of the great mother of all gods, equating most closely to GAIA | Mother goddess, Greek. Known throughout the Greek Empire and generally the object of devotion by individuals rather than large cult followings. Also known as Meter oriae (mother of the mountain). Her popularity is thought to have spread from northern Ionia. Herodotus mentions a festival of Meter in Kyzikos. Probably derived originally from the western Asiatic great mother (see KYBELE).... |
Goddess name "Mhalsa" | Hindu / late | Minor goddess. The consort of KHANDOBA and considered to be a form of the goddess PARVATI. Locally worshiped at Jejuri, near Poona in western India.... |