
List of Gods : "God Kin" - 465 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
"Devaki (divine)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Mother goddess. Daughter of Devaka and consort of the mythical king VASUDEVA, Devaki bore eight sons, including KRSNA and BALARAMA. Her brother Kamsa believed that the eighth child would kill him and he slaughtered the first six sons. In order to save the remaining two, VISNU implanted the “seed” of his avataras in Devaki's womb (in the form of hairs from his head), before transferring Balarama to the womb of the goddess ROHINI and Krsna to Yasoda, the wife of a cowherd, Nanda....
Spirit name
Christian The supreme spirit of evil, the tempter and spiritual enemy of mankind, the foe of God and holiness. Jewish and Christian
God name
"Dhanvantari (traveling through an arc)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic Sun god. In later tradition a minor incarnation or avatara of the god VISNU, also closely åśśociated with Medicine. In Vedic mythology Dhanvantari carried the ambrosia created from the primeval ocean of milk. He brought medical science to mankind. Only as the religion evolved did he become identified as an avatara. As KANTATMAN (PRADYUMNA), he is thought to be Kama reincarnated after his death at the hands of SIVA. Various other epithets and existences are attributed to this deity. Offerings are due to him at dusk in the northeastern quarter. He is the guardian deity of hospitals which are usually in the vicinity of a sanctuary of Vis”nu. Attributes: two bowls containing ambrosia. Also Kantatman....
Goddess name
"Dharani (earth)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic (1) Goddess. Consort of PARASURAMA and an avatara of the goddess LAKSMI.(2) Collective name for a group of deities. Buddhist. Twelve personifications of a particular kind of short mystical religious text used as a charm. Also dharini....
Deities name
"Dhruva (immovable)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Astral god. The son of Uttanapada, a star in the constellation of Ursa Minor which was the pole star in the last millennium BC. An avatara of V IS NU. Also one of a group of Vasu deities answering to the god INDRA. In different context, the description of a kind of fixed icon. Attributes: prayer wheel, rosary, spear and water jar....
Goddess name
"Dhvajagrakeyura (ring on a banner)"
Buddhist / Mahayana Goddess. An emanation of AKSOBHYA. She sits on a Sun throne. Color: dark blue, black or yellow. Attributes: club, image of Aksobhya, noose, pestle, prayer wheel, staff, sword, tiger skin and trident. Three-headed and three-eyed....
Goddess name
Greek Goddess of justice. The daughter of ZEUS. Depicted as a maiden whom men violently abuse in the streets but who is honored by the gods and who reports to her father on the misdeeds of mankind, causing Divine retribution. She is depicted on the Kypselos chest as an attractive woman strangling an ugly goddess of injustice, ADIKIA....
Demon name
Sumeria Female demon of fever and and diseases of infants. There were seven evil spirits of this kind, who were apparently regarded as being daughters of Anu, the god of the heavens. Sumeria
Deities name
"Dsahadoldza (fringe mouth)"
Navaho / USA Chthonic god of earth and water. A number of deities are known under this title. The priest impersonating the god has one side of his body painted red and the other side black. He wears a buckskin mask painted with a horizontal yellow band to represent the evening sky and eight vertical black stripes to represent Rain....
Goddess name
Lithuania Goddess of baking and kneading and liquor Lithuania
Goddess name
Huli An evil goddess who lodges herself in a woman' s internal organs making the victim the innocent vehicle of the goddesses evil power. Huli
Goddess name
Korekore / Shona / northern Zimbabwe, southern Africa Chthonic mother goddess. Originally said to have ruled both heaven and earth and lived in a palace by a sacred lake near Dande. She is depicted wearing goatskins and bearing a cornucopia holding magical substances. Her sacred creatures are mythical golden Sunbirds, probably modeled on swallows, a pair of which were actually discovered in Zimbabwe....
God name
Japan God of fishermen, good luck, and workingmen, as well as the guardian of the health of small children. Japan
Goddess name
Roman Fertility goddess. deity of oak trees whose priestess enacted an annual sacred marriage with the king of Rome, who took the part of JUPITER. The festival is a variation of that celebrating the marriage of ZEUS and HERA which took place in Athens. A number of springs and lakes were sacred to her....
God name
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico Primordial god. A syncretization of EHECATL and QUETZALCOATL, one of four gods who support the lowest heaven at each cardinal point. He is perceived as residing in the west (codices Borgia and Vaticåñuś B). He is the deity who rules over the ninth of the thirteen heavens, Itztapal Nanatzcayan (where the stone slabs crash together). In a separate tradition, EhecatlQuetzalcoatl executed the monstrous god XOLOTL when he declined to offer his blood in self-sacrifice for the creation of mankind....
Goddess name
Greek Also called Eleithyia, Eilethyia, or Eleutho. The ancients derive her name from the coming or helping goddess. She was the goddess of birth, who came to the åśśistance of women in labour; and when she was kindly disposed, she furthered the birth, but when she was angry, she protracted the labour and delayed the birth. Greek
God name
"Eji Ogbe"
Africa God who is king of the pantheon Africa(west) / Nigeria / Yoruba
God name
"Eji Ogbe"
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa Tutelary god. The so-called “king” of the pantheon and mentioned in a legend of the dove which is a symbol of prosperity....
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