Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Ekadasarudra" | Hindu | Collective name for a group of gods. The eleven forms of the god RUDRA, each typically represented with sixteen arms. Common attributes include ax, moon disc and tiger skin.... |
Goddess name "Ekajata (she who has but one chignon)" | Buddhist / Varjayana | Goddess of good fortune. She offers happiness and removes personal obstacles. Occasionally found attending the goddess Khadirayani-Tara. She is an emanation of AKSOBHYA and a form of TARA. She may have one or twelve heads. Color: blue. Attributes: arrow, ax, bell, blue lotus, Book, bow, conch, cup, hook, image of AMITABHA on the crown, knife, noose, skull, staff, sword and tiger skin. Three-eyed.... |
Goddess name "Ekineba" | Africa | Goddess of teaching Africa |
Supreme god name "El aka Ymvh" | Hebrew / Phoenicia / Canaan / Levant | The supreme god, the father of mankind and all creatures, the husband of the Goddess Asherah. He also doubles as a storm god. Hebrew / Phoenicia / Canaan / Levant |
God name "Encelados" | Greek | The most powerful of the giants that conspired against Zeus. The king of gods and men cast him down, and threw Mount Etna over him. The poets say that the flames of this volcano arise from the breath of this giant. The battle-field of his contest was Phlegra, in Macedonia. Greek |
Spirit name "Epimetheus" | Greek / Roman | Minor creator god. One of the four sons of IAPETOS and Klymene (Titan), and the brother of PROMETHEUS. Jointly responsible for the creation of mankind. Epimetheus' strongest claim to fame lies in his liaison with the first mortal woman, Pandora, whom the gods had cautioned him to avoid. Her curiosity caused her to open the box belonging to JUPITER in which he had placed all the vices, diseases and sufferings of humanity, but which also included the benevolent spirit of hope.... |
Goddess name "Eriu" | Celtic / Irish | Fertility goddess. An aspect of the MORRIGAN. One of the deities who were known as the Sovereignty of Ireland and wedded sym bolically to a mortal king. Also a warrior goddess, capable of changing shape from girl to hag, and into birds and animals. She is patroness of the royal seat of Uisnech in County Meath. Eire and Erin are corruptions of her name. See also BADB.... |
God name "Faro" | Bambara / Mali, West Africa | River god. Regarded as the deity who brought order to the world at the time of creation. He impregnated himself and gave birth to twins who were the first human beings. He is also the progenitor of fish stocks in the river Niger. His chief adversary is the god of the desert wind, TELIKO. Faro is propitiated annually by a Komo society of men in a ritual of dancing. They use a special mask which is created anew each year. According to legend Faro came to earth after a long period of drought during which most of the living things died. He also gave mankind the gift of speech.... |
Goddess name "Fatua" | Roman | A Roman goddess identified with Gaea. Known as the kind goddess because of her benevolence towards all creatures. |
Goddess name "Feronia" | Etruscan | Goddess of the autumn, fire and volcanoes. She also served as a goddess of travel, fire, and waters. Erilio, the king of Preneste, was her son according to one tradition. According to another tradition her son was the underworld god Herulus. Etruscan |
God name "Fidi Mukullu" | Bena Lulua / Democratic Republic of Congo, central Africa | Creator god. He provides mankind with food, tools and weapons. The Sun and moon were engendered from his cheeks.... |
God name "Flatulus" | Discworld | The Ephebian God of the winds. His name comes from "flatus", Latin for breaking wind. Discworld |
Goddess name "Flidais (Watch-Out-Dear)" | Ireland | A huntress and archer fond of the chase. A Celtic Artemis except, whereas Artemis was a virgin goddess, Flidais was very fond of jolly bonking. Ireland |
Goddess name "Fornax" | Roman | A Roman goddess, who is said to have been worshipped that she might ripen the corn, and prevent its being burnt in baking in the oven. Roman |
Goddess name "Fortuna" | Roman | The goddess of chance or good luck, was worshipped both in Greece and Italy, and more particularly at Rome, where she was considered as the steady goddess of good luck, success, and every kind of prosperity. Roman |
Goddess name "Fotla" | Ireland | A patron goddess of Ireland and the wife of the Tuatha king MacCeacht. |
God name "Ga" | Dakini | The god who will grant you a vision that is relevant to your cirçúɱstances. Dakini |
Demon name "Garuda (the devourer)" | Hindu / Vedic | Archaic Sun god and Divine vehicle. Originally depicted as a solar deity, Garuda evolved into a bird-like human hybrid who became the deified mount of VIS'NU. Also a chief adversary of nagas (snake-like demons), which he devours. In early depictions Garuda has a parrot's beak. Said to have been born from an egg, the son of Vinata and KASYAPA. Epithets include Amrtaharana, Garutman, Tarksya. Attributes: conch, club, lotus and nectar, but may also bear the attributes of Vis'nu.(2) Mount or vahana of VAJRAPANI. Buddhist. Attributes: flower, horse-head, noose, skin and staff. Three-eyed and three-headed.... |