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Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Brekyirihunuade" | Akan | Brekyirihunuade is the highest god in the religion of the Akan people, "he who knows and sees everything". |
Deities name "Obosom" | Akan | A generic name for the lessor gods, sometimes referred to as the deities. These spirits are embodied in the wind, rivers, oceans, streams, trees, mountains, rocks, animals, and other objects. Akan |
"Onyankopon" | Akan | The Supreme Being and the One Greater infiniteness. Akan |
God name "Tano" | Akan | Stool god of Obo, åśśociated with the ancestral stools. Akan |
God name "Opo" | Akan / Ghana, West Africa | God of the ocean. One of the sons of the creator god NYAME, he is also considered to be the god of the great inland lakes and rivers of Ghana.... |
God name "Nyame" | Akan / southern Ghana, West Africa | Creator god. An androgynous being symbolized in his male aspect by the Sun, and his female aspect by the moon. He gave mankind its soul and is the controller of destiny. He enjoys a dedicated priesthood and is worshiped in the form of a tree trunk. Also Odomankoma; Onyame; Onyanko pon; Totrobonsu.... |
Goddess name "Asase Yaa" | Ashanti / Ghana, West Africa | Chthonic fertility goddess. A major deity revered over a wide area of Akanand Fante-speaking Ghana. She has no temples or priests but days (Thursdays) are set aside in her honor and no ploughing is permitted. By tradition a farmer sacrifices a çõçkerel to her each year to ensure a good harvest, sprinkling the blood on the ground. As the womb of the earth, she represents the goddess of the dead and she is also goddess of truth. Also Asase Efua (Fante).... |
Goddess name "Nyame Akan" | Ghana | a creator god / goddess and androgynous being |
God name "Opo Akan" | Ghana | The god the ocean & inland lakes & rivers |
"The Akan" | Ghana | Ghana |
"Kalaka" | Hindu | A daughter of Daksha, married to Kasyapa, and bore him 60,000 distinguished Danavas, called Paulomas and Kalakanjas, who were powerful, ferocious, and cruel. Hindu |
King name "Binzuru-Sonja" | Japan | One of the pupils of Buddha, the first of the sixteen Rakan. Rakan with grey hair and long eyebrows. Originally he was a retainer of the king, Uuten. He became a priest and attained miracle power by performing Arakan's vow. It is said that he was praised by Shaka for he used the miracle power for the world and that he didn't enter Nirvana and made efforts cultivating ordinary people. He was worshipped on the above in Theravada Buddhism, however, many are worshipped in restaurants in China. He is enshrined in front of a temple in Japan. It is believed that stroking him eliminates distresses. Japan |
"Ninigi" | Japan | The son of Ame no Oshihomimi no Mikoto, and grandson of Amaterasu, who sent him down to earth to plant rice there. He was the grandfather of Emperor Jimmu. Amaterasu sent him to pacify Japan by bringing the three celestial gifts used by the emperor. The sword, Kusanagi, the mirror, Yata no kagami, and the jewel, Yasakani no magatama. Japan |
Goddess name "Inyan" | Lakota | The first of the superior Gods. Uncreated and existing before time, he created Maka and gave it the earth Goddess Maka-akan, the second of the superior Gods and a part of Inyan. Creating Maka required all of Inyan's blood, which was blue, to form a great disk, beyond which there was nothing. This effort made Inyan hard and powerless. His blood became the blue waters and the sky, and Nagi Tanka (Sky God), the Great spirit who is all powerful and called Skan (Most Holy), the third superior God. Lakota |
"Wakan" | Lakota | Powerful or sacred in the language of the Lakota Sioux |
"Wakan Tanka" | Lakota | The term for the sacred or the Divine. Lakota |
God name "Capakan" | Maya | The god of earthquakes & mountains |
"B'alam Agab" | Mayan | night jaguar, he was the second of the men created from maize after the Great Flood sent by Hurakan. He married Choimha. Mayan |
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