
List of Gods : "Akkadian" - 151 records

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Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Akkadian Babylonian and Akkadian fertility goddess
God name
Akkadian Or Martu are also names given in Akkadian and Sumerian texts to the god of the Amorite / Amurru people, often forming part of personal names. He is sometimes called Ilu Amurru. Sometimes described as a 'shepherd', and as a son of the sky-god Anu.
Goddess name
"Anat in Mesopotamia"
Akkadian In Akkadian the form one would expect ‘Anat to take would be Antu earlier Antum. This would also be the normal femanine form that would be taken by Anu, the Akkadian form of An 'Sky', the Sumerian god of heaven. Antu appears in Akkadian texts mostly as a rather colorless consort of Anu, the mother of Ishtar in the Gilgamesh story, but is also identified with the northwest Semitic goddess ‘Anat of essentially the same name. It is unknown whether this is an equation of two originally separate goddesses whose names happened to fall together or whether ‘Anat's cult spread to Mesopotamia where she came to be worshippped as Anu's spouse because the Mesopotamia form of her name suggested she was a counterpart to Anu.
God name
"Anshur aka Ashur"
Akkadian Or Asshur, a sky god and the husband of his sister Kishar ("earth axle"); they are the children of the serpents Lahmu and Lahamu, and the parents of Anu and Ea. He is sometimes depicted as having Ninlil as a consort. As Anshar, he is progenitor of the Akkadian pantheon; as Ashur, he is the head of the Assyrian pantheon

Akkadian Aka abzu or engur, the name for the mythological underground freshwater ocean in Sumerian and Akkadian mythology.
Goddess name
Akkadian Bel became especially used of the Babylonian god Marduk and when found in Assyrian and neo-Babylonian personal names or mentioned in inscriptions in Mesoptamian context it can usually be taken as referring to Marduk and no other god. Similarly Belit without some disambiguation mostly refers to Bel Marduk's spouse Sarpanit. However Marduk's mother, the Sumerian goddess called Ninhursag, Ningal and Ninmah and other names in Sumerian, was often known as Belit-ili 'Lady of the Gods' in Akkadian.
God name
Akkadian The god of mayhem and pestilence who brought plagues and other calamities. Akkadian
Goddess name
Akkadian queen Of heaven, the goddess of war, love and fertility. Akkadian
Ghost name
Akkadian The name given to the ghost of a person who had not been buried and considered potentially harmful. Akkadian
God name
Akkadian An Akkadian epithet of the Mesopotamian god Ea which meant 'begetter', referring to his fathering of Marduk; he is referred to by this name in the Enuma Elish.
God name
Akkadian The god among all the gods, offspring of the abstract Divine wisdom and the great unseen Divine. Akkadian
God name
Akkadian An Akkadian war god. He was also adopted by the Hittites, who brought his worship to Anatolia.
Goddess name
Akkadian A lesser divinity of Akkadian mythology, and the son of the bird goddess Siris. Both Zu and Siris are seen as måśśive birds who can breathe fire and water, although Zu is alternately seen as a lion-headed eagle
Goddess name
"Inana, Istar,Ishtar"
Akkadian / Sumerian The most important of all Mesopotamian goddesses, and a multi-faceted personality, occurring in cuneiform texts of all periods. The Sumerian name probably means "Lady of heaven";, and the Akkadian name Ishtar is related to the Syrian Astarte and the biblical Ashtaroth is usually considered as a daughter of Anzu, with her cult located in Uruk, but there are other traditions as to her ancestry, and it is probable that these reflect originally different goddesses that were identified with her. Ishtar is the subiect of a cycle of texts describing her love affair and ultimately fatal relationship with Tammuz.
Deities name
"Anunnaki aka Anunnaku"
Babylon Ananaki, a group of Sumerian and Akkadian deities related to, and in some cases overlapping with, the Annuna (the 'Fifty Great Gods') and the Igigi (minor gods). Babylon
God name
Babylon / Akkadian A chthonic underworld god
God name
Elamite / Iran God of uncertain status. Known only from påśśing mention in Akkadian texts. Also Lahurabtil....
God name
Elamite / Iran A solar deity. Appears to have been the counterpart of the Akkadian god Ninurta. Elamite / Iran
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