
List of Gods : "Angel Men" - 19 records

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Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼
Angel name
"Munkar and Nakir"
Arabic Two black angels of appalling aspect, the inquisitors of the dead. The Koran says that during the inquisition the soul is united to the body. If the scrutiny is satisfactory, the soul is gently drawn forth from the lips of the deceased, and the body is left to repose in peace; if not, the body is beaten about the head with iron clubs, and the soul is wrenched forth by racking torments.
Angel name
"Nakeer and Munkar"
Arabic Two black angels of appalling aspect, the inquisitors of the dead. The Koran says that during the inquisition the soul is united to the body. If the scrutiny is satisfactory, the soul is gently drawn forth from the lips of the deceased, and the body is left to repose in peace; if not, the body is beaten about the head with iron clubs, and the soul is wrenched forth by racking torments.
Angel name
Eastern By the virtue of these most holy angelic Names do I clothe myself, O Lord, in my Sabbath garments, that so I may fulfil, even unto their term, all things which I desire to effect through Thee, Most Holy ADONAY, Whose kingdom and rule endure for ever and ever. Amen. From the Key of Solomon
Angel name
Genesis Mighty Men of Renown, the offspring of angels and human women or descendants of Abel who married the daughters of Cain. The gibborim are genarlaly regarded as evil. Genesis
Angel name
Germany Recite the following words: "Gabamiah, Adonay, Agla, O Lord God of Powers, do Thou åśśist us!" When you see the angel, say in an affable tone of voice: "Blessed spirit, be thou welcome! I conjure thee once more, in the Name of the Most Holy Adonay, to give me prompt enlightenment about stuff. And if for reasons unknown to us, thou art unwilling to proceed in an audible tone of voice, I conjure thee in the Most Holy Name of Adonay to write upon the virgin parchment here present, between now and to-morrow morning, or at least reveal unto me that which I desire this coming might in my sleep. Solonic goetic rite.
Angel name
"Angels of Vengeance"
Greek Twelve angels among the first formed at Creation, although according to official Catholic doctrine, all angels were formed simultaneously. Only five are mentioned by name: Saten'el, Michael, Uriel, Rappheal and Nathan'el.
Angel name
Greek A sect of Gnostics. Their first immortal son they called Barbeloth, omniscient, eternal, and incorruptible. He engendered light by the instrumentality of Christ, author of Wisdom. From Wisdom sprang Autogenes, and from Autogenes, Adam (male and female), and from Adam, matter. The first angel created was the Holy ghost, from whom sprang the first prince, named Protarchontes, who married Arrogance, whose offspring was Sin. Burnt by the Christians
Angel name
Greek The angel of solitudes and tears and an embodiment of the principle of stability. He is also the ruler of Saturn.
Angel name
Greek A daughter of the race of man, who was beloved by the angel Zaraph. Her one wish was to love purely, intensely, and holily; but she fixed her love on a seraph, a creature, more than her Creator; therefore, in punishment, she was condemned to abide on earth, "unchanged in heart and frame," so long as the earth endureth; but when time is no more, both she and her angel lover will be admitted into those courts "where love never dies." Hebrew
Angel name
Hebrew One of the princes of the seven heavens mentioned in the Third Book of Enoch. An angel of hail.
Angel name
"Dark Angel"
Hebrew The angel who wrestled with Jacob the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament. There has long been question as to which angel was sent to wrestle Jacob. Hebrew
Angel name
Hebrew / Christian The angel of death to the favoured people of God, the prince of fire and thunder, and the only angel that can speak Syriac and Chaldee. The Mahometans call him the chief of the four favoured angels, and the spirit of truth. In medi?val romance he is the second of the seven spirits that stand before the throne of God, and, as God's messenger, carries to heaven the prayers of men. Hebrew / Christian
Angel name
"Blue Men of the Minch"
Islands Blue Men of the Minch, fallen angels who dwell in the strait between Long Island and the Shiant Islands and responsible for sudden thunderstorms and shipwrecks.
Angel name
Jewish An angel who, according to the rabbis of the Talmud, takes charge of the waters of the earth. Fishermen invoke him so that they may take large fish. Arariel has also traditionally been invoked as a cure for stupidity. Jewish
Angel name
"Destruction Angels"
Jewish A fearsome type of angel who descends to the earth to inflict terrible suffering upon the wicked and in need of punishment. Jewish
Angel name
Jewish A group of fallen angels told of in Biblical apocrypha who mated with mortal women, giving rise to a race of hybrids known as the Nephilim, who are described as giants. Jewish demonology
Angel name
Mahometan The angel of death who sends souls to the angels of compåśśion or to the angels of punishment. Mahometan
Archangel name
Persian A small hairy demon able to make men perform cruel acts. One of seven archangels of the Persians. Persian
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