Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Deities name "Alad Udug Lama" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Collective name of guardian deities. Vague spirits who accompany major deities and dispense good fortune.... |
Deities name "Anunnaki" | Babylon | The seven judges of the underworld they began as fertility deities |
Goddess name "Anunnaki" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Children and courtiers of the god of heaven. Known from at least 2500 BC until circa 200BC (in Babylon). The Anunnaki originate as chthonic fertility deities but later feature as the seven fearsome judges of the underworld who answer to Kur and ERES KIGAL and who are responsible for påśśing sentences of death including that placed on the goddess INANA. They are often closely identified with the IGIGI.... |
Deities name "Anunnaki aka Anunnaku" | Babylon | Ananaki, a group of Sumerian and Akkadian deities related to, and in some cases overlapping with, the Annuna (the 'Fifty Great Gods') and the Igigi (minor gods). Babylon |
Goddess name "NAMMU" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian / Iraq | Chthonic creator and birth goddess. Nammu is identified in various texts as the goddess of the watery deeps. As a consort of AN she is the mother of ENKI and the power of the riverbed to produce water. Alternatively Nammu is the progenitrix of An and KI, the archetypal deities of heaven and earth. She also engendered other early gods and in one poem is the mother of all mortal life. She molded clay collected by creatures called sig-en-sig-du and brought it to life, thus creating mankind. She is attended by seven minor goddesses and may ultimately have become syncretized with NINHURSAG A.... |
Goddess name "Nintu" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Mother goddess. According to legend she pinched off fourteen pieces of primordial clay which she formed into womb deities, seven on the left and seven on the right with a brick between them, who produced the first seven pairs of human embryos. She is closely identified with the goddess Ninhursaga a and may have become Belet Ili (mistress of the gods) when, at Enki's suggestion, the gods slew one among themselves and used his blood and flesh, mixed with clay, to create mankind.... |
Goddess name "Samas'" | Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian | Sun god. The patron deity of Sippar and Larsa. His consort is the mother goddess A-A. S amas derives from the god UTU in the Sumerian pantheon. He is åśśociated with justice. His symbol is the Sun disc and a star surrounded with radiating Sunbeams. He may carry a single-headed scimitar embellished with a panther head. His sanctuary is known as the E-babbar. Also åśśociated with human-headed bulls. His attendant deities include Mes aru, justice, and Kettu, righteousness. He came to much greater prominence in the pantheon at Babylon from about the eighteenth century BC.... |