
List of Gods : "Deities Men" - 42 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Deities name
Sumeria Seven wise-men and the attending deities of the god Enki. Sumeria
Deities name
"Adibuddha (the primeval buddha)"
Buddhist The original BUDDHA. The primordial force in the cosmos from whom the five DHYANIBUDDHAS arose. The embodiment of the concept of emptiness. He is considered by some authorities to be identical with Vaharaja and Vajrasattva. His image, sitting on a lotus leaf, is often carried by other Buddhist deities. Epithets include Svabhava (self-creating), Svayambhu (self-enlightened)....
Deities name
"Ah Muuzencab"
Mayan / Yucatec, Mesoamerican / Mexico Bee gods. The patron deities of apiarists still invoked in parts of the Yucatan. They are thought to be represented iconographically on the tops and bottoms of stone columns at the site of Chichen Itza as aged men with long beards and upraised arms. They wear loin cloths with distinctive cross hatching....
Deities name
"Ah Patnar Uinicob (owners of the jars men)"
Mayan / Yucatec, Mesoamerican / Mexico Attendant water gods. Four huge deities who pour water on to the earth from jars. The end of the dry season is marked on May 3, completing an eight day Rain ceremony....
Goddess name
"Aife aka Aoife"
Ireland / Scotland Goddess and queen of the Isle of Shadow. She ran a school for warriors, but her school was less successful than her sister, Scathach's, school. Aife was not vulnerable to magic, and commanded a legion of fierce horsewomen. She stole an alphabet of knowledge from the deities to give to humankind. For that infraction, she was transformed into a crane by the elder deities. Ireland / Scotland
Deities name
Germanic / possibly Icelandic / Nordic Unknown status. The Alcis are twin deities (brothers) known only as sons of the sky gods. From Germanic times we have a La Tene urn with pictures of paired men on horseback and linked by a wooden beam. Tacitus describes the worship of twin gods by the Naharvali tribe, their priests dressed in effeminate costume (see also the Phrygian deity ATTIS). They may have been worshiped in Forest sanctuaries along the northern coast of Europe....
Deities name
Buddhist God. A BODHISATTVA or spiritual meditation buddha. Originally a DHARANI of MANJUSRI who became deified. Accompanied by four minor deities. Also a collective name for the five buddhas. Color: yellow or red. Attributes: standing wearing a monkish garment and carrying Book and sword....
Deities name
"Baa! Samin (lord of heaven)"
Western Semitic / Phoenician Head of the pantheon. Probably originated in Canaanite culture as a god of Rain and vegetation, but became extensively revered in places as far apart as Cyprus and Carthage. Epithets include “bearer of thunder.” Baal Samin is first mentioned in a fourteenth century BC treaty between the Hittite king Suppiluliuma and Nigmadu II of Ugarit. He had a major sanctuary at Byblos, according to inscription, “built by Yehemilk.” Josephus confirms that his cult existed at the time of Solomon. At Karatepe his name appears at the head of a list of national deities and on Seleucid coinage he is depicted wearing a half-moon crown and carrying a radiate Sun disc. Other epithets include “lord of eternity” and he may also have been god of storms at sea, a patron deity of mariners. By Hellenic times he equated with ZEUS in the Greek pantheon and the Romans identified him as Caelus (sky). Also Baal-Samem....
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Goddess of luck. One of seven deities clåśśed as gods of fortune and the only goddess in the group. A popular deity with many sanctuaries dedicated to her, she is a patron of music and holds a biwa instrument in her hand. Snakes, believed to stand for jealousy, are often coiled around her statues. Because of this, married couples are reluctant to visit her shrines together. Her priesthood is both Shinto and Buddhist and she is closely linked with the goddess SARASVATI....
Deities name
Greek Minor deities, one of whom it was believed was attached to each mortal from his birth as a constant companion and acting as a sort of messenger between the gods and men.
Deities name
"Cakra (wheel)"
Hindu Embodiment of the creator's mind. Emerging in the form of a six-spoked wheel (less frequently eight) which also epitomizes the påśśage of time, and is a symbol of wholeness and protection. Particularly åśśociated with VISNU and KRSNA, the cakra is a common attribute held by many deities. It is probably of great antiquity since it is known from the time of the Indus Valley civilization (prior to 1700 BC). In Jainism and Buddhism it is the “wheel of the law” which leads to perfection....
Deities name
Judaic Collective term for gods. Found in the Vetus Testamentum and distinguishing the lower order of gods from the great deities, ELOHIM....
Deities name
Judaic Collective term for gods. Found in the Vetus Testamentum and distinguishing the higher order of great gods from the minor deities, ELIM. Also applied to the Israelite god YHWH....
Deities name
Shinto / Japan God of war. One of two deities who made the way clear for Prince NINIGI to descend to earth and begin the imperial dynasty. A tutelary deity of swordsmen and judoka artists. Linked with the god TAKE-MIKA-DZUCHI— NO-KAMI....
Goddess name
Germanic / Nordic / Icelandic Goddess of Agriculture. One of the AESIR deities and an attendant of the goddess FRIGG according to tradition mentioned by Snorri in the Edda. She bore four giant sons whom she turned into oxen and used them to plough a tract of land which was then towed out to sea to become Zeeland (Sjaeland). She is also said to have founded a royal Danish dynasty. Also Gefiun....
Deities name
Egypt Chthonic god of death. Known from the Middle kingdom onward he is one of the minor deities concerned with the judgment of the dead. He became syncretized with ANUBIS....
Deities name
"Kalki(n) (with white horse)"
Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic horse god. Possibly the tenth avatara of VIS'NU. He rewards the good and punishes evil. The counterpart of the Buddhist deity MAITREYA. horses became åśśociated with Divine kingship in ancient India because of their speed of movement. Solar deities were perceived to ride horses across the sky and horse sacrifice became highly significant. Kalki is depicted either anthropomorphically or with the head of a horse and has four arms. He is attended by a white horse. Attributes: arrow, conch, prayer wheel, shield and sword. Also Vis'nuyasas....
Goddess name
Egypt / Upper Chthonic or earth god. Said to create human life on a potter's wheel but strictly at the behest of creator deities. He is usually seated before a potter's wheel on which stands a naked figure in the process of molding. The Khnum cult was principally directed from sanctuaries at Esna, north of the first Nile cataract, and at Elephantine where mummified rams covered with gold leaf and buried in stone sarcophagi have been discovered. Khnum supervises the annual Nile flood, which is physically generated by the god HAPY. His consort at Esna is the goddess Menhyt. Khnum is also described at other sites as the BA or soul of various deities including GEB and OSIRIS. Depicted anthropomorphically or with the head of a ram....
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