
List of Gods : "Deities Japan" - 36 records

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Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼
Deities name
Japan A deity of happiness, prosperity, longevity, and wisdom. One of the seven principal deities of luck, identified as Ebisu, Daikokuten, Bishamonten, Benzaiten, Fukurokuju, Jurojin, and Hotei. Japan
Demon name
"Zouchou Ten"
Japan Attended by demons, is one of the sixteen heavenly deities protecting Hannya. Japan
Goddess name
"AVALOKITESVARA (merciful lord)"
Buddhist / India Bodhisattva or buddhadesignate. One of the most important deities of the Mahayana sect of Buddhism. In Lamaism he is the tutelary god of Tibet. He equates with VIS NU in Hinduism and bears links with PADMAPANI. In cosmic mythology he is a creator deity. Color: white or red. Attributes: blue lotus, image of Amitabha (topmost pyramidal head), lotus, rosary, sword and water jar. NOTE: in Chinese Buddhism he is represented by the goddess Kuan-Tin, and in Japanese by KWANNON....
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Collective name for water gods. These deities are worshiped at shrines at the sources of irrigation canals, lakes and ponds. They are depicted as snakes, eels and fish and invoked particularly by women. Chief among them is the goddess MIZU-HA-NO-ME....
Deities name
"Umashi-Ashi-Kabi-Hiko-Ji-No-Kami (pleasant reed shoot prince elder deity)"
Shinto / Japan Creator being. The fourth of the deities to be listed in the Kojiki sacred text. He was engendered from the reeds floating on the pri mordial waters and is perceived as a remote and vague figure who hides himself from mankind....
Deities name
"Kami-Musubi-No-Kami (divine producing wondrous deity)"
Shinto / Japan Creator being. The third in the list of primordial deities appearing in the Kojiki and Nibongi sacred texts. A remote and vaguely defined deity who was born alone in the cosmos and whose presence remains hidden from mankind. Probably influenced by Chinese religion....
Goddess name
"Izanagi-No-Kami (his augustness the one who invites)"
Shinto / Japan Creator god. One of seventeen beings involved in creation. His consort is IZANAMI-NO-KAMI. They are strictly of Japanese origin with no Chinese or Buddhist influence. Jointly they are responsible to the other fifteen primordial deities to “make, consolidate and give birth to this drifting land.” The reference, in the Kojiki sacred text, is to the reed beds which were considered to float on the primal waters. The pair were granted a heavenly jeweled spear and they stood upon the floating bridge of heaven, stirring the waters with the spear. When the spear was pulled up, the brine which dripped from it created the island of Onogoro, the first dry land, believed to be the island of Nu-Shima on the southern coast of Awagi. According to mythology, the pair created two beings, a son HIRUKO and an island Ahaji. They generated the remaining fourteen islands which make up Japan and then set about creating the rest of the KAMI pantheon. Izanagi's most significant offspring include AMATERASU, the Sun goddess, born from his nose and SUSANOWO, the storm god, born from his left eye, who are the joint rulers of the universe. Also IzanagiNo-Mikoto....
Deities name
Shinto / Japan earthquake god. One of the RAIJIN deities responsible for thunder, storms and Rain. His worship began in AD 599....
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan God of carpenters. One of several minor deities involved in the building of a sacred hall of great beauty, used to entice the Sun goddess Amaterasu from her cave. Linked with the god TAOKI-HO-OI-NO-KAMI....
Deities name
Shinto / Japan God of harvests. The son of SUSANO-WO and Kamu-O-Ichi-Hime, he heads the pantheon of agricultural deities and is generally the guardian of rice fields....
Deities name
Buddhist / Japan God of lightning. One of the deities grouped in Shintoism as the RAIJIN gods of thunder, storm and Rain....
Deities name
Shinto / Japan God of luck. One of seven deities concerned with fortune, he appears as a warrior clad in full armor holding a spear in one hand and a toy pagoda, identified as a “tower of treasure” in the other. He has been linked with the Buddhist god Vaisravana (KUBERA)....
Deities name
Shinto / Japan God of luck. One of seven deities in Shintoism concerned with fortune. He is allegedly a Chinese hermit who lived during the Sung dynasty and whose name means happiness, wealth and longevity. He is depicted as a little old man, bald and with a prominent high forehead. He carries a Book of sacred teachings tied to his staff. Other occasional attributes include a crane, deer or tortoise....
Deities name
Shinto / Japan God of luck. One of seven deities in Shintoism concerned with fortune. He is depicted as a Chinese hermit and is sometimes confused with the god FUKUROKUJU. A small figure with a large head, he carries a staff to which is attached a little Book. By tradition the Book contains information about the lifespan of each mortal person. He is accompanied by a black deer, said to have been made thus by old age....
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan God of potters. The consort of HANI-YASU-HIME, he is one of the clay deities made from the faeces of the primordial goddess IZANAMI....
Deities name
Japan God of thunder, the most significant of the eight thunder deities, Japan / Shinto
Deities name
Shinto / Japan God of thunder. One of the RAIJIN gods of thunder, storms and Rain, he is also one of the warrior deities who guarded Prince NINIGI on his descent from heaven to earth. A tutelary god of swordsmen and judoka artists.See also FUTSU-NUSHI-NO-KAMI....
Deities name
Shinto / Japan God of thunder. The most significant of the eight thunder deities which emerged from the corpse of IZANAMI after she was burned to death....
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