Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Deities name "Aether" | Greco - Roman | Primordial god of light. A remote cosmic deity, the son of EREBOS (darkness) and NYX (night) who overthrew these archetypal deities of chaos. In Hesiod's Epic Cycle he is also described as the father of OURANOS.... |
Deity name "Astaphaios" | Gnostic Christian | Primordial deity. One of the androgynous principles born to YALDABAOTH, the prime parent, ruling the seven heavens of chaos in gnostic mythology.... |
Deity name "Chaos" | Greco Roman | Primordial deity. The amorphous male power who, with the female presence, NYX, personifies the empty space which existed before the formation of the cosmos.... |
Deity name "Erebos" | Greco - Roman | Primordial deity. Engendered by chaos and NYX, he formed an incestuous liaison with his mother to create the first elements of the cosmos, AETHER (light) and Hemera (day), in preHomeric mythology.... |
Deity name "Eros" | Greco Roman | Primordial deity. One of the children of AETHER and Hemera in the pre Homeric cosmos. Listed in Hesiod's Theogony as one of three archetypal beings with chaos and GAIA. Also AMOR (Roman).... |
Deity name "Ku" | Polynesian / Hawaii | Primordial being. An aspect of a tripartite deity which also includes KANE, the light, and LONO, sound. They existed in chaos and darkness, which they broke into pieces to allow the light to come in.... |
King name "Oraios" | Christian | Seven appeared in chaos, androgynous. They have their masculine names and their feminine names. The feminine name is Pronoia (Forethought) Sambathas, which is 'week'. And his son is called Yao: his feminine name is Lordship. Sabaoth: his feminine name is deity. Adonaios: his feminine name is kingship. Elaios: his feminine name is Jealousy. Oraios: his feminine name is Wealth. And Astaphaios: his feminine name is Sophia (Wisdom). These are the seven forces of the seven heavens of chaos. And they were born androgynous, consistent with the immortal pattern that existed before them, according to the wish of Pistis: so that the likeness of what had existed since the beginning might reign to the end. Christian / Gnostic. The Nag Hammadi |
Deity name "Oraios (wealth)" | Gnostic Christian | Primordial deity. One of the androgynous elements born to YALDABAOTH, the prime parent, and ruler of the seven heavens of chaos in Gnostic mythology.... |
Deities name "Whiro" | Polynesian / Maori | God of death. Regarded as an errant son of the creator deities, RANGINUI and PAPATUANUKU, Whiro stands as the chief antagonist of TANEMAHUTA, the creator god of light. He is, therefore, the personification of darkness and evil. During the time of creation from chaos, Whiro is said to have fought an epic battle against Tanemahuta in the newly formed heavens. He was vanquished and forced to descend into the underworld where he became ruler over the dead and chief among the lesser underworld deities who are responsible for various forms of disease and sickness. In the temporal world the lizard, a symbol of death, embodies him, and various creatures of the night, including the owl and the bat, are earthly representatives from his kingdom, as are such malignant insect pests as the mosquito. This deity is not to be confused with the legendary human voyager and adventurer of the same name whose traditions have, in the past, often been muddled with those of the god.... |
Supreme god name "Yu Huang Shang Ti" | Taoist / Chinese | Supreme god. He achieved paramount prominence during the Sung Dynasty and the Jade Emperor is his earthly, mortal incarnation. As a deity he is remote and out of touch with ordinary people. No iconography is applied to him and he has no physical description. He engendered the universe from chaos and is the unifying principle of the cosmos which is perceived to be divided into thirty-six heavens above the earth. Also SHANG TI; Shang Di.... |