
List of Gods : "Deity Bes" - 19 records

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Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼
God name
Australasia God of påśśage. Local deity of several tribes in New South Wales. Said to oversee the transition from adolescence to manhood. The initiate was taken away by the god, “killed,” restored to life and endured a tooth being knocked out to signify the arrival of adulthood and full incorporation into the society of the tribe. Also DIaramulun....
Spirit name
Buddhist / India The fifth dhyanibuddha or meditation buddha. One of five mystic spiritual counterparts of a human buddha in Vajrayana Buddhism. Color: green. Attributes: staff and sometimes seven-headed snake. Amoghasiddhi is also taken as a tutelary deity in Lamaism [Tibet] in which case his attributes include bell, three monkish robes and prayer wheel. Emanations include Visvapani and many other minor names. See also AKSOBHYA, AMITABHA, RATNASAMBHAVA and VAIROCANA....
God name
Celtic / Welsh Chthonic underworld god. The leader of the phantom hunt seen chasing a white stag with a pack of red-eared hounds. He equates with GWYNN AP NUDD, a similar deity known in South Wales. His chief underworld opponent is Hafgan and he bribes PWYLL, prince of Dyfed, to challenge Hafgan in exchange for a gift of pigs....
God name
Edo / Benin, West Africa God of war, hunting and metalwork. This rather loosely defined deity was sent by the god OSANOBUA to cut open the land to allow crops to be planted. He is the strength inherent in metals and piles of metal objects are left beside his sanctuaries. As a god of war he defends the tribe and is depicted wearing armor and with red eyes. As a god of hunters and farmers he is generally benevolent....
Deity name
Egypt Guardian deity of women in labor. A dwarfish and hideous, but essentially benign deity whose ugliness wards off evil. He is generally present at births exerting a protective influence. Bes appears with a large-bearded and barely human face, a thick body, short arms and short bandy legs....
God name
Egypt Chthonic underworld god. Guardian deity of the necropolis at Memphis with possible fertility connotations and with strong links to OSIRIS beside whom he is also perceived as a restored god of the dead. He is also syncretized with the Memphis creator god PTAH in the Old kingdom (circa 4500 BC), where he may have originated as a god of various crafts åśśociated with the manufacture of funerary trappings. He is depicted either as a hawk on a boat, or in human form with the head of a hawk and an elaborate atef crown (see Osiris). Sokar also enjoyed a major cult at Thebes where, in an annual festival celebrating the healthy continuation of the Divine kingship, he was conveyed in an elaborate barque. Also Sokaris (Greek)....
Goddess name
"Amaunet (the hidden one)"
Egypt / Upper Fertility goddess. Amaunet seems to have a taken a role as an early consort of AMUN, one of the eight deities of the OGDOAD and representing hidden power. In that context she is depicted anthropomorphically but with the head of a snake. She is shown in reliefs and as the subject of a notable statue from the Record Hall of Tuthmosis III at the Karnak complex of Thebes, where she was recognized as a benign protective deity especially called on at times of royal accession. As a fertility goddess she was largely eclipsed by the goddess MUT. She is sometimes equated with NEITH, the creator goddess of Sais, and her attributes may include the red crown of the Delta....
Goddess name
"Khons(u) (wanderer)"
Egypt / Upper moon god. Recognized from at least 2500 BC but best known during the New kingdom (mid-sixteenth century BC). A significant deity at Thebes, where he is described as an offspring of AMUN and MUT. His sacred animal is the baboon. There is a Khonsu precinct as part of the Temple of Amun in the Karnak complex. From the Greco-Roman period there exists a sanctuary of Kom-ombo where Khonsu is seen as the offspring of the crocodile god SOBEK and the mother goddess HATHOR. Depicted anthropomorphically or with a falcon's head, but in either case enveloped in a close-fitting robe. He wears a crown consisting of a crescent moon subtending a full moon orb....
Goddess name
Fon / Benin, West Africa (1) moon goddess. The sister of the Sun god LISA. She is also considered to bestow fertility and motherhood and is generally benevolent in nature.(2) sky god. Ewe [Togo, West Africa]. Among the tribe neighboring the Fon. Mawu is perceived as male and a creator deity. He favors the color white and is also benevolent and generous in nature....
Deities name
Germanic / possibly Icelandic / Nordic Unknown status. The Alcis are twin deities (brothers) known only as sons of the sky gods. From Germanic times we have a La Tene urn with pictures of paired men on horseback and linked by a wooden beam. Tacitus describes the worship of twin gods by the Naharvali tribe, their priests dressed in effeminate costume (see also the Phrygian deity ATTIS). They may have been worshiped in Forest sanctuaries along the northern coast of Europe....
Goddess name
Greco - Roman Goddess of justice and order. A daughter of the sky god OURANOS and earth mother GAIA, though not clåśśed as one of the Titans. A consort of ZEUS and the mother of the Horae and Moires. She is the impartial deity who sits blindfolded in Hades and judges the souls of the dead to determine whether they will påśś to the Elysian fields or to the fires of Tartarus. Attended by three lesser judgment deities, AEACOS, MINOS and RHADAMANTHOS. The guilty are handed over to the Furies—the Dirae, Erinyes or Eumenides. At Rhamnus in Attica, Themis was accorded a sanctuary built in the sixth century BC beside which that of NEMESIS, goddess of indignation, was built in the fifth century....
Goddess name
Greek Chthonic underworld goddess. A daughter of OKEANOS and TETHYS, and mother of NIKE. The deity of the river Styx beside which the gods swear their oaths....
Goddess name
"Balarama (strength of Rama)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Incarnation of the god VIS'NU. May have originated in Vedic times as an agricultural fertility deity. He is the son of VASUDEVA and DEVAKI, though born from the womb of ROHINI. Jointly with KRSNA (his brother), he is identified as the eighth avatara (incarnation) of Vis'nu, or, with RAMA, as the seventh. Legend describes how Vis'nu impregnated the belly of the goddess Devaki with two hairs, one black, one white. To ensure their safety against a demon king, they were transferred before birth to Rohini. Krsna grew to be dark-skinned, and Balarama light. The latter enjoys similar characteristics to Krsna but fails to attract the same popularity. He is usually depicted on the right side of Krsna, rarely standing alone. The consort of Balarama is REVATI and his sons are Nisatha and Ulmuka. Epithets included Ananda (joy). In Jainism he is known as Baladeva. Attributes: arrow, club, drinking cup, fan palm, honey pot, lotus, pestle, pitcher, plough, prayer wheel, shield and sword....
God name
"Mahadeya (mighty god)"
Hindu / Puranic God. An important epithet of SIVA with three heads (two male, one female) signifying the three aspects—Aghora (right), Saumya (center) and Sakti (left). Attributes: ax, bell, hook, mirror, noose, staff, sword, tree and trident. Also identified as a manifestation of Siva and one of the EKADASARUDRAS (eleven forms of RUDRA). In northern India among tribes including the Gonds, the expression Mahadeo (great god) is directed toward Siva as the supreme deity....
God name
Hua / southeastern Ghana, West Africa vegetation god. A benevolent deity who can bestow wealth as well as good harvests. He is also god of Medicine and of the sounds of music. His devotees wear white and daub white chalk on their faces. His symbol is the cowrie shell....
Spirit name
Norse The god of thunder, keeper of the hammer, the ever-fighting slayer of trolls and destroyer of evil spirits, the friend of mankind, the defender of the earth, the heavens and the gods; for without Thor and his hammer the earth would become the helpless prey of the giants. He was the consecrator, the hammer being the cross or holy sign of the ancient heathen. Thor was the son of Odin and Fjorgyn (mother earth); he was blunt, hot-tempered, without fraud or guile, of few words but of ready stroke - such was Thor, the favorite deity of our forefathers. The finest legends of the Younger Edda and the best lays of the Elder Edda refer to Thor. His hall is Bilskirner. He slays Thjåśśe, Thrym, Hrungner, and other giants. In Ragnarok he slays the Midgard-serpent, but falls after retreating nine paces, poisoned by the serpent's breath. Norse
God name
Polynesian God of the dead. Perceived as a giant cuttlefish who was once subdued by the god of deep underground rocks. Part of the principle of Polynesian religion that every deity has a superior and and inferior who have either bested, or been bested by, the other at some mythical time....
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan God(dess) of stone cutters. Of ambiguous gender, this deity created the stone mold into which the bronze was cast to make the perfect Divine mirror. It was used so that AMATERASU, the Sun goddess, could see her glorious reflection and so be enticed from the dark cave where she had hidden herself to escape the excesses of the god SUSANO-WO. Ishi-Kori-Dome is also the tutelary deity of mirror makers and was one of the escorts for Prince NINIGI when he descended from heaven to earth. Generally invoked beside fire and smith KAMIS....
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