Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Spirit name "AMOGHASIDDHI" | Buddhist / India | The fifth dhyanibuddha or meditation buddha. One of five mystic spiritual counterparts of a human buddha in Vajrayana Buddhism. Color: green. Attributes: staff and sometimes seven-headed snake. Amoghasiddhi is also taken as a tutelary deity in Lamaism [Tibet] in which case his attributes include bell, three monkish robes and prayer wheel. Emanations include Visvapani and many other minor names. See also AKSOBHYA, AMITABHA, RATNASAMBHAVA and VAIROCANA.... |
Goddess name "AVALOKITESVARA (merciful lord)" | Buddhist / India | Bodhisattva or buddhadesignate. One of the most important deities of the Mahayana sect of Buddhism. In Lamaism he is the tutelary god of Tibet. He equates with VIS NU in Hinduism and bears links with PADMAPANI. In cosmic mythology he is a creator deity. Color: white or red. Attributes: blue lotus, image of Amitabha (topmost pyramidal head), lotus, rosary, sword and water jar. NOTE: in Chinese Buddhism he is represented by the goddess Kuan-Tin, and in Japanese by KWANNON.... |
Spirit name "Akasagarbha (essence of tbe sky)" | Buddhist / Mahayana / / Lamaist / Tibet | Astral god. One of the BODHISATTVAS or spiritual meditation buddhas. He lives in the womb of the sky. Color: green. Attributes: Book, jewel, lotus and Sun disc. Also Khagarbha. In Japanese Buddhism this deity becomes the god Kokuzo.... |
Demon name "Bi-har" | Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet | Guardian deity. One of the guardian maharajas protecting against demons. Attended by a lion. Color: white. Attributes: arrow, bow, knife, staff, sword and trident. Three-eyed.... |
God name "Chos-Skyon (protector)" | Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet | Tutelary guardian deity. One of a group of gods of fearsome appearance who wear royal apparel. Rides a white elephant. Color: blue. Attributes: knife and noose.... |
Deity name "Dalai-Lama" | Tibet | Chief of the two Tartar priests and a sort of incarnate deity. The other lama is called the "Tesho-lama." Tibet |
Deity name "Dipankara (light causer)" | Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet | deity. One of a minor group of buddhas. Color: yellow. Attributes: none in particular.... |
Goddess name "Ellaman" | Dravidian | Goddess of påśśage, an astral deity Hindu / Dravidian / Tamil |
Deity name "Lha" | Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet | Generic term for a deity. Also the title for a deity in the old Bon pantheon, equating to the Sanskrit term DEVA.... |
God name "Mahakala (the great death)" | Hindu / Puranic | (1) God. A violent aspect of S IVA. His SAKTI is Mahakah. Rides upon a lion. Color: black. Attributes: five arrows, ax, Brahma-egg, club, cup, rosary of skulls, staff and trident. Three-eyed. Also considered to be a form of the god BHAIRAVA in which context he is a guardian of the faith.(2) Guardian god of tents and science. BuddhistLamaist [Tibet]. Derived from the Hindu god S iva and an emanation of the five DHYANIBUDDHAS. Also one of a group of DHARMAPALAS with terrible appearance and royal attire. A deity of riches. He treads on the god Vinayaka, or on a man, a corpse, or on two elephant-headed men. Color: black, blue or white. Attributes: mainly elephant skin, prayer wheel and trident, but may hold various other objects.... |
God name "Shei-Lha-Odkhar" | Bon / pre - Lamaist / Tibet | God of light. In the ancient religion he is a creator deity from whom all other gods are engendered. In Lamaism he evolves into a god of wisdom.... |
Supreme god name "Shei-Rab" | Bon / pre - Lamaist / Tibet | Supreme god. In the ancient religion he is the remote and barely defined creator deity. Attributes include a lotus and swastika.... |
Deity name "Yama (2)" | Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet | Guardian deity. One of a group of DHARMAPALA with terrible appearance and royal attire who guard the Dalai Lama. He stands upon a man. His colors may be red, blue, white or yellow. His attributes are most commonly a noose and staff, but may also be a club, a net, a shield, a sword, a trident and two tusks.... |
Deity name "Yamantaka (destroyer of Yama)" | Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet | Guardian deity. An emanation of AKSOBHYA and one of a group of DHARMAPALA with terrible appearance and royal attire who guard the Dalai Lama. By tradition he stifled the great rage of YAMA. His SAKTI is Vidyadhara. He is also a dikpala or guardian of the easterly direction. He tramples a number of creatures including a man, and possesses thirty-two arms and sixteen legs. Color: red, blue, black or white. Attributes: many.... |
God name "gSari Sgrub" | Bon / Lamaist / Tibet | God. Originally a Bon deity who became syncretized as a variety of the god YAMA in Lamaism. His animal is the bull and he may appear bull-headed. Color: red. Attributes: cup, knife and prayer wheel.... |