
List of Gods : "Deity The" - 682 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
Goddess name
Shinto / Japan Goddess of luck. One of seven deities clåśśed as gods of fortune and the only goddess in the group. A popular deity with many sanctuaries dedicated to her, she is a patron of music and holds a biwa instrument in her hand. Snakes, believed to stand for jealousy, are often coiled around her statues. Because of this, married couples are reluctant to visit her shrines together. Her priesthood is both Shinto and Buddhist and she is closely linked with the goddess SARASVATI....
God name
Egypt / Upper Transmuted bird-like form of a Sun god. A deity mentioned in Pyramid Texts (circa twenty-fifth century BC) and linked with the Sun god of Heliopolis, ATUM. He is also said to have been self-created from the primeval ocean and is sometimes a symbol of rebirth in the afterlife. Benu may have augmented the Greek clåśśical tradition of the Phoenix. He appears in the Old kingdom as a yellow wagtail but later becomes a heron, wearing the conical white crown of Upper Egypt with two slender feathers pointing backwards from its crest....
Deity name
Canaanite An ancient Canaanite deity which can be found in Jeremiah
God name
Western Semitic / Phoenician Local tutelary god. Probably of Aramaean or Syrian origin. First mentioned in a fourteenth century treaty between the Hittite king Suppiluliuma and Nigmadu II of Ugarit [Ras Samra]. He appears more regularly on inscriptions from the end of the seventh century BC and enjoyed considerable popularity during the neo-Babylonian period. Bethel is mentioned in the Biblical text of Jeremiah 48.13, implying that some Israelites acknowledged this deity. There is no evidence of links with the historical place names, including that mentioned in Genesis 38.13....
God name
"Bhairava (terrible)"
Hindu / Puranic / later Minor frightful form of the god SIVA. Guardian deity of doorways. A so-called ugra aspect, generally depicted in similar style to Siva but with up to five heads and ten arms and said to have been born from Siva's blood. Attributes: hook and noose. Aspects and epithets include Kalaratri, KSETRAPALA and MAHAKALA. Also Bhairon, linked with the cult of dogs and BHAIRAVA, one of a group of MAHAVIDYAS personifying the SAKTI of Siva....
God name
"Bhumiya (guardian of fields)"
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic / northern India Fertility god. Guardian deity of fields, worshiped as a rough stone icon. In later times a form of VIS NU....
Demon name
Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet Guardian deity. One of the guardian maharajas protecting against demons. Attended by a lion. Color: white. Attributes: arrow, bow, knife, staff, sword and trident. Three-eyed....
God name
"Bo Hsian"
Taoist / Chinese God. The Taoist counterpart of the Buddhist deity SAMANTABHADRA. Usually depicted upon a white elephant. He is considered to be a god of wisdom....
Goddess name
"Boann (she of the white cows)"
Celtic / Irish River goddess. The local goddess of the river Boyne. She is one of the consorts of the DAGDA, alternatively of a minor local deity Elcmar, cuckolded by the Dagda who sent him away on an errand for nine months. The mother of Angus mac Og.See also AENGUS....
Goddess name
Pre - Christian Hungarian Tutelary goddess. The guardian deity of women and children, she became syncretized with the Virgin Mary after Christianization....
Deity name
Congo Ancestral deity of the Bushongo and other peoples of the Congo.
God name
Tunisia God thought to be the creator deity Tunisia
Goddess name
"Boora Pennu"
Indian / Khond God of light. A local deity in the Orissa province who created the earth goddess TARI PENNU as his consort and through her engendered the other great gods. Until recently this deity was the subject of sacrifice in notorious meriah rituals, which involved violent human sacrifice....
Goddess name
British / Gaul God of hot springs equated with Apollo and has similarities to the goddess Sirona, who was also a healing deity åśśociated with mineral springs. British / Gaul
Deity name
Hindu Their "tri-murti" is a three-headed deity, representing Brahma (as creator), Vishnu (as preserver), and Siva (as destroyer).
God name
"Bugid Y Aiba"
Puerto Rico / Haiti God of war. Clåśśed as one of the ZEMIS. The local Indians have believed that the deity can give them strength. When they smoke in a ritual ceremony in honor of the god, their arms increase in size. He will also restore failed eyesight....
Spirit name
Celtic, Gallic Fertility and chthonic god. Cernunnos appears to have been recognized in the region of Gaul which is now central France. He is typically drawn as a man bearing the antlers of a stag, not necessarily representing an animal spirit but a deity closely involved with animals and one which can transform instantly into animal shape. In the Celtic world, horns and antlers were generally regarded as symbols of virility and fertility....
Goddess name
"CHALCHIUHTLICUE (her skirt is of jade)"
Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico water goddess. Featuring strongly in creation mythology, Chalchiuhtlicue presided over the fourth of the world ages which terminated in a great deluge. She is the tutelary deity of the fourth of the thirteen heavens identified at the time of the Spanish conquest, Ilhuicatl Citlalicue (the heaven of the star-skirted goddess). She takes the role of a vegetation goddess responsible for the flowering and fruiting of the green world, particularly maize; she also takes responsibility for such natural phenomena as whirlpools. Attributes include a rattle on a baton, and her dress is adorned with waterlilies....
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