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Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Demon name "Abigor" | Christian | A warrior demon who commands sixty legions and a Grand Duke of Hell. Can fortell future and give military advice. |
Demon name "Addanc aka adanc" | Welsh | Addane, afanc, avanc, abhac, abac, a lake monster that also appears in Celtic and British folklore. It is described alternately as resembling a crocodile, beaver or dwarf, and is sometimes said to be a demon. The lake in which it dwells also varies; it is variously said to live in Llyn Llion, Llyn Barfog, near Brynberian Bridge or in Llyn yr Afanc, a lake in Betws-y-Coed that was named after the creature. Welsh |
Goddess name "Ankalamman" | Hindu / Dravidian | Guardian goddess who wards off demons. Sister of Draupadi. Hindu / Dravidian |
Goddess name "Ankalamman" | Hindu - Dravidian / Tamil | Guardian goddess. Known particularly in southern India where she wards off demons. Alternatively she is an aspect of KALI.... |
Demon name "Chung K'uei" | Taoist / Chinese | God of the afterlife. He belongs to the heavenly ministry of exorcism and, though not the most senior (he is subservient to CHANG TAO LING), is probably the most popular within the category. He was originally a mortal working as a physician in the eighth century AD. He is depicted with a fearsome face, said to be so terrible that it can drive away any demonic spirit who dares to oppose him. He is engaged in combat using a sword and a fan on which is written a magical formula to ward off evil. Symbolic peaches are suspended from his hat and a bat circles his head representing happiness.... |
Demon name "Devas" | India | Some gods at perpetual war with the demons |
Demon name "Devas" | India | Some gods at perpetual war with the demons. India |
Demon name "Focalor" | Christian | A Great Duke of Hell who kills men, drowns them, and overthrows warships and has power over wind and sea and hoped to return to heaven after one thousand years, but he was deceived in his hope. Focalor is depicted as a man with the wings of a griffin. Christian demonology |
Demon name "Gaderel" | Jewish | He who showed the children of the people all the blows of death, who misled Eve, who showed the children of the people how to make the instruments of death, the shield, the breastplate, and the sword for warfare, and all the other instruments of death to the children of the people" - 1 Enoch 69:4-12. Quite a busy boy... Jewish demonology |
Angel name "Gmial" | Christian | An angelic traffic warden of the seven celestial halls. Christian demonology |
Demon name "MON (great god)" | Kafir / AfghanistanHindukush | warrior god and hero. Mon is a senior deity in the Kafir pantheon who challenges and defends mankind against demons and giants. He is the first offspring of the creator god Imra. He is also a weather god who controls clouds and mist. Mon is perceived as a deity of vast size and vigor who creates glaciers with his footprints. He is also a god of flowing water. Some legends place him as a creator of mankind and law-giver, but only mirroring the actions of the supreme creator IMRA. He appears as a mediator between heaven and earth.... |
Goddess name "MORRIGAN (queen of demons)" | Celtic / Irish | war, fertility and vegetation goddess. A complex goddess displaying various characteristics which are both generative and destructive (see also ANAT, INANA, IS'TAR, ATHENE). At the festival of Samain, she mates with the DAGDA to ensure the future prosperity of the land and as queen Maeve (Medb) of Connaught she was ritually wedded to the mortal king whose antecedent was Ailill. As Nemain (panic) and Badb Catha (raven of battle), she takes on a more warlike and destructive aspect. Rather than engaging directly in conflict, she uses her supernatural powers to spread fear and disarray. The Irish hero Cu Chulainn was thus visited on the battle field by BADB driving a chariot and dressed in a red cloak and with red eyebrows presenting an intimidating appearance. She is capable of changing her shape into various animal forms and in the guise of a raven or a crow is able to foretell the outcome of battle.... |
Goddess name "Mahisasuramardini (slayer of the buffalo demon)" | Hindu / Puranic | Form of the goddess DEVI. Appearing from the fourth century AD onward, this goddess is a DURGA form of Devi. She possesses up to twelve arms holding an åśśortment of weapons and may be seated on a lion. According to legend, the form arose in response to the threat from the demonic MAHISA who was eventually slain by the goddess Devi with his own sword. Attributes: ax, banner, bell, bow, club, conch, drum, hook, lizard, mirror, noose, prayer wheel, shield, sword, staff and trident. Three-eyed.... |
Demon name "Maru" | Polynesian / Maori | God of war. One of the important deities revered by Maori clans in New Zealand in times of war, he may be represented in totems as an aggressive face with a prominent tuft of hair, staring eyes and tongue protruding, though these totems generally represent ancestors rather than deities. Maru may be invoked in the familiar Maori war dances and chants demonstrated popularly by the All Blacks before rugby matches all over the world.... |
Demon name "Morvran (sea crow)" | Celtic / Welsh | Local god of war. The son of CERIDWEN and TEGID FOEL. Legend has it that he was extremely ugly and that his mother tried to imbue him with wisdom by preparing a special brew of inspiration. It was drunk by Gwion. Morvran was invincible in battle because his enemies thought him a demon.... |
Goddess name "NINURTA (lord plough)" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian - Akkadian / Iraq | God of thunderstorms and the plough. Ninurta is the Sumerian god of farmers and is identified with the plough. He is also the god of thunder and the hero of the Sumerian pantheon, closely linked with the confrontation battles between forces of good and evil that characterize much of Mesopotamian literature. He is one of several challengers of the malignant dragon or serpent Kur said to inhabit the empty space between the earth's crust and the primeval sea beneath. Ninurta is the son of Enlil and Ninhursaga a, alternatively Ninlil, and is the consort of Gula, goddess of healing. He is attributed with the creation of the mountains which he is said to have built from giant stones with which he had fought against the demon Asag. He wears the horned helmet and tiered skirt and carries a weapon Sarur which becomes personified in the texts, having its own intelligence and being the chief adversary, in the hands of Ninurta, of Kur. He carries the double-edged scimitar-mace embellished with lions' heads and, according to some authors, is depicted in nonhuman form as the thunderbird lmdugud (sling stone), which bears the head of a lion and may represent the hailstones of the god. His sanctuary is the E-padun-tila. Ninurta is perceived as a youthful warrior and probably equates with the Babylonian heroic god Marduk. His cult involved a journey to Eridu from both Nippur and Girsu. He may be compared with Iskur, who was worshiped primarily by herdsmen as a storm god.... |
Goddess name "Narasinha (man-lion)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Incarnation of the god Vis'nu. The fourth avatara of the god is depicted as a man-lion hybrid. According to legend, the demonic king Hiranyakasipu had taken on a dangerous invulnerability. To thwart this, VIS'NU took the form of Narasinha and hid inside a pillar of the king's palace whence he sprang, capturing Hiranyakasipu and tearing out his entrails. IconographicalIy, the scene is portrayed with the victim thrown across Narasinha's lap and the god's claws plunged into his body. Narasinha may also appear seated in a yoga position with the goddess LAKSMI on his knee.... |
Demon name "Nataraja (lord of the dance)" | Hindu / Puranic | Form of the god SI IVA. Emerging from AD 1200 onward, this form depicts SI iva as lord of the dance ringed by fire and with one foot on a demon in the form of a black dwarf. Nataraja arguably epitomizes the moving power in the cosmos. Largely seen in southern Indian bronzes which display the dance-form anandatandava.... |
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