
List of Gods : "Demon Mayan" - 9 records

Name ▲▼ Origin ▲▼ Description ▲▼
Demon name
Hindu The chief demon of the Ramayana. Indra zapped him with a thunderbolt. Hindu
Goddess name
"Hanuman (with large jaws)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Monkey god. Hanuman attends RAMA, one of the incarnations of VISINU, and personifies the ideal and faithful servant. He is the son of PAVANA, the god of winds, and is noted for his speed and agility in which context he is often worshiped by young men and athletes. He leads a mythical Forest army of monkeys, and is depicted as a monkey with a long tail. He takes a major role in the Ramayana epic searching for, and rescuing, the goddess SITA who has been captured by the demon Ravana. He may appear trampling on the goddess of Lanka [Sri Lanka]. Worshiped particularly in southern India but more generally in villages. Color: red. Attributes: bow, club, mane, rock and staff. May appear five-headed....
Demon name
"Rama (pleasing)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Incarnation of the god VIS NU. The seventh avatara (sun aspect) of Vis nu. Rama began as a comparatively minor incarnation who became one of the great heroes of the Ramayana epic, as well as featuring in the Mahabharata. The son of Dasaratha and Kausalya, he was a king of Ayodhya who, in the Ramayana, slew the demon Ravana that had captured his consort SITA and was upheld as a deity par excellence in respect of manhood and honor, though his subsequent treatment of his wife might be regarded as cavalier (see Sita). The Ramayana epic was composed by the poet and sage Valmeeki during the reign of Ramachandra and it gave form to a story that had been in existence for many centuries as an oral tradition. Valmeeki portrayed Rama not as an incarnate deity but as a great mortal hero. The saga is strongly political and serves to unite a vast and fragmented people in a common focus, irrespective of caste and language. It defines the historical schism between the Hindu culture of India and the largely Buddhist tradition of Sri Lanka. Rama rides in a chariot and is depicted in human form with two arms, typically holding a sugar cane bow and with a quiver at his shoulder. Also Ramacandra....
Demon name
"Hun Hau"
Mayan God of death and the Head of demons. Mayan
Demon name
Mayan A giant demon that causes earthquakes and makes mountains disappear Mayan
Demon name
Mayan A son of Hun-Hunahpu and Xquic, the daughter of one of the lords of the underworld. His twin is Hunahpu. Together, the twins outwitted arrogant demons, their jealous half-brothers and the lords of the underworld. Mayan
Demon name
Mayan Also known as Xibalba or Xibalbay, is a dangerous underworld ruled by the demons Vucub Caquix and Hun Came. The road to it is said to be steep, thorny and very forbidding. Mayan
Demon name
"Chac Uayab Xoc"
Mayan / Yucatec, Mesoamerican / Mexico Fish god. Known as the “great demon shark,” he feeds on the bodies of drowned fishermen, but also provides catches....
Demon name
s The giant king-demon of Sri Lanka. One of the remaining ruling black magicians of the last days of the Atlantis period, he carried away Sita, Rama's wife, which led to the great war in the Ramayana.