Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Spirit name "Abgal" | Pre - Islamic northern Arabian | (1) Desert god. Known from the Palmyrian desert regions as a tutelary god of Bedouins and camel drivers.(2) Minor attendant spirits. Mesopotamian (Sumerian). Associated with ENKI and residing in the Abzu or primeval water.... |
Goddess name "Adamisil Wedo" | Haiti | A water goddess |
Goddess name "Adamisil Wedo . Si Adaman" | Haiti | Goddess of water Haiti |
Goddess name "Aedos" | Roman | The goddess or spirit of modesty, reverence and respect. She was a close companion of the goddess Nemesis. Roman |
Goddess name "Aida Wedo" | Benin / Haiti | A goddess of the Rainbow & fresh water Aida Cuedo, Aido Wedo, Ayida, Ayida Cueddo |
Goddess name "Aido Wedo" | Haiti | A goddess of fire |
Goddess name "Aido Wedo / Haida Wedo/ Aida Oedo/ Haida Oedo" | Haiti | Aido Wedo aka Haida Wedo, Aida Oedo, Haida Oedo, Goddess of fire Haiti |
King name "Andromache" | Greek | A daughter of Eetion, king of the Cilician Thebae, and one of the noblest and most amiable female characters in the Iliad. Her father and her seven brothers were slain by Achilles at the taking of Thebae, and her mother, who had purchased her freedom by a large ransom, was killed by Artemis. Greek |
Goddess name "Astart" | Phonecian | major Goddess of fertility, love, and pleasure. Patron of harlots and hedonists. Phonecian |
God name "Asterion" | Crete | Or Asterius, 1. A son of Teutamus, and king of the Cretans, who married Europa after she had been carried to Crete by Zeus. He also brought up the three sons, Minos, Sarpedon, and Rhadamanthys whom she had by the father of the gods. (Apollodorus i) 2. A son of Cometes, Pyremus, or Priscus, by Antigone, the daughter of Pheres. He is mentioned as one of the Argonauts. (Argonautica) There are two more mythical personages of this name, one a river-god [Acraea], and the second a son of Minos, who was slain by Theseus. |
Goddess name "Ayida" | Haiti | Goddess of Rainbows, especially in Benin and Haiti, Ayida-Weddo aka Aida-Wedo, Aido Quedo, a loa of fertility, Rainbows and snakes, and a companion or wife to Damballah-Wedo. Also Ayida-Weddo is known as the Rainbow serpent. Haiti |
"Baron Samedi / Baron Saturday, Baron Samdi, Bawon Samedi, Bawon Sanmdi" | Haiti / Vodun | Baron Samedi aka Baron Saturday, Baron Samdi, Bawon Samedi, Bawon Sanmdi, a loa of the dead, along with Baron's other incarnations Baron Cimetiere, and Baron La Croix. Baron Samedi is usually depicted with a top hat, black tuxedo, dark glåśśes, and cotton plugs in the nostrils, as if to resemble a corpse dressed and prepared for burial in Haitian style. Haiti / Vodun |
Nymph name "Bucolion" | Greek | A son of Laomedon and the nymph Calybe, who had several sons by Abarbarea |
Nymph name "Calybe" | Greek | Two mythical personages, one of whom was a nymph by whom Laomedon became the father of Bucolion, and the other a priestess of of Juno. |
Goddess name "Celedones" | Greek | The soothing goddesses were believed to be endowed, like the Sirens, with a magic power of song. Hephaestus was said to have made their golden images on the ceiling of the temple at Delphi. Greek |
King name "Clytius" | Greek | 1. A son of Laomedon and father of Caletor and Procleia, was one of the Trojan elders. 2. A son of the Oechalian king Eurytus, was one of the Argonauts, and was killed during the expedition by Heracles, or according to others by Aeetes. Greek |
King name "Coronus" | Greek | 1. A son of Apollo by Chrysorthe, father of Corax and Lamedon, and king of Sicyon. 2. A son of Thersander, grandson of Sisyphus, and founder of Coroneia. 3. A son of Caeneus, was a prince of the Lapithae, and father of Leonteus and Lyside. He was slain by Heracles. (Apollodorus. ii) 4. The father of the Argonaut Caeneus. (Apollodorus i. Argonautica) Greek |
"Deidameia" | Greek | 1. A daughter of Bellerophontes and wife of Evander, by whom she became the mother of Sarpedon. Homer calls her Laodameia. 2. A daughter of Lycomedes in the island of Scyrus. When Achilles was concealed there in maiden's attire, Deidameia became by him the mother of Pyrrhus or Neoptolemus, and, according to others, of Oneirus also. (Apollodorus iii) 3. The wife of Peirithous, who is commonly called Hippodameia. Greek |