
List of Gods : "Gai" - 224 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼

Roman One of the Deverra, three symbolic beings whose influence was sought by the Romans, at the birth of a child, as a protection for the mother against the vexations of Sylvåñuś. Roman
Goddess name
"Ix Chel"
Mayan / Yucatec / Quiche, Mesoamerican / Mexico moon goddess. Also the goddess of childbirth and Medicine and of Rain bows. A consort of the Sun god. She has a major shrine as Cozumel and small figurines of the goddess have been conventionally placed beneath the beds of women in labor. Such women are considered to be in great danger at times of lunar eclipse when the unborn child may develop deformities. Ix Chel is a guardian against disease and the Quiche Indians regard her as a goddess of fertility and sexual inter course. A goddess of weaving, believed to be the first being on earth to weave cloth, she was employed in this craft when she first attracted the attention of the Sun god. She carries her loom sticks across the sky to protect her from jaguars. Under Chris tian influence she has been largely syncretized with the Virgin Mary.See also IX CHEBEL YAX....

Greek A son of Uråñuś and Ge, a Titan and brother of Cronus, Oceåñuś, Coeus, Hyperion, Tethys, Rhea, etc. According to Apollodorus he married Asia, the daughter of his brother Oceåñuś, and became by her the father of Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius, who was slain by Zeus in the war against the Titans, and shut up in Tartarus. Greek
God name
Shinto / Japan Fire god. One of a number of fire KAMIS who are honored in special Hi-Matsuri festivals. He is worshiped in the mountain shrine of Kono-Jinja. The sacred fire can only be generated by a board and stick and this is regarded as a powerful purifier in Shintoism. The most celebrated temple of the fire kamis is situated on Mount Atago near Kyoto to which worshipers are drawn from all over Japan to obtain charms as protection against fire....
God name
Japan God of rivers invoked to protect houses against fire Japan / Shinto
God name
Shinto / Japan River god. His name is often inscribed on the edge tiles of a house to protect against fire....
Goddess name
Nazorean Kanat is the title of a Ruling Goddess in the Nazorean heavens. Nitufta again means "drop" or formed impregnated seed. Early Nazorean
Goddess name
Phonecian A son of El and soldier of the Goddess Sapas, but not very brave. Fought against the moon God Terah at his father's behest (eventually), but lost. Bought a costly wife: his son, Danel, was a prodigy. Phonecian
God name
Pre - Islamic north African vegetation god. He wanders the earth returning to the same spot once in every 500 years and is said to have gained his immortality by drinking from the well of life. Similar in some respects to the Syrian god ADONIS and revered by Alexander the Great. Normally referred to as Al-Khidr (the green one)....
Goddess name
Tibetan Chthonic goddess. Ruler of a horde of demons who live in the earth and who may infest houses. She is depicted typically wearing yellow robes and with attributes including a golden noose. Her vehicle is a ram. To guard against her influence, a ram's skull is hung from the doorpost of a dwelling and filled with offerings....
God name
Slavic Korsha, Korssa, Chors, Corsa, Xors. A Sun or daylight god, he may be synonymous with Dazhbog and Bielbog. He was invoked him for hunting and against diseases. Slavic
God name
"Khyung-Gai mGo-Can"
Buddhist Local god Buddhist / Tibet / Bon
God name
"Khyung-Gai mGo-Can"
Buddhist / Tibet Local god. Equating to the Hindu god GARUDA....
God name
Western Semitic / Syrian Blacksmith god. Identified in the Ugaritic (Ras Samra) texts as building a palace for the god BAAL and forging his weapons for the conflict against the sea god YAMM. Known also from Phoenician inscriptions. Also Kos”ar, Chusor, KINYRAS....
Supreme god name
Pre - Greek Archetypal fertility god. He is of unknown origin but is the son of the earth mother GAIA and the sky god OURANOS, whom he usurped after castrating him. His consort is RHEA. So as not to suffer a similar fate to his father he swallowed all his children except ZEUS who was kept from him by a ruse. Zeus eventually hurled Kronos into Tartaros, the abyss in which all the TITANS were confined. He was celebrated in the Greek harvest festival of kronia which equalled the Roman saturnalia. During Hellenic times he was the supreme god at Byblos [Syria]. He is depicted on coinage of Antiochus IV (175-164 BC) nude, leaning on a scepter, with three pairs of wings, two spread and one folded....

"Kujaku Myoo"
Buddhist Gives protection against drought and protects against all evil in the Shingo sect of Japan. Buddhist
Deities name
Shinto / Japan Guardian deity. One of three KAMIS particularly concerned with the protection of roads and crossroads. They also guard the boundaries of the house and the ways leading to it. They may be known as Yakushin deities who protect against plague. Generally identified as MICHI-NO-KAMI or Chiburi-NoKami....

Arabian The Circe of the Arabians, who, by her enchantments, transformed men into horses and other brute beasts. She is introduced into the Arabian nights' Entertainments, where Beder, Prince of Persia, marries her, defeats her plots against him, and turns her into a mare. Being restored to her proper shape by her mother, she turns Beder into an owl; but the prince ultimately regains his own proper form.
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