
List of Gods : "God Capac" - 15 records

Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
Egypt Malevolent god. Known from as early as the Old kingdom (circa 2700 BC). Babi is seen as a violent and hostile deity whose presence can be highly dangerous during the ceremony of the Weighing of the Heart in the Hall of the Two Truths (see also AMMUT). Conversely he can also act in a protective capacity. Closely åśśociated with sexual virility in the underworld, Babi is ithyphallic. A god active in the darkness, his śéméñ serves variously as the mast on the underworld ferry boat, and the bolt on heaven's doors. Depicted as an ithyphallic male baboon....
Goddess name
"Devi (the goddess)"
Hindu / Epic / Puranic Goddess epitomizing the active female principle. Devi evolved as a major goddess out of the older notion of mother and vegetation goddesses. She is seen more as an abstract principle who will nevertheless respond directly to worshipers' prayers. By the fifth century AD she appears in many forms as the active (feminine) aspect or power of male deities. General attributes: conch, hook, noose, prayer wheel and trident. Devi is also the generic name given to a female deity, in her capacity as the consort of a god or DEVA.See also SRI(DEVI), BHUMIDEVI....
Goddess name
Greek Horai, originally the personifications or goddesses of the order of nature and of the seasons, but in later times they were regarded as the goddesses of order in general and of justice. In Homer, who neither mentions their parents nor their number, they are the Olympian divinities of the weather and the ministers of Zeus; and in this capacity they guard the doors of Olympus, and promote the fertility of the earth, by the various kinds of weather they send down. Greek
Goddess name
Hindu / Vedic / Puranic Goddess of wrath. Daughter of Puloman, a demonic figure killed by the god INDRA, and the SAKTI and consort of Indra. One of seven MATARAS (mothers) who in later Hinduism became regarded as of evil intent. Also one of a group of eight ASTAMATARAS personifying jealousy (also named Aindri in this capacity). In another grouping one of nine NAVASAKTIS or astral deities who, in southern India, rank higher than the SAPTAMATARAS. Her attendant animal is either an elephant or a lion. Attributes: hook, rosary, Santana flower, staff and waterjar. One thousand-eyed. Also Aindri; Mahendri; Paulomi; Saci; Sujata....
Goddess name
"Inlti (sun)"
Inca / pre - Columbian South America / Peru, etc Sun god. His consort is the moon goddess MAMA-KILYA. Inti was depicted as a trinity in the sanctuaries in Cuzco, possibly in deference to the Christian Trinity. The Temple of the Sun is reported to have housed images, in gold, of all the sky gods in the Inca pantheon on more or less equal terms, since the Sun is regarded as one of many great celestial powers. Inti may also have been depicted as a face on a gold disc. The socalled “fields of the Sun” supported the Inca priesthood. The three Sun deities are Apo-Inti (lord Sun), Cori-Inti (son Sun) and Inti-Wawqi (sun brother). The Sun god(s) is perceived as the progenitor of the Inca rulers at Cuzco through two children—a son Manco Capac and his sister / consort Mama Ocllo Huaco. The Quechua Indians of the central Andes call the same deity Inti Huayna Capac and perceive him as part of a trinity with the Christian god and Christ....
Goddess name
Brazil Tree goddess, well known for her capacity for drink. Bakairi, Brazil
God name
"Manco Capac"
Inca God of war and the Sun Inca / Quechua
God name
Greek The name Mercury is connected with the root merx (merchandise) and mercari (to deal, trade). The early Romans, being above all countrymen, had no need for a god of commerce. The Roman Mercury appeared only about the fifth century BCE. and was exclusively the god of merchants. For long he was known only in this capacity so that Plautus, in his prologue to Amphitryon, reminds his audience that Mercury presided over messages and commerce. Like certain other minor divinities - Pecunia, Aesculåñuś, Argentinus - he watched over tradesmen's profits. Greek
Goddess name
Egypt The patron goddess of Thebes. In Upper Egypt she is the counterpart of SAKHMET, the Lower Egyptian goddess from Memphis. After superseding the goddess AMAUNET, she became locally the consort of the Sun god AMUN, in which capacity she is the mother of the moon god KHONSU. She was also regarded as the Divine mother of the Theban kings. Mut is depicted in human form wearing a vulture headdress sur mounted by the twin crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt. She is typically dressed in a bright red or blue patterned gown. Less frequently she is drawn with a lion's head. She enjoyed a cult center at Thebes where her sanctuary was known as the Iseru....
God name
Yoruba / Nigeria, West Africa God of destiny. He accompanied the creator god OLODUMARE at the creation of the world and when the destinies of mankind were decided. He is consulted in an oracular capacity at IFA and makes decisions on such matters as choice of sacrificial animals. He is also a god of healing and in many households enjoys personal shrines which include palm nuts, fragments of ivory and sea shells....
Goddess name
Egypt Snake goddess. Also possessing fertility connotations, she guarded the pharaoh in the form of a cobra. There is some evidence that she enjoyed a cult in the Faiyum, the highly fertile region of the Nile valley. She is depicted either in human form or as a hooded cobra, in which case she bears close åśśociation with the goddess WADJET who is embodied in the uraeus. Her gaze has the power to conquer enemies. In her capacity as a fertility goddess she suckles infant rulers and provides good crops and harvests, linked in this capacity to OSIRIS and the more ancient grain god NEPER. She is also a magical power residing in the linen robe of the pharaoh and in the linen bandages with which he is swathed in death. At Edfu Renenutet takes the title “lady of the robes.” In the Greco-Roman period, she became adopted by the Greeks as the goddess Hermouthis and was syncretized with ISIS....
Spirit name
Rwanda / East Africa Tutelary god. An ancestral deity and king of the spirit world who has an oracular capacity....
Goddess name
Roman the goddess of victory that became an attack by the Christians with an angelic capacity
Goddess name
Roman Goddess of victory. Known particularly from the second century BC and closely linked with JUPITER. Became adopted by the Christian church in an angelic capacity....
God name
Bunyoro / Uganda, East Africa God of plenty. A sanctuary has existed near the royal palace and Wamala is propitiated to give the boon of children, domestic animals and crops. He is also seen in an oracular capacity and has an official intermediary....