Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "ADAD (wind)" | Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian | weather god. His father is the supreme sky god ANU. He is described as a benevolent giver of life in the fields but is also a more violent storm god. His name in Akkadian cuneiform means wind. His animal is the bull. In human form he is depicted wearing horned headdress and tiered skirt or robe decorated with astral symbolism. He may carry a scimitar embellished with a single panther head and his symbol is the lightning fork often fixed upon a pair of pincers.... |
God name "AN (1) (sky)" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Iraq | Supreme creator god. In Sumerian creation mythology An is the supreme being and, with his chthonic female principle, KI, is the founder of the cosmos. Also, in some texts, identified as the son of ANS'AR and KIS'AR. The head of the older generation of gods.... |
God name "ATUM" | Egypt | Sun god and creator god. Atum is generally represented in human form and often wears a crown which combines those of Upper and Lower Egypt. He is represented as various animals including the bull, lion, snake and lizard. Atum was regarded as the progenitor of the Egyptian pharaohs. Both Atum and Re are represented by a Divine black bull, Mnevis or Mer-wer, wearing the Sun disc and uraeus or snake between its horns. It acts as an intercessor between the Sun god and his priests in Heliopolis.... |
Goddess name "Abhijit" | Hindu | Name means triumphator. A benevolent astral deity and goddess of fortune Hindu / Puranic |
Goddess name "Abhijit (victorious)" | Hindu / Puranic | Minor goddess of fortune. A benevolent naksatra or astral deity; daughter of DAKSA and consort of CANDRA (SOMA).... |
God name "Achor" | Cyrenea | God of flies, worshipped by the Cyreneans, that they might not be annoyed with these tiny tormentors. |
God name "Adam[m]as" | Nassenes | The parental godhead of the gnostic movement |
Goddess name "Adhimuktivasita (control of confidence)" | Buddhist | Minor goddess. One of a group of twelve VASITAS or goddesses personifying the disciplines of spiritual regeneration. Color: white. Attribute: flower bud.... |
God name "Agnikumara" | Jain / India | God. One of the groups under the general title of BHAVANAVASI (dwelling in places). They have a youthful appearance and are åśśociated with Rain and thunder.... |
God name "Ah Bolon Dz'acab (many generations)" | Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Chthonic fertility god. A god identified with Rain and thunder. Also strongly linked with Agriculture and young crops. Possibly a vegetation avatara of the iguana god ITZAM NA. Attributes include a leaf-like ornament worn in the nose. Also God K.... |
God name "Akelos" | Greek | River god. The son of OKEANOS and TETHYS. According to mythology he was a rival suitor for Deianeira who became the wife of HERAKLES. He was the consort of Melpomene and his daughters were allegedly the sirenes. A river of the same name runs into the Ionian Sea. Attributes include bull horns. Also Achlae (Etrurian).... |
God name "Aker" | Egypt | Chthonic earth god of påśśage. Known from the Old kingdom (circa 2700 BC onward). Controls the interface between eastern and western horizons of the underworld, and is the guardian of the gate through which the king påśśes into the underworld. Aker provides a safe course for the barque of the Sun god during its påśśage through the underworld at night. He may be seen as the socket holding the boat's mast. He is also considered benevolent against snake bites. Represented by opposite facing pairs of human or lion heads.... |
Deities name "Alcis" | Germanic / possibly Icelandic / Nordic | Unknown status. The Alcis are twin deities (brothers) known only as sons of the sky gods. From Germanic times we have a La Tene urn with pictures of paired men on horseback and linked by a wooden beam. Tacitus describes the worship of twin gods by the Naharvali tribe, their priests dressed in effeminate costume (see also the Phrygian deity ATTIS). They may have been worshiped in Forest sanctuaries along the northern coast of Europe.... |
God name "Ambrosia" | Greek | In ancient mythology, Ambrosia is sometimes the food, sometimes the drink, of the gods. The word has generally been derived from Greek a- ("not") and mbrotos ("mortal"); hence the food or drink of the immortals. Thetis anointed the infant Achilles with ambrosia and påśśed the child through the fire to make him immortal - a familiar Phoenician custom - but Peleus, appalled, stopped her. |
God name "Ame-No-Kagase-Wo" | Shinto / Japan | Astral deity. The most important of the star KAMI said to have been executed by the god FUTSU-NUSHI because he would not be pacified during the process of cosmic genesis.... |
Goddess name "Ame-No-Taiabata-Hime-No-Mikoto" | Shinto / Japan | Astral goddess of weavers. One of two star apotheoses who are, according to tradition, deeply in love with each other. Her partner is HIKOBOSHI. Her name is generally abbreviated to Tanabata, the title of a festival in honor of the goddess which became a national event in Japan in AD 755. The festival later became merged with the Tibetan Bon Ullumbana festival of the dead. Also Shokujo.... |
God name "Amen aka Amoun" | Egypt | Amun, Amon, Ammon. "Hidden God"; "Great Father." Phallic deity sometimes pictured with the head of a ram and other times pictured as a man with a crown with two tall straight plumes. He rules over reproduction, fertility, generation, wind, air, prophecy, Agriculture. Egypt |
Goddess name "Ammavaru" | Hindu - Dravidian | Primordial mother goddess. Known locally from east central India and worshiped by the Dravidian tribe of Telugu. She is said to have generated the cosmic egg in the sea of milk from which the major gods BRAHMA, VIS'NU and SIVA were born.... |