Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Bila" | Australia | Cannibal Sun goddess. She provided light for the world by cooking her victims over a giant flame. Australia |
Goddess name "Candali (outcast woman)" | BuddhistLamaist / Tibet | Goddess of terrifying appearance. One of a group of eight GAURI goddesses. Color: red or blue. Attributes: flames.... |
Goddess name "Demophon" | Greek | The youngest son of Celeus and Metaneira, who was entrusted to the care of Demeter. He grew up under her without any human food, being fed by the goddess with her own milk, and ambrosia. During the night she used to place him in fire to secure to him eternal youth ; but once she was observed by Metaneira, who disturbed, the goddess by her cries, and the child Demophon was consumed by the flames. Greek |
God name "Encelados" | Greek | The most powerful of the giants that conspired against Zeus. The king of gods and men cast him down, and threw Mount Etna over him. The poets say that the flames of this volcano arise from the breath of this giant. The battle-field of his contest was Phlegra, in Macedonia. Greek |
God name "Fornjot" | Norse | The most ancient giant. He was father of ?ger, or Hler, the god of the ocean; of Loge, flame or fire, and of Kaare, wind. His wife was Ran. These divinities are generally regarded as belonging to an earlier mythology, probably to that of the Fins or Celts. Norse |
Goddess name "Gabija" | Pre - Christian Lithuanian | Fire goddess. She was invoked by tossing salt on to a sacred flame.... |
Demon name "Hayagriva (horse neck)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | (1) The most significant minor incarnation of the god VIS'NU. He probably originated as a horse god and later became an avatara åśśociated with wisdom and knowledge. At the behest of BRAHMA, Hayagriva rescued the Vedas, stolen by two demons, from the bottom of the primeval ocean. Depicted in human form with the head of a horse and, according to the texts, eight hands. Attributes: Book (Veda), horse's mane and rosary. Also the attributes of Vis'nu. Also Hayasirsa, Vadavavaktra.(2) Patron god of horses. Buddhist-Lamaist [Tibet]. One of a group of DHARMAPALA with terrible appearance and royal attire, he is considered to be an emanation of AKSOBHYA or AMITABHA. His SAKTI is MARICI. Color: red. Attributes: horse heads, staff and trident, but also arrow, ax, banner, bow, club, flames, flower, image of Aksobhya or Amitabha on the crown, lotus, noose, prayer wheel, skin, snakes, sword and trident. Three-eyed.... |
Goddess name "Hi'aika" | Hawaiian | Goddess. The daughter of HAUMEA and younger sister of PELE, the volcano goddess, Hi'aika is the mistress of the dance and especially of the hula. Separate traditions identify her with LAKA, the god of the hula and the son of KANE, the god of light; and with a goddess, Na Wahine, the daughter of the primordial creator principle KEAWE. The hula was designed to give a formalized structure to the enactment of myths and among the favorite topics is the romance between Pele and the hero Lohiau. According to mythology Hi'aika was entrusted with a mission to find Lohiau on Pele's behalf and to bring him back to her, a mission that subsequently enflamed the jealousy of Pele over her sister's developing relationship with Lohiau, and brought about his death in Pele's fiery lava.... |
Goddess name "Inar (rice-grower)" | Shinto / Japan | God (Goddess) of foodstuffs. The popular name of a god(dess) worshiped under the generic title Miketsu-No-Kami in the Shi-Den sanctuary of the imperial palace, but rarely elsewhere. The deity displays gender changes, develops many personalities and is revered extensively in Japan. Inari is often depicted as a bearded man riding a white fox but, in pictures sold at temple offices, (s)he is generally shown as a woman with long flowing hair, carrying sheafs of rice and sometimes, again, riding the white fox. Inari sanctuaries are painted bright red, unlike most other Shinto temples. They are further characterized by rows of wooden portals which form tunnels leading to the sanctuary. Sculptures of foxes are prolific (an animal endowed, in Japanese tradition, with supernatural powers) and the shrines are decorated with a special device, the Hoju-No-Tama, in the shape of a pear surrounded by small flames. Often identified with the food goddess TOYO-UKE-BIME.... |
God name "Island of Flame" | Egypt | Though not a god, without it eight gods would never have came into being Egypt |
God name "Itzam Cab" | Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Chthonic earth god. The earth aspect of the creator god ITZAM NA. He is also a god of fire, and hearthstones are called head of Itzam Cab. Sticks of firewood are his thighs, flames his tongue and the pot resting on the fire his liver. In his vegetation aspect he is depicted with leaves of maize sprouting from his head.... |
Goddess name "Keket" | Egypt | Goddess of darkness åśśociated with the the island of flame Egypt |
God name "Loder" | Norse | To flame. One of the three gods (Odin, Haener and Loder) who create Ask and Embla, the first man and woman. He is identical with Loke. Norse |
God name "Vahagn" | Pre - Christian Armenian | God of victory. Considered to epitomize bravery, he is depicted born from a fire and with flames for hair.... |
God name "Vahgan" | Armenia | A god of victory, born from fire & has flames for hair |