Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Gon-Po Nag-Po" | Lamaist / Tibet | God. See also MAHAKALA. Also Bram-zei gzugs-can; mGon-dkar; GUR-GYIMGON-PO.... |
God name "Gur-Gyi" | Buddhist / Tibet | Angry-one-of-the-tent. God of tents. Buddhist / Tibet |
God name "Gur-Gyi Mgon-Po" | Buddhist / Tibet | A god of tents |
God name "Gur-Gyi Mgon-Po" | Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet | God of tents. A form of MAHAKALA usually attended by a man. Color: blue. Attributes: club, cup and knife.... |