Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Spirit name "AMITABHA" | Buddhist / India | The fourth dhyani buddha or meditation buddha. One of five mystic spiritual counterparts of a human buddha in Vajrayana Buddhism. Color: red. Attributes: lock of hair, lotus, monk's robe and water jar. Amitabha is also taken as a tutelary god in Lamaism [Tibet] in which case his attributes include bell, jewel and three monkish robes. Emanations include PADMAPANI, MANJUSRI and many other minor names. See also AKSOBHYA, AMOGHASIDDHI, RATNASAMBHAVA and VAIROCANA.... |
God name "Abarta" | Ireland | Aka Abartach, God of the Tuatha De Danann. or Abarta (performer of feats) was one of the Tuatha Dé Danann. He was also known as the Giolla Deacair (the hard servant) and was åśśociated with Fionn mac Čú𝔪haill. Ireland |
Goddess name "Adamisil Wedo" | Haiti | A water goddess |
Goddess name "Adamisil Wedo . Si Adaman" | Haiti | Goddess of water Haiti |
Goddess name "Aditi (the free one)" | Hindu / Vedic | Archaic mother goddess. According to the Rg Veda Aditi is said to be the wife of KASYAPA or of BRAHMA and mother of the ADITYAS, a group of minor gods including MITRA, ARYAMAN, BHAGA, VARUNA, DAKSA and Anisa. No other consort is mentioned in the literature. She is also accounted as the mother of HARI. Other legends account her as the mother of the Rain god INDRA. No human physical features are drawn, though she is sometimes identified in the guise of a cow. Aditi is also perceived as a guardian goddess who brings prosperity and who can free her devotees from problems and clear away obstacles. She disappears largely from later Hindu traditions.... |
Goddess name "Agaman Nibo" | Haiti | Goddess of the dead. Haiti |
Goddess name "Agwe" | Haiti | Goddess manifestation of Yemanja Haiti / Vodun |
Goddess name "Agwe" | Haiti / Vodun | A goddess manifestation of Yemanja |
Goddess name "Agweta" | Haitian | Haitian sea goddess. Daughter of Agwe. |
Goddess name "Aida Wedo" | Benin / Haiti | A goddess of the Rainbow & fresh water Aida Cuedo, Aido Wedo, Ayida, Ayida Cueddo |
Goddess name "Aido Wedo" | Haiti | A goddess of fire |
Goddess name "Aido Wedo / Haida Wedo/ Aida Oedo/ Haida Oedo" | Haiti | Aido Wedo aka Haida Wedo, Aida Oedo, Haida Oedo, Goddess of fire Haiti |
God name "Ambisagrus aka Bussumarus" | Britain | Originally from Gaul, where his Celtic identity was lost during the Roman takeover where he took all the characteristics of the Roman God Jupiter. weather deity who controlled the Rain, wind, hail and fog. Britain |
God name "Amotken" | Salish | Creator god of the Salish, a kind, elderly man who lives alone in heaven. He created five women from five hairs from his head and asked them what they wanted to be. Each gave him a different answer: wickedness and cruelty, goodness, mother of the earth, fire, water. Amotken did as they asked and declared that wickedness would rule earth for a time, but goodness would win in the end. |
God name "Andromeda" | Greek | The daughter of Cepheus and Cåśśiopeia. Mother thought she and daughter were more beautiful than any of Poseidon's many nymphs, and she taunted the God of the Seas until he just couldn't take it any longer. Poseidon punished the vain mother by chaining her daughter naked to a rock, to be sacrificed to a dreadful sea monster. Greek |
God name "Apu-Ko-Hai" | Polynesian | Fish god of the Kanei who inhabit the Polynesian island of Mangaia. |
Goddess name "Ayida" | Haiti | Goddess of Rainbows, especially in Benin and Haiti, Ayida-Weddo aka Aida-Wedo, Aido Quedo, a loa of fertility, Rainbows and snakes, and a companion or wife to Damballah-Wedo. Also Ayida-Weddo is known as the Rainbow serpent. Haiti |
Goddess name "Ayizan" | Haiti | Aka Grande Ai-Zan, Aizan, or Ayizan Velekete. Goddess who protects the market place and commerce. She is a root loa, åśśociated with Vodoun rites of initiation (called kanzo). She is syncretised with the Catholic Saint Clare, her symbol is the palm frond, she drinks no alcohol, and is the wife of Loko Atisou. Haiti |