Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Haroeris" | Greek | Another form of the Egyptian god Horus, but this time as an adult |
God name "Haroeris [Greek]" | Egypt | Form of the god HORUS as a man. The name distinguishes the mature deity from HARPOKRATES, the child Horus. In this form he avenges his father, OSIRIS, and regains his kingdom from SETH, his uncle. He is depicted as the falcon god. Also Harueris; Har-wer (both Egyptian); HARENDOTES.... |
Goddess name "Heket" | Egypt | Frog goddess concerned with birth. Minor deity who by some traditions is the consort of HAROERIS (see also HORUS). Texts refer to a major sanctuary at Tuna et-Gebel which has been totally obliterated. The remains of another sanctuary survive at Qus in Upper Egypt. In the Pyramid Texts she is referred to as a deity who eases the final stages of labor. Depicted as wholly frog-like or as a frog-headed human figure, often found on amulets or other magical devices åśśociated with childbirth.... |
Goddess name "Tasenetnofret" | Egypt | Goddess. The consort of HORUS as HAROERIS and regarded as a minor emanation of the goddess HATHOR. Known from the sanctuary of Kom-Ombo.... |