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Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Allat (goddess)" | Pre - Islamic northern / central Arabian | Astral and tutelary goddess. One of the three daughters of ALLAH. At Palmyra she was regularly invoked as a domestic guardian either as Allat or ASTARTE with whom she is closely linked. At Ta'if she was symbolized in the form of a white granite stone. In Hellenic times she became syncretized with ATHENA or, according to Herodotus who called her Alilat, with APHRODITE.... |
Goddess name "An i" | Egypt / Upper | Guardian deity. Seems to have become åśśimilated with HORUS and was one of the protectors of the eastern sky in which the Sun rises. According to some texts he is also responsible for the decapitation of the goddess HATHOR in a conflict for the throne of Egypt. Anti is known from Middle kingdom coffin texts (circa 2000 BC). Depicted as a falcon, or a human with a falcon's head, standing on a crescent-shaped barque.... |
Goddess name "Aphrodite" | Greek | One of the great Olympian divinities, according to the popular and poetical notions of the Greeks, the goddess of love and beauty. Some traditions stated that she had sprung from the foam of the sea, which had gathered around the mutilated parts of Uråñuś, that had been thrown into the sea by Cronus after he had unmanned his father. (Theogony of Hesiod) |
Goddess name "Arduinna" | Roman / Celtic | Goddess of the Ardennes Forest. Her cult thus originated in the Ardennes, which derived its name from her. She was åśśimilated to the Roman Diana. Roman / Celtic |
Goddess name "Atete" | Christian | Goddess of fertility in Ethiopia and was åśśimilated into the Christian as the Virgin Mary, Atete was invoked by Pagans during ancient fertility rituals known as the Astar yo Mariam. |
Goddess name "Atete" | Kafa / Ethiopia, northeastern Africa | Fertility goddess. She was åśśimilated into the Christian cult of the Virgin Mary, but is probably the subject of an ancient fertility rite performed by women who collect various sacred plants and throw them into the river. The festival is known as Astar yo Mariam (Epiphany of Mary).... |
Goddess name "BAAL (lord)" | Western Semitic / Canaanite / northern Israel, Lebanon / later Egypt | vegetation deity and national god. Baal may have originated in pre-agricultural times as god of storms and Rain. He is the son of DAGAN and in turn is the father of seven storm gods, the Baalim of the Vetus Testamentum, and seven midwife goddesses, the SASURATUM. He is considered to have been worshiped from at least the nineteenth century BC. Later he became a vegetation god concerned with fertility of the land. From the mid-sixteenth century BC in the Egyptian New kingdom, Baal enjoyed a significant cult following, but the legend of his demise and restoration was never equated with that of OSIRIS. In the Greco-Roman period, Baal became åśśimilated in the Palestine region with ZEUS and JUPITER, but as a Punic deity [Carthage] he was allied with SATURNUS, the god of seed-sowing.... |
God name "Gonaqade't Chilat" | US PNW | A sea god |
God name "Harsaphes" | Egypt | God of Herakleopolis, represented with ram's head. Harsaphes was eventually åśśimilated with Osiris and Re. Egypt |
God name "Ihy" | Egypt | A young god personifying the jubilation emanating from the sacred rattle. Egypt |
Goddess name "Ilat" | Arabian | Allat. "The Goddess", a pre-Islamic Arabian goddess who was one of the three chief goddesses of Mecca who the pre-Islamic Meccans referred to as "The Daughters of God". |
Supreme god name "Ilat" | Kenya | Means "thunder." In Suk it means Rain, and is the name of the Rain-god, as in Elgeyo. But some Suk say that Ilat is the supreme god. Kenya |
God name "Ilat" | Pokot / Suk / Uganda / western Kenya, East Africa | Rain god. The son of the creator god TORORUT. According to legend, when his father calls on him to fetch water Ilat always spills some, which descends to earth as Rain.... |
Spirit name "Kneph" | Egypt | Was originally the breath of life, his name meaning soul-breath. Indeed, according to Plutarch and Diodorus, kneph was identical with the Greek pneuma. Kneph in this context was a spirit that breathed life into things, giving them form. Egypt Kneph eventually became considered to be the creator god himself, in Elephantine, although his identity was finally åśśimilated into the more important god Amun. |
Goddess name "Liber" | Italic | Chthonic fertility god. Originally åśśociated with husbandry and crops but then åśśimilated with DIONYSOS. The consort of CERES and father of the goddess LIBERA. His festival, the Liberalia, was on March 17 when young men celebrated the arrival of manhood.... |
God name "Maponos" | Celtic / Continental / European / British | Tribal deity. A youthful god worshiped by the Brigantes tribe in Britain and probably åśśimilated with APOLLO in the Romano-Celtic period.... |
God name "Moccus" | Roman / Celtic / European | Local swine god. Assimilated with Mercury.See also MERCURIUS.... |
Goddess name "Ogmius ( Ogma, Ogmios )" | Celtic / Irish | God of poetry and speech. Very little is known of him, but the Roman writer Lucian mentions a Romano-Celtic god of wisdom, Ogmios, apparently åśśimilated with HERCULES and described as an old man with lion's skin holding a crowd of people chained to his tongue by their ears. NOTE: a goddess Ogma is also mentioned; she may have been a mother goddess in the original Irish pantheon.... |
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