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Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Ahnt kai" | Mexico | Goddess of women and children. Daughter of Koo-mah'mm hahs-ay' tahm (First Woman). She flies at night and lives above the peak of Tiburon. Mexico |
Goddess name "Aine of Knockaine" | Ireland | moon Goddess who was connected with the Summer Solstice. Goddess of war, fertility, love and Midsummer Lair Derg Ireland |
God name "Aizen-Myo-o" | Japan / Shinto | The god of love and lust. Originally a Hindu deity, Ragaraja, Aizen Myo-o became part of Buddhism, and Kobo Daishi Kukai transmitted the teaching of him to Japan. Japan / Shinto |
Goddess name "Estsanatlehi (woman that changes)" | Navaho / USA | Fertility goddess. Probably regarded as the most powerful deity in the Navaho pantheon, she has powers of endless self-rejuvenation. According to tradition, she was created from a small turquoise image into which life was infused through a ritual of the great gods and she is the sister of the goddess YOLKAI ESTAN. She is also the consort of the Sun god TSOHANOAI and the mother of the war god NAYENEZGANI. She is said to live in the west and is benevolent in nature, sending the gentle Rains of summer and the warm thawing winds of spring.... |
Goddess name "Evaki" | Bakairi | Goddess of the night and day who places the Sun in a pot every night and moves the Sun back to its starting point in the east every day. Bakairi |
Goddess name "Hadakai" | India | Goddess of health and Rabies India |
Goddess name "Ilmatar" | Finland | The virgin goddess of the air. She is portrayed as androgynous with both male and female aspects, though she is primarily female. Despite her virginity, she was the mother of Vainamoinen, the god of music, Lemminkainen, god of magic, and Ilmarinen, the god of smithing. Finland |
Goddess name "Jarina" | Brazil | Tree goddess, well known for her capacity for drink. Bakairi, Brazil |
Goddess name "Jubbu-jang-sange" | Brazil | Goddess of the jurema (a sacred tree). The tree provides a narcotic used in inducing visions. Bakairi Brazil |
God name "Kai Yum" | Mayan | God of music Mayan |
God name "Kai Yum (singing lord)" | Mayan / Lacandon / Mesoamerican / Mexico | God of music. He lives in the sky and is attendant on CACOCH, one of the aspects the Mayan creator god. Depicted as a brazier shaped like a pottery drum.... |
Goddess name "Kaikara" | Bunyoro / Uganda, East Africa | Harvest goddess. Propitiated before harvesting with offerings of millet.... |
Goddess name "Kaikara Bunyoro" | Uganda | Harvest goddess Uganda |
Goddess name "Latmikaik" | Micronesia | Goddess of the sea, with her husband Tpereakla, co-creator and co-ruler of the world Tpereakl lived in the sky, while his wife had her residence under the sea. Pelew Is. |
God name "Puskaitis" | Lithuania | God of fruit and is åśśociated with blossoms. Lithuania |
God name "Rongomai" | Polynesian / Maori | Whale god. He is the son of TANGAROA, the creator deity responsible for the oceans and the fish, and the father of KAHUKURA, the deity responsible for the appearance of the Rainbow. He is also regarded as the ancestor of several Maori clans. Various traditions are åśśociated with Rongomai. In some regions of New Zealand he is also regarded as a god of war and is thought to have discovered the magic arts during a visit to the underworld, including the power of kaiwhatu, a preventative charm against witchcraft. Rongomai is sometimes mistakenly identified with RONGOMATANE, or Rongo, though the latter is generally considered a distinct personality. As the god responsible for the well-being of whales Rongomai may take the form of a whale, a guise in which he once challenged MARU, a more widely recognized New Zealand war god. Separate mythology places him in the heavens in the form of a comet.... |
God name "Tayau Sakaimoka" | Huichol Indian / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Sun god. The deity of the setting Sun in the west, regarded as the åśśistant of TAYAU.... |
God name "Tayau Sakaimoka Huichol" | Mexico | Western setting Sun god Mexico |
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