Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Spirit name "AMITABHA" | Buddhist / India | The fourth dhyani buddha or meditation buddha. One of five mystic spiritual counterparts of a human buddha in Vajrayana Buddhism. Color: red. Attributes: lock of hair, lotus, monk's robe and water jar. Amitabha is also taken as a tutelary god in Lamaism [Tibet] in which case his attributes include bell, jewel and three monkish robes. Emanations include PADMAPANI, MANJUSRI and many other minor names. See also AKSOBHYA, AMOGHASIDDHI, RATNASAMBHAVA and VAIROCANA.... |
God name "AN (1) (sky)" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Iraq | Supreme creator god. In Sumerian creation mythology An is the supreme being and, with his chthonic female principle, KI, is the founder of the cosmos. Also, in some texts, identified as the son of ANS'AR and KIS'AR. The head of the older generation of gods.... |
Goddess name "Amor" | Roman | God of love. Developed from the Greek god Eros. Depicted as a winged youth. According to tradition he awoke the goddess Psyche with a kiss. Attributes include arrows, bow and torch. The popular epithet Cupid was only applied by poets.... |
God name "Angus" | Gaelic | A Gaelic god of amorous dalliance. A son of Dugda, his harp was so sweet that whoever heard must follow; his kisses became invisible love-whispering birds. |
Goddess name "Anqet" | Egypt / Libya | Aka Anuket, Anukis, "The Clasper." water Goddess of the Nile Cataracts. Her symbal was the cowrie shell. Pictured as a woman donning a tall plumed crown. Also has been depicted as having four arms. Rules Over: Producer and giver of life, water. Egypt / Libya |
God name "Anshur aka Ashur" | Akkadian | Or Asshur, a sky god and the husband of his sister Kishar ("earth axle"); they are the children of the serpents Lahmu and Lahamu, and the parents of Anu and Ea. He is sometimes depicted as having Ninlil as a consort. As Anshar, he is progenitor of the Akkadian pantheon; as Ashur, he is the head of the Assyrian pantheon |
Goddess name "Anukis" | Egypt | Birth goddess and of the cataracts of the lower Nile. Egypt |
Deities name "Arapacana" | Buddhist | God. A BODHISATTVA or spiritual meditation buddha. Originally a DHARANI of MANJUSRI who became deified. Accompanied by four minor deities. Also a collective name for the five buddhas. Color: yellow or red. Attributes: standing wearing a monkish garment and carrying Book and sword.... |
Goddess name "Armkis [Greek]" | Egypt / Upper | Birth goddess. Minor deity with cult centers in lower Nubia and at Elephantine. She is variously the daughter of RE, and of KHNUM and SATIS. Anukis lives in the cataracts of the Lower Nile. Her portrait appears in the Temple of Rameses II at Beit-et-Wali where she suckles the pharaoh, suggesting that she is connected with birth and midwifery, but she also demonstrates a malignant aspect as a strangler (see HATHOR). Her sacred animal is the gazelle. Depicted anthropomorphically wearing a turban (modius) with ostrich feathers. Also Anuket (Egyptian).... |
God name "Aymelek" | Turkish | God of the moon. Turkish |
God name "Doudoun" | Nubian | God of Nile cataracts. Depicted as an antelope with twisted horns. His consorts are Sati and Anuket. Modeled on the Egyptian ram god KHNUM. Also Dodonu.See also ANUKIS.... |
God name "Gujo" | Pakistan | A god who had a town named after him in Sindh, Pakistan. |
God name "Hala" | Guinea | The sky god of the Kisi. Guinea |
Goddess name "Hariti" | Buddhist | Goddess for the protection of children, easy delivery, happy child rearing and parenting, harmony between husband and wife, love, and the well-being and safety of the family. Women without children also pray to Kishimojin to help them become pregnant. Originally, Hariti was a cannibalistic demon. She had hundreds of children whom she loved and doted upon, but to feed them, she abducted and killed the children of others. Buddhist |
Goddess name "Hermaphroditos" | Greek | God (Goddess) of uncertain status. The offspring of HERMES and APHRODITE and the lover of the water nymph Salmakis. Tradition has it that their påśśion for one another was so great that they merged into a single androgynous being.... |
Goddess name "Is'ara" | Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian / / western Semitic | Goddess of marriage and childbirth. Also a deity concerned with the enforcing of oaths. Known chiefly from early inscriptions and some Akkadian texts. Her Mesopotamian cult center was the Babylonian town of Kisurra, but she is also thought to have been worshiped across a wide area among Syrians, Canaanites and Hittites. Her symbol is the scorpion. Also Es ara.... |
God name "Ki (the great one)" | Mesopotamian / Sumerian | Archetypal chthonic principle. According to some traditions, Ki is the daughter of ANS'AR and KIS'AR and consort of AN. As the cosmos came into being, An took the role of god of heaven and Ki became the personification of the earth and underworld. She is the mother of the god of the air, ENLIL, with whom she descended from the heavens. Some authorities argue that she was never regarded as a deity. There is no evidence of a cult and the name appears in a limited number of Sumerian creation texts. The name URAS (tilth) may relate.See also ANTU(M).... |
God name "Kis" | Egypt | This god was venerated in Kusae |