Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "AVALOKITESVARA (merciful lord)" | Buddhist / India | Bodhisattva or buddhadesignate. One of the most important deities of the Mahayana sect of Buddhism. In Lamaism he is the tutelary god of Tibet. He equates with VIS NU in Hinduism and bears links with PADMAPANI. In cosmic mythology he is a creator deity. Color: white or red. Attributes: blue lotus, image of Amitabha (topmost pyramidal head), lotus, rosary, sword and water jar. NOTE: in Chinese Buddhism he is represented by the goddess Kuan-Tin, and in Japanese by KWANNON.... |
Goddess name "Acala (immovable)" | Buddhist / Vajrayana | (1) Minor goddess. One of twelve deified BHUMIS recognized as different spiritual spheres through which a disciple påśśes. Color: white. Attributes: staff on a lotus.(2) Tutelary god. Buddhist (Mahayana). Also a dikpala or guardian of the northeastern quarter. Color: blue. Attributes: jewel, lotus, staff and sword.... |
Goddess name "Agrat Bat Mahalat" | Semitic | Goddess known for her role as sexual temptress and seductress. According to the Talmud, she is the "spirit of uncleanness". Semitic |
God name "Ahau Chamahez" | Mayan | One of two gods of Medicine Mayan |
Goddess name "Ahnt kai" | Mexico | Goddess of women and children. Daughter of Koo-mah'mm hahs-ay' tahm (First Woman). She flies at night and lives above the peak of Tiburon. Mexico |
Goddess name "Ajaya" | Buddhist | Minor goddess Buddhist / Mahayana |
Goddess name "Ajaya (invincible)" | Buddhist / Mahayana | Minor goddess. An attendant of BUDDHAKAPALA.... |
Spirit name "Akasagarbha (essence of tbe sky)" | Buddhist / Mahayana / / Lamaist / Tibet | Astral god. One of the BODHISATTVAS or spiritual meditation buddhas. He lives in the womb of the sky. Color: green. Attributes: Book, jewel, lotus and Sun disc. Also Khagarbha. In Japanese Buddhism this deity becomes the god Kokuzo.... |
Deities name "Ananta" | Hindu / Puranic | Snake god. One of a group of seven snake deities or MAHANAGAS.... |
Goddess name "Aparajita" | Buddhist | Minor god / goddess Buddhist / Mahayana |
Goddess name "Aparajita" | Buddhist / Mahayana | A minor god / goddess |
Goddess name "Aparajita (unconquered)" | Hindu / Puranic | (1) God. One of the eleven EKADASARUDRAS or forms of RUDRA. Attributes: bell, bowl, club, drum, hook, lance, lotus, prayer wheel, rod, rosary, shield, sword and trident.(2) Minor god. Buddhist (Mahayana). (3) Goddess. Hindu (Puranic). Form of DURGA. Her attendant animal is a lion. Attributes: arrow, shield, snake and sword. 4. Goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). She stands or treads on the god GANESA. Color: yellow. Attributes: bell, hook, image of RATNASAMBHAVA, noose and staff.... |
God name "Arjuna (silvery)" | Hindu / Vedic, Epic / Puranic | Heroic god. Arjuna appears in the Mahabharata epic. One of the princely sons of the mythical Pandu family, his father is INDRA. He generally appears with the warrior god BHIMA. Allegedly responsible for requesting VIS'NU to take his VISVARUPA form but also identified as a minor incarnation or avatara of Vis'nu. Attributes: usually depicted bearing a bow received from AGNI the fire god, but may also appear carrying a sword and shield. Also NARA.... |
Goddess name "Bagala (power of cruelty)" | Hindu | Goddess. One of a group of ten MAHAVIDYAS personifying the SAKTI of SIVA. Aspects include VIRARATRI.... |
Goddess name "Bel" | Akkadian | Bel became especially used of the Babylonian god Marduk and when found in Assyrian and neo-Babylonian personal names or mentioned in inscriptions in Mesoptamian context it can usually be taken as referring to Marduk and no other god. Similarly Belit without some disambiguation mostly refers to Bel Marduk's spouse Sarpanit. However Marduk's mother, the Sumerian goddess called Ninhursag, Ningal and Ninmah and other names in Sumerian, was often known as Belit-ili 'Lady of the Gods' in Akkadian. |
God name "Bhairava (terrible)" | Hindu / Puranic / later | Minor frightful form of the god SIVA. Guardian deity of doorways. A so-called ugra aspect, generally depicted in similar style to Siva but with up to five heads and ten arms and said to have been born from Siva's blood. Attributes: hook and noose. Aspects and epithets include Kalaratri, KSETRAPALA and MAHAKALA. Also Bhairon, linked with the cult of dogs and BHAIRAVA, one of a group of MAHAVIDYAS personifying the SAKTI of Siva.... |
Goddess name "Bhima (terrible)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | (1) warrior god. A prince of the mythical Pandu family and one of the heroes of the Mahabharata epic, Bhima is usually depicted wielding a sword and a club. He is a son of the god of the winds VAYU. He is perceived as a god of immense strength and great cruelty, which separates him from the heroic figure of ARJUNA, his brother, with whom he is linked in the epic. Attribute: a club. Also Bhimasena. 2. Minor goddess. Buddhist (Mahayana). An attendant of BUDDAKEPALA.... |
Goddess name "Bhumidevi (the earth goddess)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic / southern India | Fertility goddess. The second wife of VIS NU (or KRSNA). Her son is Naraka. Bhumidevi is often depicted standing on the left (occasionally right) hand of the VARAHA avatara of Vis nu. In the north she is known as PUSTI. She is often depicted sitting on a lotus throne with bared breasts. Attributes: blue lotus, lotus, lute, pomegranate, pot with herbs, pot with vegetables and water jar. Also Bhu, Bhudevi, BHUMI, MAHI, PRTHIVI, VASUDHARA and Zami-Mata.... |