Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Bhairava (terrible)" | Hindu / Puranic / later | Minor frightful form of the god SIVA. Guardian deity of doorways. A so-called ugra aspect, generally depicted in similar style to Siva but with up to five heads and ten arms and said to have been born from Siva's blood. Attributes: hook and noose. Aspects and epithets include Kalaratri, KSETRAPALA and MAHAKALA. Also Bhairon, linked with the cult of dogs and BHAIRAVA, one of a group of MAHAVIDYAS personifying the SAKTI of Siva.... |
God name "Daikokr" | Shinto / Japan | God of luck. One of seven gods of fortune in Shintoism and often linked with the god EBISU. Originally a god of kitchens, he became a deity concerned with happiness. He is depicted as a fat, well-to-do figure seated on two rice bales and carrying a sack on his back. He also holds a hammer in his right hand. In depictions there is often a mouse nibbling at one of the rice bales. Small gold icons of the god may be carried as talismans of wealth. According to tradition, when Daikoku's hammer is shaken, money falls out in great profusion. In western Japan he is also syncretized with the god of rice paddies, TA-NO-KAMI, and thus becomes the god of Agriculture and farmers. He may have developed from the Buddhist god MAHAKALA.... |
God name "Gon-Po Nag-Po" | Lamaist / Tibet | God. See also MAHAKALA. Also Bram-zei gzugs-can; mGon-dkar; GUR-GYIMGON-PO.... |
God name "Gur-Gyi Mgon-Po" | Buddhist - Lamaist / Tibet | God of tents. A form of MAHAKALA usually attended by a man. Color: blue. Attributes: club, cup and knife.... |
God name "Mahakala" | Buddhist | Guardian god of science and tents Buddhist |
Goddess name "Mahakala" | Hindu | A Hindu Goddess, considered by some to be the consort of Shiva, and by others as the basis of Reality |
God name "Mahakala (the great death)" | Hindu / Puranic | (1) God. A violent aspect of S IVA. His SAKTI is Mahakah. Rides upon a lion. Color: black. Attributes: five arrows, ax, Brahma-egg, club, cup, rosary of skulls, staff and trident. Three-eyed. Also considered to be a form of the god BHAIRAVA in which context he is a guardian of the faith.(2) Guardian god of tents and science. BuddhistLamaist [Tibet]. Derived from the Hindu god S iva and an emanation of the five DHYANIBUDDHAS. Also one of a group of DHARMAPALAS with terrible appearance and royal attire. A deity of riches. He treads on the god Vinayaka, or on a man, a corpse, or on two elephant-headed men. Color: black, blue or white. Attributes: mainly elephant skin, prayer wheel and trident, but may hold various other objects.... |
Goddess name "Mahakali" | Jain / India | (1) Goddess of learning. One of sixteen VIDYADEVI headed by the goddess SARASVATI.(2) Form of the goddess KALI. Hindu. Also a SAKTI of MAHAKALA. Attributes: conch, cup, headdress, hook, knife, noose, rosary of skulls, staff, sword, waterjar and wheel.... |