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Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Alaisiagae" | Roman / Celtic / British | Minor goddesses. They are identified at houseteads (Northumberland) in a shrine to Mars Thincsus.... |
Goddess name "Anceta" | Roman | Aka Angizia, Anagtia, Anagtia, Anguitia, Anguitina, Angitia. A healing and snake Goddess who was especially revered by the Marsi, a warlike tribe of people who lived to the east of Rome. Roman |
Goddess name "Arsay" | Canaan | Minor Goddess of moonlight, moist aerth and marshes. The third daughter of Baal. Canaan |
Goddess name "Beda" | Germanic | Goddess who, along with the Alaisiagae sisters and Fimmilena and Mars Thingsus was popular among the Tubantes. |
God name "Belatucadros" | Celtic / British | war god. According to some authors he is the horned god of the north equating to CERNUNNOS. The Romans syncretized him with the god MARS.... |
Goddess name "Bellona" | Roman | Goddess of war and mother goddess Roman the goddess of war among the Romans. It is very probable that originally Bellona was a Sabine divinity whose worship was carried to Rome by the Sabine settlers. She is frequently mentioned by the Roman poets as the companion of Mars, or even as his sister or his wife. Virgil describes her as armed with a bloody scourge. (The Aeneid Book VIII) |
God name "Cariociecus" | Romano - Iberian | war god. Syncretized with the god MARS.... |
God name "Consentes Dii" | Etruscan | The twelve Etruscan gods, who formed the council of Jupiter and included Juno, Minerva, Summåñuś, Vulcan, Saturn, and Mars. Etruscan |
Goddess name "Enyo" | Greek | The goddess of war, who delights in bloodshed and the destruction of towns, and accompanies Mars in battles. Greek |
Goddess name "Harmonia" | Greco - Roman | Goddess of joining. Daughter of ARES (MARS) and APHRODITE (VENUS) or Cytherea. The consort of Cadmus and mother of Ino, SEMELE, Agave, Autonoe and Polydorus. She is the apotheosis of harmony in life which is also displayed in musical euphony. Also Hermione.... |
God name "Hyagnis" | Phrygian | A Sun and fire god, also a god of lightning. Father of Marsyas, a satyr who challenged Apollo to a contest of music and lost his hide and life. Phrygian |
God name "Juno, Minerva, Tinia , Vulcan, Mars, Saturn, Hercules, Summauus, Vedius" | Etruscan | Nine Gods Of the Etruscans: Juno, Minerva, and Tinia (the three chief); the other six were Vulcan, Mars, and Saturn, Hercules, Summauus, and Vedius. |
Goddess name "Limnades" | Greek | A goddesses of lakes, marshes, swamps |
Goddess name "Mangala (auspicious)" | Hindu | (1) Astral god. Personification of the planet MARS. Depicted by a chariot drawn by eight red fire-horses. According to some authors Mangala is a form of the god S IWA in his cruel aspect. Attributes: club and lotus. Three-eyed.(2) Goddess. A form of PARWATI. She rides upon a lion and may bear up to ten arms, carrying arrow, mirror, moon disc, rosary, shield and sword. Three-eyed.... |
God name "Mars" | Roman | An ancient Roman god, who was at an early period identified by the Romans with the Greek Ares, or the god delighting in bloody war, although there are a variety of indications that the Italian Mars was originally a divinity of a very different nature. Roman |
God name "Mullo" | British | God of mules. He is known from inscriptions and is åśśociated with the god Mars in the form of Mars Mullo Roman / British |
God name "Mullo" | Roman / Celtic | Mule god. Known from inscriptions and apparently åśśociated with the god MARS.... |
Goddess name "Nemetona" | Roman / Celtic | Goddess of sacred groves. Consort to the Roman deity MARS. Evidenced at places such as Bath (England) and Mainz (Germany); but also in place names which include the etymological base nemeton (a shrine).... |
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