Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Belisama" | Gaul | Goddess connected with lakes and rivers, fire, crafts and light. Identified with Minerva / Athena and has been compared with Brigid. Gaul |
Goddess name "Brigantia" | Roman / Celtic / British | Tutelary goddess. The goddess of the Brigantes in the West Riding of Yorkshire. She became identified with CAELESTIS. At Corbridge, Northumberland, there is an altar inscribed to various deities, including Caelestis Brigantia. In a carved stone relief at Birrens, on the Antonine Wall in Scotland, she is depicted with the attributes of MINERVA. She may also bear links with the goddess BRIGIT. She is frequently åśśociated with water and herding.... |
Goddess name "Britannia" | Roman / Celtic / British | Tutelary goddess. The genia loci of Britain who first appears on the coinage of Antoninus Pius in the second century AD. She became the symbol of the British Empire after being partly syncretized with the Roman war goddess MINERVA.... |
God name "Consentes Dii" | Etruscan | The twelve Etruscan gods, who formed the council of Jupiter and included Juno, Minerva, Summåñuś, Vulcan, Saturn, and Mars. Etruscan |
God name "Juno, Minerva, Tinia , Vulcan, Mars, Saturn, Hercules, Summauus, Vedius" | Etruscan | Nine Gods Of the Etruscans: Juno, Minerva, and Tinia (the three chief); the other six were Vulcan, Mars, and Saturn, Hercules, Summauus, and Vedius. |
Goddess name "Minerva" | Greek | The name Minerva is connected with the root man as or mens. She first appeared in Etruria under the names of Minrva, Menrfa, Menervra. Menarv, and was perhaps a goddess of the thunderbolt. It seems that this Etruscan Minerva very early merged with the Greek Athene. Minerva is hence the least ltalic of the divinities with whom she formed the triad Jupiter-Juno-Minerva. Greek |
Goddess name "Sulis" | Roman / Celtic | She was called Brigantia by the Britons; and later Saint Brighid (after Christianity). She is also a deity concerned with knowledge and prophecy. The tutelary Goddess of the thermal waters at Bath, England, she is closely linked with the Roman Goddess Minerva. Roman / Celtic |
Goddess name "Sulis" | Roman / Celtic | Chthonic underworld goddess. Also a deity concerned with knowledge and prophecy. The tutelary goddess of the thermal waters at Bath, England, she is closely linked with the Roman goddess MINERVA.... |
Goddess name "Vacuna" | Sabine | Minor goddess. A sanctuary dedicated to this deity is known to have existed near the villa belonging to the poet Horace. She may be synonymous with DIANA or MINERVA.... |