Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "AMATERASU-O-MI-KAMI" | Shinto / Japan | Sun goddess. The central figure of Shintoism and the ancestral deity of the imperial house. One of the daughters of the primordial god IZANAGI and said to be his favorite offspring, she was born from his left eye. She is the sibling of SUSANO-WO, the storm god. According to mythology she and Susano-Wo are obliged to join each other in order to survive.... |
Deities name "Ananta" | Hindu / Puranic | Snake god. One of a group of seven snake deities or MAHANAGAS.... |
Goddess name "Anceta" | Roman | Aka Angizia, Anagtia, Anagtia, Anguitia, Anguitina, Angitia. A healing and snake Goddess who was especially revered by the Marsi, a warlike tribe of people who lived to the east of Rome. Roman |
Goddess name "Anna Kmari" | Indian | Local vegetation goddess. Worshiped by the Oraon tribe of Chota Nagpur. The recipient of human sacrifice in the spring months, she was believed to endow riches on the sacrificer and to ensure plentiful harvest while living in his house in the form of a child.... |
God name "Asterion" | Crete | Or Asterius, 1. A son of Teutamus, and king of the Cretans, who married Europa after she had been carried to Crete by Zeus. He also brought up the three sons, Minos, Sarpedon, and Rhadamanthys whom she had by the father of the gods. (Apollodorus i) 2. A son of Cometes, Pyremus, or Priscus, by Antigone, the daughter of Pheres. He is mentioned as one of the Argonauts. (Argonautica) There are two more mythical personages of this name, one a river-god [Acraea], and the second a son of Minos, who was slain by Theseus. |
God name "BUDDHA" | Buddhist / India | The founder of Buddhism. The deity is regarded as having been an historical figure, born at Kapilavastu near Gorakhpur. He died at Kusinagara in circa 486 BC. His father was SUDDHODANA of the Sakya clan, his mother was MAYA and his wife YASODHARA. Buddha is, in certain respects, the equal of the Hindu god VIS NU. H... |
Deities name "Baa! Samin (lord of heaven)" | Western Semitic / Phoenician | Head of the pantheon. Probably originated in Canaanite culture as a god of Rain and vegetation, but became extensively revered in places as far apart as Cyprus and Carthage. Epithets include bearer of thunder. Baal Samin is first mentioned in a fourteenth century BC treaty between the Hittite king Suppiluliuma and Nigmadu II of Ugarit. He had a major sanctuary at Byblos, according to inscription, built by Yehemilk. Josephus confirms that his cult existed at the time of Solomon. At Karatepe his name appears at the head of a list of national deities and on Seleucid coinage he is depicted wearing a half-moon crown and carrying a radiate Sun disc. Other epithets include lord of eternity and he may also have been god of storms at sea, a patron deity of mariners. By Hellenic times he equated with ZEUS in the Greek pantheon and the Romans identified him as Caelus (sky). Also Baal-Samem.... |
Goddess name "Bertha" | German | Goddess the spinning-wheel principally, and of the household as dependent on it, in behalf of which and its economical management she is often harsh to idle spinners; at her festival thrift is the rule. South German |
Deities name "Bhavariavasi" | Jain / India | Gods. A generic name given to deities of youthful appearance who are arranged in ten groups all with the suffix -kumara. Thus AGNI-; ASURA-; DIK-; DVIPA-; NAGA-; STANITA-; SUPARNA-; UDADHI-; VAYU-; VIDYUT-.... |
Goddess name "Britannia" | Roman / Celtic / British | Tutelary goddess. The genia loci of Britain who first appears on the coinage of Antoninus Pius in the second century AD. She became the symbol of the British Empire after being partly syncretized with the Roman war goddess MINERVA.... |
God name "Camulos" | Celtic / British | war god. Probably the deity from which the name of Camulodunum [Colchester, England] derives. Known from inscriptions and coinage bearing the symbol of a boar.... |
God name "Chiminagua" | Chibcha | Another omni-potent god that created the earth in a rather simple matter |
God name "Eleuther" | Greek | A son of Apollo and Aethusa, the daughter of Poseidon, was regarded as the founder of Eleutherae in Boeotia. He was the grandfather of Jasius and Poemander, the founder of Tanagra. He is said to have been the first that erected a statue of Dionysus, and spread the worship of the god. Greek |
God name "Gaganaganja (treasury of ether)" | Buddhist | God. One of a group of BODHISATTVAS (buddha-designates). Color: yellow, red or gold. Attributes: blue lotus, Book, jewel, lotus and wishing tree in a vase.... |
Demon name "Garuda (the devourer)" | Hindu / Vedic | Archaic Sun god and Divine vehicle. Originally depicted as a solar deity, Garuda evolved into a bird-like human hybrid who became the deified mount of VIS'NU. Also a chief adversary of nagas (snake-like demons), which he devours. In early depictions Garuda has a parrot's beak. Said to have been born from an egg, the son of Vinata and KASYAPA. Epithets include Amrtaharana, Garutman, Tarksya. Attributes: conch, club, lotus and nectar, but may also bear the attributes of Vis'nu.(2) Mount or vahana of VAJRAPANI. Buddhist. Attributes: flower, horse-head, noose, skin and staff. Three-eyed and three-headed.... |
God name "Gon-Po Nag-Po" | Tibet | A god of many names |
God name "Gon-Po Nag-Po" | Lamaist / Tibet | God. See also MAHAKALA. Also Bram-zei gzugs-can; mGon-dkar; GUR-GYIMGON-PO.... |
Goddess name "Ianagi & Izanami" | Japan | The god & goddess that created Japan |