Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Chiconahui" | Aztec | Hgoddess of the earth. Aztec |
Goddess name "Chiconahui" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Hearth goddess. A household guardian deity personified by hearth fires. One of the deities collectively clåśśed as the XIUHTECUHTLI complex.... |
God name "Chiconahui Itzcuintii-Chantico" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | God of lapidiaries. Chikara... |
Deities name "Chiconahuiehecati" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Minor creator god. One of the deities collectively clåśśed as the QUETZALCOATL complex.... |
God name "Chiçõõñahuiehecatl" | Aztec | Minor creator god. Aztec |
Deities name "Nahui Ehecati" | Aztec / mesoamerican / Mexico | Minor water god. One of the group of deities belonging to the TLALOC complex. Also (4)Ehecatl.... |
God name "Nahui Oiiin (earthquake sun)" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Creator god. According to most of the codices, at the time of the Spanish conquest there had been four previous world ages, each represented by a Sun and terminated by a cataclysm. Ollin, the fifth Sun, was created at Teotihuacan and at the conquest was just under 2,000 years old. It is presided over by the god TONATIUH. Each creation is considered to last 2028 x 52 terrestrial years and the present one is destined to be destroyed by a great earthquake. Tradition has it that Ollin was originally a sickly or humble deity named NANAHUATL (the diseased one). Also (4)Ollin; Ollintonatiuh.... |