Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Faun" | Roman | Place-spirits (genii) of untamed woodland. Romans connected their fauns with the Greek satyrs, wild and orgiastic drunken followers of Dionysus. However, fauns and satyrs were originally quite different creatures. Both have horns and both resemble goats below the waist, humans above; but originally satyrs had human feet, fauns goatlike hooves. The Romans also had a god named Faunus and a goddess Fauna, who, like the fauns, were goat-people. Roman |
God name "Hyagnis" | Phrygian | A Sun and fire god, also a god of lightning. Father of Marsyas, a satyr who challenged Apollo to a contest of music and lost his hide and life. Phrygian |
God name "Priapos" | Greco - Roman / Phrygian | Fertility god. The son of DIONYSOS and APHRODITE, he was also a guardian of mariners. Priapos was not regarded as a significant deity in Greece until very late timesduring the Macedonian period, circa fourth to second century BCand was only locally popular during the Roman Empire period. He is particularly known from Phrygia and is depicted as a satyr-like creature with pronounced genitals.... |
God name "Satyr" | Greek | Generic term for woodland gods and Divine beings Roman / Greek |
God name "Satyr" | Greco - Roman | Woodland god. Generic term for an åśśortment of Divine beings with a human torso and the legs, hair and horns of a goat. They include the god PAN and the demigod Silenus who raised the adolescent BACCHUS.... |