Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Dogumrik" | Kafir / Afghanistan | Local guardian and warrior god. Known from the village of Shtiwe in the southeastern Hindukush, Dogumrik is the herdsman to the daughters of the god IMRA and possibly a localized equivalent of the god MON.... |
Spirit name "Kutkhu" | Kemchadal / southeastern Siberia | Guardian spirit. The counterpart of the Koryak QUIKINN.A'QU, he fashioned the created world into its present form and is the majordomo of the creator god. His consort is Ilkxum and his sister is Xutlizic. His children include SI'MSKALIN, TI'ZIL-KUTKHU and SI'DIUKU. In mythology he is depicted as a salacious character. Also Kutq; Kutkinnaqu.... |
God name "Lesa" | southeastern African | Creator god. The name by which the supreme deity is known across a wide area of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Equating to LISA in regions of West Africa. Also regarded as a Rain god. Probably strongly influenced by Islam and, to a lesser extent, by Christianity. Also Leza.... |
Goddess name "Ma-zu" | Chinese | Sea goddess. Known from the coastal regions of southeastern China as a benevolent guardian of fishermen, and closely linked with the goddess KUAN YIN.... |
God name "Ne'nenkicex" | Kamchadal / southeastern Siberia | Creator god. The name given to the Christian god by the Kamchadals under influence of the Russian Orthodox church.... |
Deities name "So" | Ewe / Hua / Togo / southeastern Ghana, West Africa | weather god. An emanation of the combined personae of the deities SOGBLEN and SODZA.... |
God name "Sogblen" | Ewe / Hua / Togo / southeastern Ghana, West Africa | Messenger god. Considered to relay the prayers of devotees to the great gods and to return with blessings or punishment. Generally benevolent, bringing the boon of fertile crops and children. He is propitiated with the sacrifice of a white sheep in an annual festival.... |
God name "Soului" | Hua / southeastern Ghana, West Africa | vegetation god. A benevolent deity who can bestow wealth as well as good harvests. He is also god of Medicine and of the sounds of music. His devotees wear white and daub white chalk on their faces. His symbol is the cowrie shell.... |
God name "Takkiraja" | Buddhist | God. A dikpala or guardian of the southeastern quarter. Color: blue. Attributes: blue staff, jewel, lotus staff, sword and trident. Also Vajrajvalanalarka and Vajrayaksa.... |
Deities name "Tejosnisa (sharp)" | Buddhist | God. Apparently connected with the guardian deities or dikpalas in the southeastern quarter. Color: whitish red. Attribute: Sun disc.... |
God name "Ya'qhicnin" | Koryak / southeastern Siberia | Creator god. The name given to the Christian god by the Koryaks to distinguish him from their own supreme being, TENANTO'MWAN.... |