Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Goddess name "Ame-No-Taiabata-Hime-No-Mikoto" | Shinto / Japan | Astral goddess of weavers. One of two star apotheoses who are, according to tradition, deeply in love with each other. Her partner is HIKOBOSHI. Her name is generally abbreviated to Tanabata, the title of a festival in honor of the goddess which became a national event in Japan in AD 755. The festival later became merged with the Tibetan Bon Ullumbana festival of the dead. Also Shokujo.... |
God name "Ame-No-Tanabata-Hime-No-Mikoto" | Japan / Shinto | Star god identified with the Pole-star, is believed to guard the land and to prevent disasters, and more particularly to cure eye-diseases. Japan / Shinto |
Goddess name "Hikoboshi" | Shinto / Japan | Astral god. The consort of the star goddess AME-NO-TANABATA-HINE-NOMIKOTO. The two are, according to mythology, deeply in love. Their festival was merged with the Tibetan Bon festival of the dead, the Ullumbana. Also Kengyu-Sei.... |