Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "AMUN" | Egypt | Supreme creator god. Amun is a Sun god, lord of the sky and king of the Egyptian world.... |
God name "ATUM" | Egypt | Sun god and creator god. Atum is generally represented in human form and often wears a crown which combines those of Upper and Lower Egypt. He is represented as various animals including the bull, lion, snake and lizard. Atum was regarded as the progenitor of the Egyptian pharaohs. Both Atum and Re are represented by a Divine black bull, Mnevis or Mer-wer, wearing the Sun disc and uraeus or snake between its horns. It acts as an intercessor between the Sun god and his priests in Heliopolis.... |
God name "Aah" | Egypt | moon god of the Egyptians. |
God name "Aam" | Egyptian | A name for the god Tem, a form of the Sun god in the city of Annu. Book of the Dead åśśociates Aam with the Sun god Ra. Egyptian |
God name "Abraham aka Avraham" | Arabic | Ashkenazi, Avrohom, Avruhom, regarded as the founding patriarch of the Israelites and of the Arabic people in Jewish, Christian and Islamic tradition. In that tradition, Abraham is brought by God from his home in the ancient city of Ur into a new land, Canaan, where he enters into a covenant: in exchange for sole recognition of Yahweh as supreme universal authority. |
God name "Agu'gux" | Aleut / Aleutian Islands | Creator god. The name given to the Christian god under Russian Orthodox influence.... |
Goddess name "Agweta" | Haitian | Haitian sea goddess. Daughter of Agwe. |
Goddess name "Ahti" | Egyptian | A goddess of evil |
Angel name "Akatriel" | Christian | The angel who sits close to God and speaks for Him. Christian |
God name "Amun" | Egyptian | An Egyptian deity who combined with the Sun god to become Amun-Re, Amun was paramount in the Egyptian pantheon during the height of the pharaonic empire. |
Goddess name "Anaitis" | Persian / Iran | Fertility goddess. Her influence extended through eastern Europe. In pre-Christian Armenia, the center of her cult was at Acilisena where noble families regularly surrendered their daughters to service as cultic prostitutes.... |
Angel name "Angels Of Prayer" | Christian | Seven angels who convey the prayers of the saints to God. Akatriel, Gabriel, Metatron, Raphael, Sandalphon, Sizouse and Michael. Christian |
God name "Anti-Christ / AntiChrist" | Christian | Anti-Christ or the Man of Sin, expected by some to precede the second coming of Christ. St. John so calls every one who denies the incarnation of the eternal Son of God. Christian |
God name "Apedemak" | Sudanese / Meroe | war god. An Egyptianized deity, his main sanctuary was contained in a vast religious complex and center of pilgrimage at Musawwarat-es-Sufra, north of the sixth Nile cataract. Sacred animals include cattle and the African elephant. Depicted with the head of a lion and a human body, holding a scepter embellished with a seated lion at the tip.... |
God name "Apis" | Egyptian | Apis the Bull of Memphis, is called the greatest of gods, and the god of all nations, while others regard him more in the light of a symbol of some great divinity. Egyptian |
God name "Arab" | Pre - Christian Georgian | Local god of Agriculture. Probably derived from the Armenian god ARAY.... |
God name "Aray" | Pre - Christian Armenian | war god. Probably derived locally from the Greek ARES. Some traditions suggests that he was also a dying-andrising god.... |
God name "Archons" | Christian / Gnostic | Primordial creator gods. They include Uriel, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Shauil and Cåśśiel. Christian / Gnostic |