Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "ADAD (wind)" | Mesopotamian / Babylonian - Akkadian | weather god. His father is the supreme sky god ANU. He is described as a benevolent giver of life in the fields but is also a more violent storm god. His name in Akkadian cuneiform means wind. His animal is the bull. In human form he is depicted wearing horned headdress and tiered skirt or robe decorated with astral symbolism. He may carry a scimitar embellished with a single panther head and his symbol is the lightning fork often fixed upon a pair of pincers.... |
God name "ATUM" | Egypt | Sun god and creator god. Atum is generally represented in human form and often wears a crown which combines those of Upper and Lower Egypt. He is represented as various animals including the bull, lion, snake and lizard. Atum was regarded as the progenitor of the Egyptian pharaohs. Both Atum and Re are represented by a Divine black bull, Mnevis or Mer-wer, wearing the Sun disc and uraeus or snake between its horns. It acts as an intercessor between the Sun god and his priests in Heliopolis.... |
Goddess name "Adsullata" | Balkans | A river goddess, åśśociated with the River Savus in the Balkans |
God name "Ahriman" | Zoroastrian / Farsi Per sian | Chthonic god of darkness. The antagonist of AHURA MAZDA, god of light, and his attendant, MITHRA. The name is a modern derivation of the original Avestan title ANGRU MAINYU. Ahriman is said to have tried to persuade his attendant animals, including the scor pion, ant and snake, to drink the blood of the bull slain by Mithra in the primeval legend of dualistic conflict (see Mithra); if he had succeeded he would have prevented life from forming on earth. In another legend he tried to thwart Ahura Mazda by sending a flood to destroy the world. Also recog nized in Roman Mithraism. Rituals included ani mal sacrifice. Also ARIMANIUS (Roman).... |
God name "Akelos" | Greek | River god. The son of OKEANOS and TETHYS. According to mythology he was a rival suitor for Deianeira who became the wife of HERAKLES. He was the consort of Melpomene and his daughters were allegedly the sirenes. A river of the same name runs into the Ionian Sea. Attributes include bull horns. Also Achlae (Etrurian).... |
God name "Almaqah" | Pre - Islamic southern Arabian | Tutelary astral god. Worshiped by the Saba tribe, his sacred animal is the bull. Attributes include lightning bolts and a sinuate weapon.... |
Goddess name "Ame-No-Taiabata-Hime-No-Mikoto" | Shinto / Japan | Astral goddess of weavers. One of two star apotheoses who are, according to tradition, deeply in love with each other. Her partner is HIKOBOSHI. Her name is generally abbreviated to Tanabata, the title of a festival in honor of the goddess which became a national event in Japan in AD 755. The festival later became merged with the Tibetan Bon Ullumbana festival of the dead. Also Shokujo.... |
Goddess name "Anumati" | Sanskrit | A lunar deity and goddess of wealth, intellect, children, spirituality and prosperity. Also Anumati is a type of full moon day in which the moon remains slightly cut and not fully full moon called as Chaturdashi bhiddha purnima Sanskrit |
God name "Apis" | Egyptian | Apis the Bull of Memphis, is called the greatest of gods, and the god of all nations, while others regard him more in the light of a symbol of some great divinity. Egyptian |
God name "Ardhanari(svara) (the lord being half woman)" | Hindu / Puranic | God. The god SI IVA combined with his SAKTI as a single being. His attendant animal is the bull. In iconography the left side of the image is female and the right male. A tutelary deity of eunuchs in India. Attributes: (right side) blue lotus, cup, hatchet, lute, moon disc, pestle, skin, sword and trident; (left side) ax, mirror, noose, pitcher, rosary, sacred rope and trident. May appear as three-headed. Also Ammaiappan (Tamil); Naranari.... |
Goddess name "Arianrhod" | Wales | Keeper of the circling Silver Wheel of Stars, a symbol of time and karma. Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess. Honoured at the Full moon. Wales |
Goddess name "Artio" | Switzerland | Bear Goddess whose shrine once stood in what is now Berne, Switzerland. She is usually depicted as being surrounded by full baskets and animals. Goddess of fertility and wildlife. She is åśśociated with the bear, claws and teeth, geode stones. |
God name "Atua Fafine" | Polynesian / Tikopia | Creator being. One of a pair with ATUA I RAROPUKA when the land of Tikopia was pulled up from the bottom of the ocean. They may have been there from the outset, or arrived on the back of a turtle from foreign parts. They engendered five sons, all gods.... |
God name "Atua I Raropuka" | Polynesian / Tikopia | Creator being. One of a pair with Atua Fafine when the land of Tikopia was pulled up from the bottom of the ocean. They may have been there from the outset, or arrived on the back of a turtle from foreign parts. They engendered five sons, all gods.... |
Spirit name "Ba (2)" | Egypt / Lower | Ram god. A fertility deity from early in Egyptian religion invoked particularly at Mendes. In a later cult, the name ba comes to represent the spirituality of a deity, often represented in an animal, e.g. the bull, or the mortal manifestation of a god as pharaoh.... |
God name "Batara Guru" | Indonesia | Has full authority from Sang Hyang Wenang, the power holder of all gods, to direct other gods to perform their duties, as well as to govern all kinds of life in the universe included life and fate of human beings. Indonesia |
Angel name "Behemoth" | Islam | When God created the earth, he realized that it was not secure. To stabilize it, he placed under it first an angel, then a huge rock made of ruby, then a bull with four thousand eyes, ears, nostrils, mouths, tongues, and feet. But even the bull did not stand firm. So below it God placed Behemoth, who rested on water which was surrounded by darkness. Islam |
Deities name "Bishamon" | Shinto / Japan | God of luck. One of seven deities concerned with fortune, he appears as a warrior clad in full armor holding a spear in one hand and a toy pagoda, identified as a tower of treasure in the other. He has been linked with the Buddhist god Vaisravana (KUBERA).... |