Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
Deities name "Amimiti" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Minor god of lakes and fish hunters. One of the deities collectively clåśśed as the MIXCOATLCAMAXTLI complex.... |
God name "Amithba" | Buddhist / India | The boddhisattva of 'infinite light'. Amithba represents the primordial, self-existent Buddha. This god was born from a lotus and ceaselessly stretches out aid to the weak and faltering. Amithba became a popular way of salvation for many Buddhists because he was the archetype of compåśśion, gentle and easygoing. |
Goddess name "Amma" | Africa | Creator god. He first created the Sun from a clay pot and coils of copper and the moon using a clay pot and bråśś. Black people were created from Sunlight and white from moonlight. He then proceeded to cirçúɱsise the earth goddess, whose çlïtořïś was an anthill and their first offspring was a jackal. She then got pregnant by Rain and produced plants. He then became the father of mankind. Dogon Mali, West Africa |
Goddess name "Amma (2)" | Dogon / Mali, West Africa | Creator god. He first created the Sun by baking a clay pot until it was white hot and coiling a band of copper around it eight times. He created the moon in similar fashion but used bråśś. Black people were created from Sunlight and white from moonlight. Later, having cirçúɱcised the earth goddess, whose çlïtořïś was an anthill, he impregnated her and produced the first creature, a jackal. Next he fertilized her with Rain to engender plant life and finally became the father of mankind.... |
God name "Ammon/ Amen" | Egypt | The god of air, wind, Sun, reincarnation, war |
Goddess name "Ammut (devouress of the dead)" | Egypt | Chthonic underworld goddess. A significant deity who allegedly consumes the dead if their hearts are found weighed down with guilt in the Judgment Hall of the Two Truths during the Weighing of the Heart ceremony. Ammut has a fearsome aspect and sits alongside forty-two juror gods named in the Book of the Dead. Depicted with the head of a crocodile, the trunk and fore-limbs of a lion and the hind part of a hippopotamus.See also THOTH and MAAT.... |
God name "Amurru" | Akkadian | Or Martu are also names given in Akkadian and Sumerian texts to the god of the Amorite / Amurru people, often forming part of personal names. He is sometimes called Ilu Amurru. Sometimes described as a 'shepherd', and as a son of the sky-god Anu. |
God name "Anala" | Hindu / Puranic | Is one of the Vasus, gods of the material world. He is equated with Agni, and the name usually used for Agni when listed among the Vasus. Hindu / Puranic |
God name "Ananga" | Hindu | The bodyless; it is a name of Kama, god of love. Hindu |
Goddess name "Anat" | Hebrew / Israel | The goddess Anat is never mentioned in Hebrew scriptures as a goddess, though her name is apparently preserved in the city names Beth Anath and Anathoth. Anathoth seems to be a plural form of the name, perhaps a shortening of bêt anatôt 'House of the Anats', either a reference to many shrines of the goddess or a plural of intensification. The ancient hero Shamgar son of Anat is mentioned in Judges 3.31;5:6 which raises the idea that this hero may have been imagined as a demi-god, a mortal son of the goddess. |
Goddess name "Anat / Athene" | Greek | Anat and Athene In a Cyprian inscription the Greek goddess Athêna Sôteira Nikê is equated with Anat. Anat is also presumably the goddess whom Sanchuniathon calls Athene, a daughter of El, mother unnamed, who with Hermes (that is Anubis) councelled El on the making of a sickle and a spear of iron, presumably to use against his father Uråñuś. However, in the Baal cycle, that rôle is åśśigned to Asherah / Elat and Anat is there called the "Virgin." |
Goddess name "Anat in Mesopotamia" | Akkadian | In Akkadian the form one would expect Anat to take would be Antu earlier Antum. This would also be the normal femanine form that would be taken by Anu, the Akkadian form of An 'Sky', the Sumerian god of heaven. Antu appears in Akkadian texts mostly as a rather colorless consort of Anu, the mother of Ishtar in the Gilgamesh story, but is also identified with the northwest Semitic goddess Anat of essentially the same name. It is unknown whether this is an equation of two originally separate goddesses whose names happened to fall together or whether Anat's cult spread to Mesopotamia where she came to be worshippped as Anu's spouse because the Mesopotamia form of her name suggested she was a counterpart to Anu. |
God name "Ancaeus" | Greek | 1. A son of the Arjadian Lycurgus and Creophile or Eurynome, and father of Agapenor. He was one of the Argonauts and partook in the Calydonian hunt in which he was killed by the boar. (Apollodorus i. 9.) 2. A son of Poseidon and Astypalaea or Alta, king of the Leleges in Samos, and husband of Samia, the daughter of the river-god Maeander, by whom he became the father of Perilaus, Enodos, Samos, Alitherses, and Parthenope. |
Goddess name "Ancasta" | Britain / British | A Goddess who survives only in her name through an inscription on a stone in Hampshire. It is a possibility she is related to Andraste. Britain |
God name "Anceta" | Kamos Moab / Jordan | The chief god that when Hellenized became equated with Ares |
Goddess name "Andarta" | Celtic / Gallic | Fertility goddess (probable). Patron goddess of the Vocontii tribe. Her name seems to have derived either from artos (bear) or ar (ploughed land).See also ANDRASTA.... |
God name "Anextiomarus" | Roman / British | A Celtic epithet of the Sun-god Apollo recorded in a Romano-British inscription from South Shields, England. The form is a variant of Anextlomarus 'Great protector', a Divine style or name attested in a fragmentary Gallo-Roman dedication from Le Mans, France. Anextlomarus is also attested as a Gaulish man's father's name at Langres, and a feminine Divine form, Anextlomara, appears in two other Gallo-Roman dedications from Avenches, Switzerland. Roman / British |
God name "Angru Mainyu (evil spirit)" | Persian / Iran | Chthonic underworld god of darkness. The original Zoroastrian name of the chief antagonist of AHURA MAZDA.See also AHRIMAN.... |