Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "Zamama" | Hittite | A Hittite war god. His Hurrian name was Astabis. |
God name "Zamba" | Zaire | A god of the Yaunde who created the earth. Cameroon and Zaire |
Goddess name "Zapotlantenan" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Healing goddess. deity of medicinal turpentine and ointment-dealers. One of the group clåśśed as the TLALOC complex.... |
Goddess name "Zara-Mama" | South American Indian / Peru | Maize goddess. A minor deity, models of whom were made from the leaves of the plant and kept for a year before being burned in a ritual to ensure a good maize harvest.... |
God name "Zipakna" | Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico | earthquake god. Usually coupled with the god KABRAKAN and identified as a creator of mountains which Kabrakan subsequently destroys.... |
Goddess name "Zoe (life)" | Greek / Gnostic Christian | Goddess of life. The daughter of PISTIS SOPHIA who, according to Gnostic mythology, became the consort of SABAOTH to create the angels, Israel and Jesus Christ.... |
God name "Zotz" | Mayan / Zotzil Indian, Mesoamerican / Guatemala | Tutelary god. Manifest in the form of a bat.... |
Goddess name "Zyanya" | Native American | A goddess who will be here always and forever. |
God name "gSari Sgrub" | Bon / Lamaist / Tibet | God. Originally a Bon deity who became syncretized as a variety of the god YAMA in Lamaism. His animal is the bull and he may appear bull-headed. Color: red. Attributes: cup, knife and prayer wheel.... |
God name "ltztli (obsidian blade)" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | God of justice. One of the group clåśśed as the TEZCATLIPOCA complex.... |