Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "At" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Creator god. The Sun deity representing the fourth of the five world ages each of which lasted for 2,028 heavenly years, each heavenly year being fifty-two terrestrial years. Assigned to water and presided over by CHALCHIUHTLICUE. According to tradition, the age ended in a cataclysmic destruction caused by a deluge during which all the human population were turned into fish. Illustrated by the Stone of the Four Suns [Yale Peabody Museum]. Also 4(Atl), Atonatiuh and Chalchiutonatiuh.... |
God name "At ahua" | Aztec / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Minor god of lakes and fish hunters. One of the group clåśśed as the Mixcoatlcamaxtli complex.... |
Goddess name "Atlaonin" | Aztec | One of the names of the mother goddess. Aztec |
Goddess name "Atropos" | Pre - Homeric Greek | Goddess of fate. According to Hesiod, one of the daughters of ZEUS and THEMIS. One of an ancient trio of MOIRAI with LACHESIS and KLOTHO. She is responsible for the final part of a mortal life, the unturning inevitability of death, and she is depicted holding a pair of scales. The name of the plant Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade) derives from her.... |
Goddess name "Aufaiiae" | Celtic / Continental / European | Collective name for a group of mother goddesses. Known only from votive inscriptions and largely restricted to the Rhineland.... |
Goddess name "Aufaniae" | Celtic | A collective name for a group of Celtic mother goddesses worshipped throughout Celtic Europe. They are known only from symbolical inscriptions and they appear to have been found mainly in the German Rhineland. Celtic |
Goddess name "Auxesia" | Greek | The goddess who grants growth and prosperity to the fields, a surname of Persephone. Greek |
Supreme god name "Awonawilona" | Pueblo / Zuni | The One Who Contains Everything. The Supreme God, the Creator of All. Before the creation there was only Awonawilona; all else was darkness and emptiness. Both male and female, Awonawilona created everything from himself and taking form became the maker of light, the Sun. Pueblo / Zuni |
God name "Awonawilona" | Pueblo Indian / Zuni / Mesoamerica | Creator god. The androgynous creator of heaven and earth and of all life, which he engendered by tossing pieces of his skin into the primeval ocean.... |
Goddess name "Axo-Mama" | South American Indian / Peru | Goddess of potato crops. A model of this minor deity was made out of parts of the plant as a harvest fetish and kept for a year before being burned in a ritual to ensure a good potato harvest.... |
Goddess name "Ayauhteotl" | Chile | Goddess of the moon, haze and mist and is is åśśociated with vanity and fame. Chile |
Goddess name "Azele Yaba" | Africa | Goddess of justice. wife of Nyamele, a sky god Africa |
Goddess name "Azer Ava" | Russian | Ancient Russian goddess, the name Azer-Ava translates into "forest mother" or "the friendly tree goddess". Azer-Ava lives in trees and welcomes those who venture out to pick berries and mushrooms. She is known as a goddess of fruitfulness who brings Rain and corn, and oaths are taken in her name. |
God name "Azizos" | Levant | Azizos or Aziz, the Palmyran god of the morning star. He is usually portrayed as riding a camel with his twin brother Arsu. Levant |
God name "Azizos" | Pre - Islamic northern Arabian | Astral tutelary god. Locally worshiped at Palmyra, where he personifies the morning star, in company with his brother ARSU, who is the evening star. Associated with horses or camels. He was also venerated separately in Syria as god of the morning star, in company with the astral god Monimos.... |
God name "B'alam Quitze/ Balam Quitze,/ Balam Quitze" | S America | B'alam Quitze aka Balam Quitze, Balam Quitze, meaning "jaguar with the sweet smile," was the first of the men created from maize after the Great Flood sent by Hurakan. The gods created Caha-Paluma specifically for him to marry. |
Goddess name "BAAL (lord)" | Western Semitic / Canaanite / northern Israel, Lebanon / later Egypt | vegetation deity and national god. Baal may have originated in pre-agricultural times as god of storms and Rain. He is the son of DAGAN and in turn is the father of seven storm gods, the Baalim of the Vetus Testamentum, and seven midwife goddesses, the SASURATUM. He is considered to have been worshiped from at least the nineteenth century BC. Later he became a vegetation god concerned with fertility of the land. From the mid-sixteenth century BC in the Egyptian New kingdom, Baal enjoyed a significant cult following, but the legend of his demise and restoration was never equated with that of OSIRIS. In the Greco-Roman period, Baal became åśśimilated in the Palestine region with ZEUS and JUPITER, but as a Punic deity [Carthage] he was allied with SATURNUS, the god of seed-sowing.... |
God name "BACCHUS" | Roman | God of wine and intoxication. Bacchus is modeled closely on the Greek god DIONYSOS. In Roman mythology his parents are JUPITER and SEMELE, the daughter of Kadmos, who became deified only after her death by fire on Olympus.... |