Name ▲▼ | Origin ▲▼ | Description ▲▼ |
God name "BAIAME" | Australian aboriginal | Creator God. Baiame is a creator god, revered as the supreme being and instrument of good, principally by the Wiradyuri and Kamilaroi groups of aborigines in the southeast of Australia. His chief consort is generally referred to as BIRRAHGNOOLOO. In other aboriginal traditions he is known as Twanyrika.... |
God name "BALDER (lord)" | Icelandic / Nordic | The dying god. Balder is the spotless good god, the shining one, OTHIN's favored second son. He lives in a hall named Breidablik. He is the father of the god FORSETI.... |
Goddess name "BRIGIT (exalted one)" | Celtic / Continental / European / Irish | Fertility goddess. A major Celtic pastoral deity, described as a wise woman, the daughter of the DAGDA, Brigit became Christianized as St. Brigit of Kildare, who lived from AD 450-523 and founded the first female Christian community in Ireland. She was originally celebrated on February 1 in the festival of Imbolc.... |
Spirit name "Ba (2)" | Egypt / Lower | Ram god. A fertility deity from early in Egyptian religion invoked particularly at Mendes. In a later cult, the name ba comes to represent the spirituality of a deity, often represented in an animal, e.g. the bull, or the mortal manifestation of a god as pharaoh.... |
Deities name "Ba Xian" | Taoist / Chinese | Collective name for gods. A group of eight Divine beings, once mortal, who achieved immortality through their exemplary lifestyles. There are many such groups in Chinese religious belief. The Ba Xian are probably the most widely revered. Many people carry amulets and other charms in the form of the symbols of these deities. The eight gods are Cao Guo-jiu; HAN XIANGZI; HE XIAN-GU; LAN CAI-HE; LI TIE-GUAI; LU DONG-BIN; ZHANG GUO-LAO; and ZHONG-LI QUAN.... |
Deities name "Baa! Samin (lord of heaven)" | Western Semitic / Phoenician | Head of the pantheon. Probably originated in Canaanite culture as a god of Rain and vegetation, but became extensively revered in places as far apart as Cyprus and Carthage. Epithets include bearer of thunder. Baal Samin is first mentioned in a fourteenth century BC treaty between the Hittite king Suppiluliuma and Nigmadu II of Ugarit. He had a major sanctuary at Byblos, according to inscription, built by Yehemilk. Josephus confirms that his cult existed at the time of Solomon. At Karatepe his name appears at the head of a list of national deities and on Seleucid coinage he is depicted wearing a half-moon crown and carrying a radiate Sun disc. Other epithets include lord of eternity and he may also have been god of storms at sea, a patron deity of mariners. By Hellenic times he equated with ZEUS in the Greek pantheon and the Romans identified him as Caelus (sky). Also Baal-Samem.... |
Deities name "Bacabs" | Mayan / Mesoamerican / Mexico | Attendant gods. Four deities identified with points of the compåśś and colors, thus Hobnil (red) resides in the east, Can Tzicnal (white) in the north, Zac Cimi (black) in the west and Hozanek (yellow) in the south. They are also identified as the Toliloch (opossum actors) in the Codex Dresden, where each carries the image of the ruling god for the incoming year on his back. Hobnil is also a patron deity of beekeepers.... |
God name "Bacax" | Roman - North African | Local god. A rare example of a named deity from this region, thought to have been worshiped as a cave god. Known from inscription at Cirta [Constantine].... |
Goddess name "Badi Mata" | Hindu / northern Indian | Mother goddess. A SAKTI and one of the seven SAPTAMATARAS (mothers) who in later Hinduism became regarded as of evil intent, attacking children during puberty. Particularly recognized in Bengal.... |
God name "Baeldaeg aka Baldag" | Saxons | Teutonic god of the day, of light-the name used among the Saxons and Westphalians. |
God name "Baetylus" | Greek | The name of a peculiar kind of conical shaped stones, which were erected as symbols of gods in remarkable places, and were from time to time anointed with oil, wine, or blood. Greek |
Supreme god name "Bagisht" | Kafir / Afghanistan | God of flood waters and prosperity. The son of the supreme goddess DISANI, conceived when she was raped from behind by an obscure demonic entity in the shape of a ram who violated her while she was milking cows by a lakeside. Bagisht is said to have been born in the current of the Prasun river whereupon the turbulent waters became smooth-flowing and parted to allow the infant to reach the bank. There seem to have been no elaborate sanctuaries but rather an abundance of simple shrines always placed close to water. The god was celebrated at the main festivals of the Kafir agricultural year and received sacrificial portions of meat. Also Opkulu.... |
God name "Baiame / Baayami / Baayama" | Australia | Baiame aka Baayami or Baayama, the ancestor and patron god of the Kamilaroi. He is a sky god and a deity of death and life, and a god of Rain and the shamans. Australia |
God name "Baiame/ Daramulun/ Nurundere Kamilaroi/ Wiradyuri" | Aus | A god of all things & master of life death |
God name "Balanke" | Mayan | The name of the Sun god among the Kekchi. Mayan |
Goddess name "Balarama (strength of Rama)" | Hindu / Epic / Puranic | Incarnation of the god VIS'NU. May have originated in Vedic times as an agricultural fertility deity. He is the son of VASUDEVA and DEVAKI, though born from the womb of ROHINI. Jointly with KRSNA (his brother), he is identified as the eighth avatara (incarnation) of Vis'nu, or, with RAMA, as the seventh. Legend describes how Vis'nu impregnated the belly of the goddess Devaki with two hairs, one black, one white. To ensure their safety against a demon king, they were transferred before birth to Rohini. Krsna grew to be dark-skinned, and Balarama light. The latter enjoys similar characteristics to Krsna but fails to attract the same popularity. He is usually depicted on the right side of Krsna, rarely standing alone. The consort of Balarama is REVATI and his sons are Nisatha and Ulmuka. Epithets included Ananda (joy). In Jainism he is known as Baladeva. Attributes: arrow, club, drinking cup, fan palm, honey pot, lotus, pestle, pitcher, plough, prayer wheel, shield and sword.... |
God name "Baldaer" | Anglo-Saxon | The dying god who is the same as Balder |
Goddess name "Baptes" | Greek | Priests of the goddess Cotytto, whose midnight orgies were so obscene that they disgusted even Cotytto, the goddess of obscenity. They received their name from the Greek verb bapto, to wash, because they bathed themselves in the most effeminate manner. Greek |