
List of Gods : "God Apa" - 462 records

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Name ▲▼Origin ▲▼Description ▲▼
God name
"Himerus or Phanes"
Greek A mystic divinity in the system of the Orphics, is also called Eros, Ericapaeus, Himerus Metis, and Protogonus. He is said to have sprung from the mystic mundane egg, and to have been the father of all gods, and the creator of men. Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth." Greek
Goddess name
"Hine-Ahu-One (maiden formed of the earth)"
Polynesian / including Maori Chthonic goddess. Engendered by the god TANE when he needed a consort because, with the exception of the primordial earth mother PAPATUANUKU, all the existing gods of creation were male. Tane created her out of the red earth and breathed life into her. She became the mother of HINE-ATA-UIRA....
Goddess name
Japan Fire god whose birth killed the goddess Izanami Japan / Shinto
God name
Japan The Japanese god of fishermen, good luck, and workingmen, as well as the guardian of the health of small children. He is one of the Seven Gods of Fortune and the only one of the seven to originate from Japan.
God name
Shinto / Japan Minor Sun god. Identified as having been engendered after the Sun and moon. Probably eclipsed by AMATERASU....
God name
"Ho Masubi"
Japan God of fire Japan
God name
Japan Fire god Japan / Shinto
God name
Shinto / Japan Fire god. One of a number of fire KAMIS who are honored in special Hi-Matsuri festivals. The sacred fire can only be generated by a board and stick and is regarded as a powerful purifier in Shintoism. The most celebrated temple of the fire kamis is on Mount Atago near Kyoto; worshipers are drawn to it from all over Japan to obtain charms as protection against fire....
God name
Shinto / Japan Fire god. One of a number of fire KAMIS who are honored in special Hi-Matsuri festivals. The sacred fire can only be generated by a board and stick and is regarded as a powerful purifier in Shintoism. The most celebrated temple of the fire kamis is on Mount Atago near Kyoto to which worshipers are drawn from all over Japan to obtain charms as protection against fire....
Goddess name
Greek Horai, originally the personifications or goddesses of the order of nature and of the seasons, but in later times they were regarded as the goddesses of order in general and of justice. In Homer, who neither mentions their parents nor their number, they are the Olympian divinities of the weather and the ministers of Zeus; and in this capacity they guard the doors of Olympus, and promote the fertility of the earth, by the various kinds of weather they send down. Greek
God name
Japan God of happiness and one of the seven gods of luck. If you rub his belly, you will receive good fortune. Japan
God name
Shinto / Japan God of luck. One of seven gods of fortune known in Shintoism. He is depicted with a large belly and dressed in the robes of a Buddhist priest. Attributes include a fan and a large sack on his shoulder which “never stops to give, despite continuous demand.”...
Goddess name
Japan Goddess of fire and of volcanic eruptions. The name Fuji is believed to be derived from "Huchi" or "Fuchi", the words for the Aino Goddess of Fire. Japan
Goddess name
"Ianagi & Izanami"
Japan The god & goddess that created Japan
God name
"Ida Ten"
Japan Young god who protects monasteries and is rather quick Japan
God name
Japan Buddhist god of law and monasteries. Japan
Goddess name
Discworld The Goddess of Topiary, worshipped by the Militant Servitors of Ikebana. She is named after the Japanese art of formal flower arranging. Discworld
Deities name
Japan God of thunder, the most significant of the eight thunder deities, Japan / Shinto
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